
September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever


In today's uncertain and turbulent international arena, a remarkable phenomenon has aroused widespread attention and controversy, and it has set off a spectacular discussion that has attracted the world's attention.

This phenomenon highlights important issues in international relations and the enormous difficulties faced by countries around the globe in the face of new challenges.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

Let's take a look at what has changed in the world today.

News 1: Saudi Arabia and Huawei signed the largest mobile phone order ever

In the current international situation, the Saudi Arabian government has reached a landmark cooperation agreement with global technology giant Huawei.

According to the news, this cooperation will bring an unprecedented scale of mobile phone orders, and it is planned to gradually promote the use of Huawei mobile phones to strengthen technological and economic relations.

The cooperation project between China's Huawei and the Saudi government is considered to be the largest transaction in the history of the two sides, marking a deeper and closer connection between the two countries in the field of information and communication industry.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

This means that millions of Huawei mobile phones will enter the Saudi market, further consolidating Huawei's leading position in the Middle East market.

There are multiple motivations behind the selection and promotion of Huawei mobile phones. First of all, Huawei's advantages in network security and data protection are well recognized.

With the advent of the digital age, the issue of internet security has become particularly important.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

The Saudi government is actively working to create a highly digital, unimpeded, secure and reliable social environment.

Partnering with Huawei can provide the Saudi government with strict measures and technical support to ensure network and data security.

The Saudi government hopes to accelerate digitalization and increase mobile penetration by partnering with Chinese tech giants.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

According to statistics, mobile phone ownership in Saudi Arabia is currently only about half of the country's total population.

By partnering with Huawei, with the support of technological innovation and marketing, the Saudi government will be able to achieve rapid growth in the number of mobile phone users faster and promote the construction of the information society.

This cooperation is not only important for both parties, but also will have an impact on the development of science and technology in the Middle East and globally.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

Huawei has won the trust and love of consumers around the world with its innovative, reliable, and high-quality products.

Through a strategic partnership with the Saudi government, Huawei can further expand its share in the Middle East market and lead the rest of the world to watch the changing trends in the technology industry.

In addition to the impact on digitalization and communications, this cooperation may also have a retrospective effect and promote more exchanges and mutual benefits between China and Saudi Arabia.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

As a representative of China's technology companies, Huawei is gradually becoming a bridge to the digital world.

The cooperation between China and Saudi Arabia will not only bring great benefits to both sides, but also help promote global scientific and technological development and build a closer community with a shared future for mankind.

News two: New "aircraft carrier"? The J-35 or electromagnetic catapult takeoff, once commissioned, will break the numerical superiority of US aircraft carriers

Recently, China's dockyard has been busy, in addition to the Type 075 No. 4 ship under construction and the Fujian ship waiting for sea trials, there is also good news from the Hudong-Zhonghua Shipyard.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

According to Hong Kong's South China Morning Post, the pouring of the new dry dock at the Hudong-Zhonghua Shipyard, a super-large dry dock built for the Type 076 amphibious assault ship, has been completed.

Previous French media reports and photos posted on social media have confirmed this news, and it can be said that the construction of a new generation of Chinese amphibious assault ships has become a firm fact.

The Type 075 is the predecessor of the Type 076, while the Type 076 will be further enhanced in terms of displacement and technical route.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

The Type 075 already has some of the functions and uses of a "small carrier", and the Type 076 will further enhance these features, such as installing electromagnetic catapults that can eject fixed-wing drones, helicopters and even stealth fighter J-35s.

The concept of a "small aircraft carrier" has been put into practice in the U.S. Navy, as can be seen in the dynamics of the F-35B after entering service.

American amphibious assault ships are usually equipped with ships with other functional modules and corresponding carrier-based fighters, which provides some ideas for the development of amphibious assault ships and carrier-based fighters of the PLA.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

If China equips amphibious assault ships with advanced equipment and turns them into "small aircraft carriers," it will play a greater role in future naval battles.

The "Lightning Aircraft Carrier" of the United States is a good example, which can carry 20 F-35B fighters, with powerful ground and sea strike capabilities, and the overall combat capability cannot be underestimated.

China's Type 076 amphibious assault ships, if they can also display similar combat capabilities, will have a greater advantage in maritime battles, and may even break the numerical superiority of U.S. aircraft carriers.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

The biggest highlight of the Type 076 amphibious assault ship is that electromagnetic catapults will be installed. This means that China has made a major breakthrough in electromagnetic catapult technology and the use of carrier-based aircraft.

Amphibious assault ships in other countries usually use a straight-through deck, mainly vertical takeoff and landing.

But the introduction of electromagnetic catapults will make China's amphibious assault ships real "quasi-aircraft carriers" that can catapult and take off fixed-wing carrier-based aircraft.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

This is an important step forward for China, as the U.S. Navy is not yet able to do that.

Although theoretically, the Type 076 equipped with electromagnetic catapults can carry J-35 fighters, the number of carrier-based aircraft is limited due to the tonnage and size limitations of amphibious assault ships.

Therefore, some experts believe that the combination of fixed-wing UAVs and large helicopters may be more suitable for boarding the Type 076 amphibious assault ship than the J-35, which will make it more like a "drone carrier" or "helicopter carrier."

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

Large UAVs Z-20 and Attack-11 are considered potential candidates, and the Attack-11 UAV has air supremacy capabilities comparable to the J-20, and can even conduct independent high-threat, strong confrontation operations.

It not only has the ability of "aviation combat + amphibious delivery", but also can form a small expeditionary strike group with other warships to perform air and sea supremacy tasks, while supporting landing forces.

This will put the Chinese Navy's combat power on par with the United States at sea and potentially break the superiority of the US aircraft carrier numbers.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

Message 3: Lightning Assault! After a night of bloody fighting, the Russian army cut off the retreat of 40,000 Ukrainian troops, and the attitude of the United States and Britain changed at this time

With the development of the situation in Ukraine, both Russia and Ukraine are facing the dilemma of insufficient military resources.

To measure their achievements, both sides mostly demonstrate their strength by controlling small villages or plots of land.

After the Ukrainian army took the strategic town of Robodigne with great effort, it tried to launch an attack on other Russian strongholds, and Western media reported that "the Ukrainian army broke through the first line of defense in the southern region of the Russian army."

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

However, it turns out that the military operations of the Ukrainian army in this area have shown signs of "getting out of control".

The Ukrainian army deployed 40,000 soldiers on a front of less than 5 square kilometers, providing a huge opportunity for the Russian army to launch an encirclement war.

After the Ukrainian army attacked Robodigne, the Russian side believed that this attack could be called a "failure", and the Ukrainian army did not really penetrate into the concentration of Russian troops.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

The Russian army saw this as a challenge, intensified its attack, and laid out the "pocket array" tactic, waiting for the Ukrainian army to penetrate in order to encircle and annihilate it.

The Ukrainian army suffered heavy losses in the offensive, while the Russian army urgently mobilized a large number of troops and achieved success in the lightning assault.

The Ukrainian army lost strategic opportunities in the offensive, and the Russian army has arrived behind the Ukrainian army's southward advance, and the situation is very unfavorable for the Ukrainian army.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

At this critical juncture, the United States and Britain and other countries began to "backstab" the Ukrainian army.

They believe that it will be difficult for the Ukrainian army to achieve victory this year, because the upcoming bad weather will bring huge obstacles to the combat operations of the Ukrainian army, and the muddy terrain will not only slow down the advance of the Ukrainian army, but also make the main battle tanks provided by NATO unable to move.

In addition, Russia has established a solid defense system in the summer, laying the foundation for thwarting the large-scale counteroffensive of the Ukrainian army.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky urgently launched a video link to the Swiss parliament, asking the other party to support a batch of weapons and materials.

Such requests were protested by the Swiss people, who wished to remain neutral and did not want to be drawn into the conflict.

The Ukrainian army is facing great difficulties in the war, with insufficient military resources and no access to more support.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

In the face of the Ukrainian army's drone attacks, the Russian army has strengthened its ability to respond to drones and formed a special helicopter unit to hunt drones.

Using advanced radar technology and all-composite rotor blades, they successfully destroyed the Ukrainian UAV's plan to attack targets in the Belgorod region.

In addition, the Russian army has strengthened its electronic warfare capabilities, deploying a large number of electronic warfare complexes to cut off enemy radar systems. These measures have made the Ukrainian army face an even greater dilemma.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

News 4: Leading the world for 30 years, Dongfeng 21 can be stopped, China's kinetic energy 3, strong enough to let the United States shout not to develop it

Recently, the Pentagon signed a $1.5 billion contract with two arms companies, Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin, to purchase 72 micro-prototype satellites.

The purpose of these microsatellites is to enhance China's missile detection capabilities, enabling it to better warn of and respond to incoming missile threats.

Microsatellites are only one-eighth the size of ordinary satellites, which makes them cheaper and faster to develop.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

Once fully liftoff, the number of low-Earth orbit satellites in the U.S. Space Force architecture will increase to about 1,000.

The peculiarity of these microsatellites is that they are all in low orbit, so the overall detection capability will be greatly improved, and it can even be used to detect intercontinental ballistic missiles or hypersonic missiles.

This is an important development for China, as it is able to enhance its anti-missile capabilities and strengthen national security.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

In addition to China, Japan is also actively developing a satellite cluster system, planning to launch 50 small satellites into space. expert

It is believed that Japan's move will help strengthen the anti-missile capability of the United States.

This shows that competition in space is intensifying, and countries are trying to upgrade their technology to ensure their own security.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

China has made a major breakthrough in anti-satellite technology. The kinetic-3 missile is an anti-satellite missile developed by China, known as the "national protector" and "air hunting killer".

The kinetic-3 missile not only has powerful attack capabilities, but also concealment capabilities.

It can disguise itself as a normal satellite or an enemy faulty satellite, waiting for the opportunity to hit with one hit. This intelligent strength makes it difficult for opponents to detect and resist.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

The United States was the first country to conduct an anti-satellite missile test, but China's technology has surpassed that of the United States.

The United States has demanded that China release more details of its development and even proposed banning research into kinetic anti-satellite tests.

In this context, China's Beidou satellite system is more important and safe. The Beidou satellite system has been built to provide positioning and navigation services to the world.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

In addition to economic value, the Beidou system can also become a "multiplier" for national defense forces, realizing systematic operations of various arms and regions.

With the development of technology, the dependence on satellite positioning systems is increasing, and once the Beidou satellite system is attacked, it will bring unbearable consequences.

Therefore, it is necessary for China to increase the protection of the Beidou satellite system, and the kinetic-3 missile is a big "good helper".

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

In contrast, China's advantages in anti-satellite technology are obvious, which also makes the Beidou system more secure and reliable.

News 5: Many pillars of light suddenly appeared in the sky of China, and experts had speculation in their minds, or related to US nuclear weapons

Mexico held its first congressional hearing on aliens in its history, during which the bodies of two alien creatures were displayed.

At the same time, there was also news from China. In the past few days, there have been multiple UFO sightings in China.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

The two remains, found in the Sechula desert in southern Peru, bear many similarities to humans in facial features and limbs, except that their heads are slightly wider and smaller, and they have only three fingers.

Mexican journalist Mausan said one of the remains still had eggs left in its body. The incident caused widespread discussion inside and outside Mexico.

At the same time, there have been several UFO sightings in China. In just 6 days, there have been three similar phenomena in different parts of China.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

The Seven Star Observatory photographed an unidentified black flying object glowing down, followed by two similar sightings.

The photographer described that the sky looked normal at first, suddenly appeared two bright spots, then became larger and eventually disappeared.

This mysterious phenomenon lasted for a short time, only a few seconds.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

Interpretation experts at the Seven Star Observatory believe that these points of light are likely to be related to anti-missile tests.

They noted that the two points of light were tapered, typical of the incendiary material ejected by a rocket engine.

Previously, the United States conducted an intercontinental ballistic missile test, possibly carrying a nuclear warhead, so China's anti-missile test can be seen as a response.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

Another speculation is that UFOs that appeared in Chinese skies may have been the wreckage of the aircraft.

The China Manned Space Engineering Office announced that the Tianzhou-5 cargo spacecraft has successfully withdrawn from the space station.

This means that when the spacecraft returns to the atmosphere, some of its components may be ablated by high-speed flight and emit bright light during the fall.

September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever

This explains the phenomenon of multiple pillars of light and two points of light appearing in the Chinese sky.

In addition, China has made major breakthroughs in space exploration. China announced a major breakthrough in reusable spacecraft technology.

Reusable space transportation technology has broad development prospects and cost reduction advantages.

The successful application of this technology will enable China to carry out large-scale space development and realize a true spacecraft, where humans can freely travel between space and earth.

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September 18 morning: Saudi Arabia and Huawei sign the largest mobile phone order ever