
Embezzlement of charity, embezzlement of hundreds of millions, Han Hong Foundation was reported in real names, whose pocket did the money go into?

author:Old alley tailless cat Ai

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Embezzlement of charity, embezzlement of hundreds of millions, Han Hong Foundation was reported in real names, whose pocket did the money go into?
Embezzlement of charity, embezzlement of hundreds of millions, Han Hong Foundation was reported in real names, whose pocket did the money go into?

Text|Xinlan Shuhua

Editor|Xinlan Shuhua


Recently, a blogger named "Sima Sanji" posted a report on social platforms. In his real name, he reported the illegal activities of the Hanhong Charity Foundation. The allegations include Ms. Han's failure to disclose her annual job as required by law. The report alleges that long-term illegal fundraising is not eligible for public fundraising, and the amount of undisclosed foreign investment is as high as 300 million yuan.

Embezzlement of charity, embezzlement of hundreds of millions, Han Hong Foundation was reported in real names, whose pocket did the money go into?

According to the blogger, in addition to the $200 million raised through public donations, $500 million has not been transparently disclosed. Whose wallet did all this money go to? It can be seen that this refers to Han Hong herself.

The blog story sought to erase Han Hong's decades of philanthropic efforts. Netizens also have different opinions. Is Han Hong's personality about to collapse? Whose cake did he touch again?

Embezzlement of charity, embezzlement of hundreds of millions, Han Hong Foundation was reported in real names, whose pocket did the money go into?

Han Hong was no longer silent and responded for the first time

Han Hong ignored the rumors with a self-cleaning attitude, but as the rumors intensified, more and more dirt was poured on him. As a last resort, Han Hong came forward to explain the matter.

In this episode of the "Thirteen Invitations" program, Han Hong publicly responded to this matter for the first time. He scolded: "Where did I get more than 100 million? If I had been worried, who would spoil me! He admitted it was completely unfounded. These allegations caused an uproar in public opinion.

He said he didn't understand why there was such malicious hype on the Internet. When he spoke excitedly, he had shed tears of complaint. He said you can ask me if you have trouble, but if you report it I will always fight.

Embezzlement of charity, embezzlement of hundreds of millions, Han Hong Foundation was reported in real names, whose pocket did the money go into?

As early as February 2022, Sima Sanji frequently reported to Han Hong, listing the foundation's suspicious accounts and illegal transactions with other money-making organizations. After receiving the report, the relevant departments attached great importance to it. The results of the investigation have been made public.

The Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau said that since its establishment, the overall operation of the Hanhong Foundation has been "relatively standardized". Except for raising public funds before obtaining qualifications and prematurely disclosing some investment matters, no serious violations of the law occurred.

The Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau also publicly expressed its support and recognition of the Han Hong Foundation's charitable work in fighting the epidemic.

Embezzlement of charity, embezzlement of hundreds of millions, Han Hong Foundation was reported in real names, whose pocket did the money go into?

In short, there are small mistakes, and there will inevitably be mistakes in the work, which can be corrected. The alleged embezzlement of public funds is impossible. Seeing this, netizens said that the big stone in their hearts had finally been removed.

Han Hong has always been a free image in the hearts of netizens. Even if he breaks certain rules, they don't think he's doing it for personal gain, but just to better help those in need. Han Hong's long-standing commitment to philanthropy is evident to all.

Embezzlement of charity, embezzlement of hundreds of millions, Han Hong Foundation was reported in real names, whose pocket did the money go into?

The official findings did not convince Sima Sanji. He firmly stated that he would continue to report on Han Hong's charitable foundation. He also released the 2018 audit report of the Han Hong Foundation, once again trying to set off a storm of public opinion, saying how special Han Hong is, even if he falls, he will not give up. But there are many clues on the bill. Not to mention 3,000 printers, what about more than 30,000 computers? There is also an expensive electronic product such as a "full-body color ultrasound machine" worth 318,000 yuan, all marked with the words "for personal use".

Embezzlement of charity, embezzlement of hundreds of millions, Han Hong Foundation was reported in real names, whose pocket did the money go into?

So, is it possible for an ordinary private foundation to need such a large expense and such an expensive computer? Han Hong said he was tired of it and acknowledged his commitment to philanthropy. Did he do something wrong? Obviously, he can make money as a singer, but he is dedicated to charity. How much has he quietly contributed to charity over the years?

Embezzlement of charity, embezzlement of hundreds of millions, Han Hong Foundation was reported in real names, whose pocket did the money go into?

In the past 23 years of philanthropy, the total donation has exceeded 1 billion

To say that Han Hong really started his charity journey was the 1999 Guizhou cable car accident. Due to the National Day holiday, this picturesque place welcomes a large number of tourists. However, there is only a cable car in this natural beauty, and it is limited to 10 people. , which actually accommodated 40 tourists, resulting in an accident.

Arriving at the end of the cable car, everyone suddenly felt weightless. With a loud bang, the "blood" flower broke a big hole in the scenic area, and the lives of more than 30 people were lost. Fortunately, a scream was heard and hope was ignited.

The two-year-old had a chance to survive because his parents picked him up and endured the pain of falling.

Embezzlement of charity, embezzlement of hundreds of millions, Han Hong Foundation was reported in real names, whose pocket did the money go into?

When Han Hong found out that he had left all his work and left for Guizhou to come to the surviving child, the woman was trembling and could not stop crying, but the child wiped away Han Hong's tears with a napkin. That's what he did. Let Han Hong decide to support this child.

"I watched my parents just leave like that, leaving me in this strange world." The song "Dawn" made many netizens understand this story, and countless people burst into tears.

Soon after, the death of Han Hong's grandmother dealt him an unprecedented blow, leaving him unable to leave the house for three years. In the painful days, he gradually strengthened his belief that he would help more people.

Embezzlement of charity, embezzlement of hundreds of millions, Han Hong Foundation was reported in real names, whose pocket did the money go into?

The devastating Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 touched the hearts of many people and brought suffering to many compatriots. When Han Hong learned of this, she immediately flew to the disaster area to distribute supplies and help rescue the wounded. He even donated his entire income from last year. He witnessed the cruelty of the disaster scene and the plight of the wounded and never stopped. Charity Pace.

If you count the 2010 Yushu earthquake, the Gansu mudslide, and the 2011 Yunnan Yingjiang earthquake, you can always see Han Hong running around in the corner of the disaster area where no one cares.

Finally, in 2012, the Hanhong Charity Foundation was established. He said he had learned his lesson and donated to a foundation, but they had not benefited from the behavior. After starting to lay the foundation, he found that every pack of instant noodles could be exposed.

Embezzlement of charity, embezzlement of hundreds of millions, Han Hong Foundation was reported in real names, whose pocket did the money go into?

When the epidemic hit, Han Hong immediately delivered a large amount of materials to Wuhan without saying a word. The entire Foundation acted quickly and correctly to carry out the rescue work. They raised a total of 330 million RMB for the project. Moreover, this fund and the materials of their team were delivered to the disaster area as soon as possible, and the amount of items was exactly the same as he said.

He has been involved in philanthropy for over 20 years. His personal donations and donations from the Hanhong Foundation have exceeded 1 billion yuan and adopted more than 300 affected children. The surviving child adopted in Guizhou still calls her mother.

Embezzlement of charity, embezzlement of hundreds of millions, Han Hong Foundation was reported in real names, whose pocket did the money go into?

Born into poverty, he created charity

Under the influence of his parents, who have been exposed to art since childhood, Han Hong began his singing path at an early age. However, his father died when he was 6 years old. Unable to accept the news, his mother was upset, while young Han Hong stayed. Kindergarten or ask a neighbor to take care of it.

The mother's remarriage strained the mother-daughter relationship. After several confrontations with his mother, he was sent to live with his grandmother.

Grandma's life is not rich, and the two grandchildren live a life of picking up garbage and selling rags. Even on such days, grandma would donate what little money she had left to beggars passing by. It was these actions that allowed Han Hong to plant the seeds of kindness in her heart.

Embezzlement of charity, embezzlement of hundreds of millions, Han Hong Foundation was reported in real names, whose pocket did the money go into?

Grandma has always respected and supported Han Hong's musical dreams, spent money to cultivate his love of singing, and sent him to the Children's Palace. Finally, after training in the children's choir, he tried his hand at writing songs and applied to art school. After hard work, he was finally admitted to the Chinese People's Liberation Army Art Academy.

His grandmother once taught him, "You can live any kind of life." It's always good to be able to help others. ”

When her mother sent the money to her grandmother, her grandmother said to Han Hong, "Be kind, and don't have short-term ambitions when you are poor." Han Hong always keeps these life principles in mind.

Embezzlement of charity, embezzlement of hundreds of millions, Han Hong Foundation was reported in real names, whose pocket did the money go into?

So when his grandmother died, Han Hong did not come out of the pain for three years. Before dying, my grandmother told Han Hong that he must be a person with a conscience. These qualities have always influenced Han Hong.

Three years later, Han Hong returned to the public eye. This time, he has more than just a mission as a singer. He also strengthened his determination to devote himself to philanthropy. He said he made a lot of money for philanthropy even though the endowment fund nearly went bankrupt.

Embezzlement of charity, embezzlement of hundreds of millions, Han Hong Foundation was reported in real names, whose pocket did the money go into?

During the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Han Hong held a charity gala. When he heard that the gala was a fundraiser, celebrities from all over the world were absent. However, these rumors did not overwhelm Han Hong. He saw so many more. The caring groups and audience were so moved that they knelt down on one knee and were willing to contribute.

He also later realized that not everyone was as willing to contribute to charity as he was. He said he doesn't think Chinese celebrities are real stars. Looking at the celebrities in the world, they are all full of love and feel a sense of national responsibility. People. Despite the constant rumors about him on the Internet, he ignored them and silently continued to contribute to charity step by step. His devotion to the state has embarrassed many fake philanthropists.

Embezzlement of charity, embezzlement of hundreds of millions, Han Hong Foundation was reported in real names, whose pocket did the money go into?


Han Hong has been calling for public benefits to be taken away. He has traveled to disaster areas many times to see the works with his own eyes. In return for his injuries, he donated most of his earnings. But over the years, many people have criticized his actions. Doubts and rumors.

Behind his success is his open and transparent activities, which have led to rumors and abuse by those who pretend to be charitable but do not do real things.

Embezzlement of charity, embezzlement of hundreds of millions, Han Hong Foundation was reported in real names, whose pocket did the money go into?

When the pandemic raged, he persevered even when he was sick. From the details of each work, the details and location of the materials, to the amount and list of donations, he regularly publishes.

Gradually, everyone would think of Han Hong whenever they needed to borrow money. Even in the face of Sima Sanji's repeated false accusations, most people still supported Han Hong, and netizens even spread rumors on Han Hong's blog. Please tell me what you have done for the country and nation in the comments below.

Embezzlement of charity, embezzlement of hundreds of millions, Han Hong Foundation was reported in real names, whose pocket did the money go into?

These glamorous celebrities may not know how Han Hong continues his philanthropic work step by step, organizing fundraising, visiting disaster areas, and volunteering to join rescue teams. Nothing he does with all his finishing energy should be attacked.

We cannot please everyone, but we strive to have a clear conscience. I hope Han Hong can take care of his health and continue to sail with his beloved charity to help more people.

Embezzlement of charity, embezzlement of hundreds of millions, Han Hong Foundation was reported in real names, whose pocket did the money go into?

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