
Fake and smear Huawei and furiously praise the iPhone15! Big V collectively issued a press release to provoke public anger: it must be strictly investigated

author:Science Fox

Since the release of Apple's iPhone 15, there has been a clear wind on the Internet, and a number of articles based on smearing Huawei and touting Apple continue to try to create a gap between the two companies in the public's mind. The wide spread and impact of these articles cannot be underestimated, and one cannot help but wonder about this targeted attack: who is behind this?

Fake and smear Huawei and furiously praise the iPhone15! Big V collectively issued a press release to provoke public anger: it must be strictly investigated

Recently, a group of articles with similar content has been circulating on major social platforms. The titles and content of these articles are almost identical, with the only difference likely to be the identity of the publisher and the accompanying image. The first is an article published by a big V in Guangxi with 150,000 followers. After the big V published this article that smeared Huawei and touted Apple, it received a lot of reading and likes in a short period of time. Subsequently, another big V from Shaanxi also posted the same article, and this big V has nearly 300,000 fans and has also received a lot of reads and likes.

The titles of these articles are "Huawei Mate60 Pro arrived, regret it". This headline is clearly trying to grab the reader's attention and mistakenly think that this is what a person really feels after using the Huawei Mate60 Pro. However, when you read the content of the article carefully, you will find something unusual in it.

In these articles, the author described in a woman's voice that he originally wanted to buy an iPhone, but was bought by her boyfriend as Huawei Mate60 Pro, and then expressed his dissatisfaction with Huawei mobile phones, such as Huawei Mate60 Pro photo and video functions are not as real as iPhones, especially the front portrait photography is very blurry. Finally, the author also said that he was considering whether he should sell the Huawei phone and buy the iPhone.

Fake and smear Huawei and furiously praise the iPhone15! Big V collectively issued a press release to provoke public anger: it must be strictly investigated

However, the accompanying pictures in these articles have attracted the attention of netizens. The Huawei phone in the accompanying picture looks like a pose, because the phone in the photo is not used by the real protagonist, and the phone and bag in the photo look like props. This makes one wonder if these big Vs are just publishing such articles to discredit Huawei.

Netizens commented on this. Some people question whether these big Vs are really poor enough to need to share a Huawei phone; Some speculate that this may be the work of a hired troll by Huawei's competitors; There have also been calls for strict investigation of those behind the scenes.

However, no matter who is behind it, this smear is immoral. As influential public figures, these big Vs have a responsibility to convey truthful information to the public. And this kind of smear behavior not only misleads consumers, but also damages the image and interests of Huawei.

As a well-known Chinese technology company, Huawei has been striving to provide consumers with high-quality products and services. Although Huawei may fall short in some aspects, this does not mean that Huawei's products are useless. On the contrary, Huawei's mobile phone business has a wide reach on a global scale.

As one of the world's largest technology companies, Apple's products have always been loved by consumers for their excellent design and performance. However, consumers should choose the right products for them according to their needs and budget, and not be misled by untrue information.

Fake and smear Huawei and furiously praise the iPhone15! Big V collectively issued a press release to provoke public anger: it must be strictly investigated

We should keep a clear head and not blindly believe rumors. At the same time, we should also respect the efforts and achievements of each company, and not easily attack or discredit them. Only through fair evaluation and rational choice can we truly enjoy the convenience and happiness brought by science and technology.

But what is the social reality behind this phenomenon? Why do we still encounter such fake news and misleading information in this era of highly developed information? It's not just a matter of technology, it's more of a question of human nature and business interests.

First, we must recognize that the development of the Internet has made the speed and scope of information spread to unprecedented levels. This means that any small rumor, as long as it gets enough attention and spreads, has the potential to have a huge impact on the public in a short period of time. And in the process, those who intentionally create and spread fake news are often able to reap huge commercial benefits.

Secondly, we must also see that behind this phenomenon, much of it is due to the insufficient information literacy of the public. In the face of massive amounts of information, many people often lack the ability to distinguish between true and false, and are easily misled by information that seems true but is actually false. This is why, even in this era of information explosion, we still need to strengthen the public's information education and improve everyone's information literacy.

Fake and smear Huawei and furiously praise the iPhone15! Big V collectively issued a press release to provoke public anger: it must be strictly investigated

In addition, we should also see that the emergence of this phenomenon also reflects the deviation of social values to a certain extent. In a society that focuses too much on short-term interests and neglects long-term development, those who pursue short-term interests and stop at nothing are often able to receive more attention and support. And those who stick to their principles and insist on authenticity are often marginalized or even suppressed.

Therefore, in the face of this phenomenon, we not only need to strengthen technical means, but also need to carry out in-depth reflection and reform from social, cultural, educational and other levels. Only in this way can we truly establish a healthy, harmonious and true information environment, so that everyone can obtain real and valuable information and make rational choices in this environment.

Finally, we should also see that the emergence of this phenomenon also provides us with an opportunity to reflect on ourselves. In this era of information explosion, have we ever been misled by fake news and misleading information? Have we ever become prejudiced against someone or something because of some one-sided information? These are all questions worth thinking about in depth.

In conclusion, in the face of this phenomenon, we can neither simply blame those who create and spread fake news, nor simply blame the public for the lack of information literacy. We need to carry out in-depth reflection and reform from multiple levels to truly establish a healthy, harmonious and authentic information environment.

Fake and smear Huawei and furiously praise the iPhone15! Big V collectively issued a press release to provoke public anger: it must be strictly investigated

Huawei, a name, a legend, a story that started from Shenzhen and went to the world. Do you know? In those years, Huawei employees took their luggage, lived in humble dormitories, and worked day and night for one dream - to bring China's communications technology to the world.

Walking on the street, you will see many people holding Huawei mobile phones in their hands, the smooth operation, the excellent camera, the unique design, are all the crystallization of Huawei's technical team. But you know what? The story goes far beyond that. Huawei's R&D team, they have experienced countless failures, but they never give up, and every failure is their driving force.

Speaking of Huawei, you may think of 5G technology. Yes, Huawei is the leader in 5G technology, but behind this is Huawei's huge investment in research and development, Huawei's engineers working day and night, and the joint efforts of Huawei and partners around the world.

Remember that US blockade of Huawei? It was a test and an opportunity. Huawei has not been defeated, but has become stronger. They independently developed and broke the technological blockade and showed the demeanor of a big country enterprise.

Huawei's rise is not only the rise of technology, but also the embodiment of the spirit of self-improvement of a country and a nation. Every product of Huawei is the crystallization of Chinese wisdom and the pride of the Chinese people.

But you know what? Huawei's success is not only a success of technology, but also a success of culture. Huawei's corporate culture and the spirit of daring to fight, innovate and challenge are important driving forces for Huawei to go global.

Speaking of which, you may ask, what does the future hold for Huawei? I want to say that in the future, Huawei will be more powerful, more open, and more connected with the world. Because Huawei is not only an enterprise, but also the dream of a country and a nation.

Fake and smear Huawei and furiously praise the iPhone15! Big V collectively issued a press release to provoke public anger: it must be strictly investigated