
Lin Zixiang's 99-year-old mother died, he went to India to study art, was a yoga master, and his grandson sent a sad message of condolences

author:High cold orange xg

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On January 17, 2023, according to Hong Kong media reports, Lin Zixiang, a highly respected singer, suffered the death of his mother, a venerable elder who died at the age of 99. Lin Zixiang's grandson, Lin Dexin, was deeply distressed and posted a message on social media confirming the sad news.

Lindsen wrote on his social media: "Grandma, rest in peace. I will always cherish your smile and the sparkle in your eyes. I remember when I laughed, you would show me your colorful jewelry and your yoga posture. You are the first person I have ever seen do yoga, you are truly amazing. From Lindesin's words, we can clearly feel his deep nostalgia and reluctance for his grandmother.

Lin Zixiang's 99-year-old mother died, he went to India to study art, was a yoga master, and his grandson sent a sad message of condolences

In memory of her grandmother, Lindsson also shared several photos of her grandmother during her lifetime, which chronicle her colorful life. One of the photos shows Lin's mother holding a decorative plaque that reads "Happy Birthday Mother Lin," her smile is kind and warm, and she is obviously an amiable elder.

In another photo, Lin Mu sits cross-legged on the beach doing yoga. It is understood that she was a yoga master before her death, and even went to India to study the art of yoga alone. It was under the influence of Lin's mother that his son Lin Zixiang also fell in love with yoga and often practiced it in secret. Although his yoga level is very high, no less than that of a professional instructor, he rarely demonstrates this skill in public.

Lin Zixiang's 99-year-old mother died, he went to India to study art, was a yoga master, and his grandson sent a sad message of condolences

At the same time, grandson Lindsen is also passionate about yoga. Before he became an entertainer, he qualified as a yoga instructor and worked as a yoga teacher. Even after becoming an artist, he still maintains his love for yoga, often sharing videos and photos of himself doing yoga on social media.

Lin Zixiang's relationship with his mother has always been very close, he always finds time to accompany his mother, and the harmony of this family is enviable. Last October, he participated in TVB's program "Seeing Family Letters", in which he revealed that his mother was hospitalized due to illness, and at the same time released a letter he wrote to his mother when he was 16 years old. In the letter, he expressed his attachment to his family and advised his mother who worked abroad not to work too hard. In the program, Lin Zixiang wrote to his mother again emotionally, praising her mother not only proficient in yoga, but also good at dancing, he always thought that her mother was an avant-garde and tasteful woman.

Lin Zixiang's 99-year-old mother died, he went to India to study art, was a yoga master, and his grandson sent a sad message of condolences

At the end of last month, Lin Zixiang held a concert in which he couldn't help but mention his mother's illness. He said with emotion that every time he held a concert with his wife Ye Qianwen, three loyal fans would come to support, that is, his mother and his wife's parents, but this time, his mother could not come due to physical discomfort, and his wife's parents had passed away.

Ye Qianwen's father died many years ago, and her mother passed away last year. Ye Qianwen felt very sad after the death of both parents, and she once wrote a thousand-word long essay recalling her time with her mother. In addition, Lin Zixiang's former father-in-law also passed away in 2021, because his daughter Wu Zhengyuan was abroad and could not return in time to attend the funeral, so Lin Dexin was responsible for everything at the funeral.

Lin Zixiang's 99-year-old mother died, he went to India to study art, was a yoga master, and his grandson sent a sad message of condolences

The Lin family has lost many elders over the years, which is deeply regrettable. In any case, let us wish the deceased rest in peace, and at the same time wish the family a good time to mourn. Parting in life is inevitable, but their spirit and love will always continue to shine in our hearts. I hope that Lin Zixiang and his family can find support and solace in this difficult time.

In short, this story tells us that family affection is priceless, and yoga is not only a fitness exercise, but also an emotional bond that is inherited. No matter how old you get, the warmth and love of your family will always be with you. May the deceased be at ease in another world, and may the family remember their loved ones forever in their memory

Lin Zixiang's 99-year-old mother died, he went to India to study art, was a yoga master, and his grandson sent a sad message of condolences

People, pass on their love and wisdom.

In this world, family affection is one of the most precious treasures, which transcends the boundaries of time and space. Lin Zixiang's deep affection with his mother is a moving example, and their common interests, especially their love of yoga, have become indelible memories in the family. This emotional bond was also passed on to Lindesin, perpetuating the warmth and tradition of the family.

We are deeply saddened by the passing of our mother, but the precious memories she left will stay with our family forever. As Lin Zixiang said, her mother was an avant-garde and tasteful woman who not only had outstanding achievements in the field of yoga, but also excelled in dancing. Her life is full of energy and enthusiasm, and this spirit will always inspire the family.

Lin Zixiang's 99-year-old mother died, he went to India to study art, was a yoga master, and his grandson sent a sad message of condolences

In the face of the death of our loved ones, we can't help but think about the fragility and preciousness of life. The power of family can help us overcome life's challenges, make us stronger and more courageous to face the future. The tenacity and unity of Lin Zixiang's family is an example worth learning.

Finally, let us pray together that the deceased will have a good journey and that they may be peaceful and happy in another world. May Lin Zixiang and his family find inner peace and solace in this difficult time. The warmth and love of the family will always exist, and no matter what happens, we can move forward strong and continue to inherit this precious family affection.

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