
The United States is also afraid of China

author:Kunpeng commented

I don't know if you have found that after Huawei and Apple have opened new product launches, the reaction and reputation of the melon-eating masses to the two are not the same. In some cases, it can even be said to be the opposite and diametrically opposite.

Huawei Mate60pro was suddenly released without any warning and release. This not only caught the United States off guard, but even the Chinese who supported Huawei felt very sudden, did not expect it to be so soon.

The scene at that time was obviously to give US Commerce Secretary Raimondo a slap in the face.

Later, Apple also opened a new product conference, it seems that there is not even a hot search, Huawei has several.

Because I never had any interest in Apple products, I didn't read much about the news. Only one article called "Apple is not dead, everyone here is responsible" pushed to me.

The article starts straight to the point: Friends who stayed up late to watch Apple's press conference last night, you are all fools. Then said that this time Apple's new products have no innovation, the world's largest market capitalization company, but the new products have no "technology", is "technology to lie flat".

Finally, it is pertinent to say that such a company without technological innovation does not die, and everyone here is responsible.

I think it's very well written.

Apple's new products are not hotly searched, but there is a press release.

The United States is also afraid of China
The United States is also afraid of China
The United States is also afraid of China

The world's first "technology" company by market capitalization no longer relies on product quality and innovation to win, but relies on... After thinking about it for a long time, I don't know what it relies on to win.

As someone who has never been interested in Apple products, I have never known what is good about Apple.

As a person who likes China very much, I have never known what the colonists of Runwai think.

The prosperity is gone, the aura fades, and the true face is always revealed.

When the aura that should not have been in the past is lost, even the scalper's business is not easy to do.

There are scalpers who want to ship new apples at a higher price, and 300, 500, 700 does not seem to be much? In the absence of a quote from me.

The United States is also afraid of China

The result is ridiculed by the netizen group, this is the village has not yet connected to the Internet, right? Do you still need a markup? Now it's time to haggle, okay!

The United States is also afraid of China

I still remember that in the past, young people bought expensive Apple mobile phones to exchange them for kidneys.

Times have changed!

Whether it is Apple or the United States, whether he is Toyota or Japan, whether he is Siemens or Germany, as long as he is still a human, he only has human nature, and he has no divinity that no one else can match.

Oilcloth bags, summer camps, contract spirits, one myth after another has been broken. The gods who were offered before will fall from the altar.

So people gradually found that they are not as bullish as some big breeders tout, they also have many shortcomings and weaknesses, and they will also make the next three abuses.

In fact, they have always been very bad in history, and for some reason they have been blown into the sky. Those big colonies should take a lot of responsibility.

When they fell down the altar, when you look at him again, it is no different from looking at the two dogs and jade flowers in the next village.

We've completed the transition from looking up to looking up, and now it's time to look down.

Chinese, never worse than anyone to get there. This has been proven countless times by history. In the future, it will continue to be proven countless times.

We must have self-confidence in the Chinese nation.

Everyone feels that China is being blocked by American science and technology, as if the United States has the initiative and the upper hand. In fact, the United States is also very afraid of China.

In the past two days, an American company has developed a "pure national (American)" mobile phone.

China's pure domestic mobile phone is because the United States is playing hooligans and wants to block our technology companies in an all-round way, and none of Huawei's components can be used in the United States.

Why is the United States engaged in pure American production? I guess ah, I am also worried about being blocked by China.

There is no need to talk about the advantages of China's mobile phone industry chain. The United States may also want to test whether it can play alone without China.

The result is a 4G + 128G, and the result is 16000. The United States is not sanctioned, but it is better than being sanctioned, which is also unbearable.

The United States is also afraid of China

If it is separated from the Chinese industrial chain, Apple may not be able to be made.

Interestingly, it is rumored on the Internet that this time domestically made apples are for Europe and the United States, while India-made apples are for China.

India produces only 7% of apples, China produces 90% of apples, and the production capacity of apples made in India is not enough to cover the demand of the Chinese market.

So the rumored fact is that Apple will sell Indian-made apples for the first time on launch day.

The United States is also afraid of China

It turns out that an important upgrade of Apple this time is the curry flavor.

This article was first published on the WeChat public account: Kunpeng Times Commentary.


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