
Ren Zhengfei: Big computing power makes countries that are latecomers in science and technology promising, and for the first time explicitly warned the United States

author:Seinen Physical Education

Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei, is a well-known Chinese entrepreneur. His view emphasizes the importance of large computing power in the field of science and technology, and believes that this is an opportunity for latecomer countries. He also reminds people that going against the trend will eventually hurt themselves.

Ren Zhengfei: Big computing power makes countries that are latecomers in science and technology promising, and for the first time explicitly warned the United States

In technology, big computing power refers to the ability to process and analyze large amounts of data. With the development of technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data and cloud computing, large computing power has become a key factor for enterprises and national competitiveness. For latecomer countries, having strong computing power can allow them to occupy a favorable position in the global scientific and technological competition and promote scientific and technological innovation and economic development.

Ren Zhengfei: Big computing power makes countries that are latecomers in science and technology promising, and for the first time explicitly warned the United States

However, going against the trend can have negative consequences. In the process of scientific and technological development, we should follow the trend and seize opportunities, rather than blindly resisting or ignoring new technologies. Otherwise, you may end up harming your own interests and development.

Ren Zhengfei: Big computing power makes countries that are latecomers in science and technology promising, and for the first time explicitly warned the United States

In short, Ren's view emphasizes the importance of large computing power in the field of science and technology, and reminds people to follow the trend and seize development opportunities. This is particularly important for latecomer countries, because they can enhance their competitiveness and achieve scientific and technological innovation and economic development by having strong computing power. Huawei has prepared the Pangu model, and the future technology road lies in sharing speed, not collecting patent fees by blockade.

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