
This is what Chinese football should look like! Only if you can kneel, you can stand up!

author:Long Haixiang talked
This is what Chinese football should look like! Only if you can kneel, you can stand up!

This is what Chinese football should look like! Only if you can kneel, you can stand up! Don't be afraid to play poorly, don't be afraid of losing, and don't lose and lose. Technology is not good, spirit is on top; Backward tactics, fight to the end. As long as there is a breath remaining, as long as there is a minute and a second, we must never give up and strive to the end! This is the attitude and willpower that a competition should have.

This is what Chinese football should look like! Only if you can kneel, you can stand up!

Ding Jie, the captain of Zhongguan Binzhou Huilong, became famous and became famous on his knees! The reason is that Chenzhou Huilong is not victorious in three rounds, and there is only a theoretical possibility in the impact. After the game, Ding Jie, as the captain, took the initiative to kneel down to apologize to the more than 20,000 fans of Chenzhou Huilong. Originally, I was the most tired of kneeling at every turn, but for this matter, I must praise Ding Jie! Kudos for his courage to admit his mistakes! Kudos for his sincerity! Kudos to him for daring to take responsibility! And this is precisely the greatest respect for the club and the fans.

This is what Chinese football should look like! Only if you can kneel, you can stand up!
This is what Chinese football should look like! Only if you can kneel, you can stand up!

I respect such people, have a humble heart, and bending down is the greatest love and respect for football, the fans and the team. And the national football team needs such an attitude the most, remember the angry eyes of Zheng Zhiyi's fans, and there is a tendency to "kill you". It is precisely because of the empty eyes, arrogance, and worthlessness in the skills on the link that the national football team will sink deeper and deeper and lose repeatedly.

This is what Chinese football should look like! Only if you can kneel, you can stand up!

Remember the scene when Morocco knelt down to the fans and countrymen collectively in the World Cup? Love football love is so pure, the fans really take to heart, how not to make people cry? How can it not be respected? Even if neighboring Korea and Japan lose, especially if they lose a ball that should not be lost, they will bow or kneel to apologize. But our national football is extremely smelly, and our temper is even more smelly. Losing is tougher than winning, and you can't scare the fans at every turn, why? Because they have a lot of money, they always regard themselves as uncles, how can the uncles in brocade clothes and food kick the ball?

This is what Chinese football should look like! Only if you can kneel, you can stand up!

There is a way that if there is a mistake, you must admit it, and if you are beaten, you must stand right. Knowing that mistakes can be corrected, good is great! Learn more from neighboring Korea and Japan!

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