
After his wife was examined by a male doctor, she wanted to take her own life

author:The white night reflects the stars

Many of our fellow men have accompanied their wives for prenatal checkups, do you remember whether the doctor was male or female?

Recently, a new father posted online that when he accompanied his wife for a prenatal checkup, he found that the doctor was a man.

Although more than two months have passed, he still cannot accept the fact that his wife has been subjected to an internal examination by a male doctor.

During this time, he even had the idea of suicide many times. This story has sparked a lot of discussion, how exactly should this situation be faced?

After his wife was examined by a male doctor, she wanted to take her own life

His wife, who was giving birth to her second child, hurried to the hospital to find only a male doctor on duty.

He originally thought that the prenatal examination would be finished with a simple touch of his belly, but it turned out that he was too naïve.

After his wife was examined by a male doctor, she wanted to take her own life

From his wife's mouth, he learned that this prenatal examination was not just a simple touch of the belly, but an internal examination.

After his wife was examined by a male doctor, she wanted to take her own life

What is Internal Inspection? Baidu on your own.

After his wife was examined by a male doctor, she wanted to take her own life

The need to expose his wife's sensitive parts made him very uncomfortable. Although he also knows that doctors will definitely use professional instruments or wear disposable gloves to carry out the examination.

He still began to worry about the internal examination of the male doctor, and his wife has been comforting him, but he is still a little angry, and even blames his wife for not contacting the female doctor to check for herself at the first time.

After his wife was examined by a male doctor, she wanted to take her own life

In the end, he couldn't bear it, so he posted online to ask netizens how to deal with the situation.

After his wife was examined by a male doctor, she wanted to take her own life

If he hadn't had two children to take care of, he said, he would have committed suicide.

After his wife was examined by a male doctor, she wanted to take her own life

He also wants to tell expectant mothers that it is best to seek the husband's opinion when conducting prenatal examinations in the future, so as not to affect the relationship between husband and wife because of this matter.

After his wife was examined by a male doctor, she wanted to take her own life

If a woman meets a male doctor during a prenatal examination and needs the consent of her husband, does the husband also obtain the permission of his girlfriend or wife in advance when he encounters a female nurse or female doctor when he is circumcised, cut hemorrhoids, or prostate examination?

If he is seen by a female nurse or doctor in the process, will he commit suicide in shame because he failed to defend his male virtue?

After his wife was examined by a male doctor, she wanted to take her own life

In the comment area below the post, there is a serious polarization of opinions. Some people think that it is really inappropriate for male doctors to do prenatal checkups, while others think it is not a big deal.

After his wife was examined by a male doctor, she wanted to take her own life

Some people believe that male gynecologists chose this profession in order to blatantly look at women's private parts.

After his wife was examined by a male doctor, she wanted to take her own life

However, male gynecologists, like other doctors, receive medical education and clinical experience to better serve their patients.

After his wife was examined by a male doctor, she wanted to take her own life

Men are naturally strong, whether they carry a woman to the operating table, carry her to bed, or press her stomach and assist in childbirth, male doctors have more strength and endurance.

After his wife was examined by a male doctor, she wanted to take her own life

From this point of view alone, it can be very disturbing if there are no male doctors in the operating room.

After his wife was examined by a male doctor, she wanted to take her own life

Of course, this view does not satisfy all men.

After his wife was examined by a male doctor, she wanted to take her own life

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people on the Internet who are angry that their wives are being examined, operated on, or delivered by a male gynecologist.

After his wife was examined by a male doctor, she wanted to take her own life

The Qianjiang Evening News once reported a story that made people laugh and cry.

After his wife was examined by a male doctor, she wanted to take her own life

A Hangzhou woman needed abortion surgery due to fetal hypoplasia, but just as the operation was about to begin, her fiancé suddenly rushed into the operating room angrily, angrily accusing the room of having a male anesthesiologist.

After his wife was examined by a male doctor, she wanted to take her own life

After a heated argument, the girl lying on the operating table remained silent, as if it was not herself who was about to undergo surgery.

After his wife was examined by a male doctor, she wanted to take her own life

Later, the surgery was done, and the anesthesia used by the male anesthesiologist. After the operation, the fiancé cried on his back, as if he was green...

After his wife was examined by a male doctor, she wanted to take her own life

The fiancée, who had just been weakened after surgery, was left unattended, and the family went to comfort her fiancé.

She couldn't help but sympathize with the girl on the operating table, and she couldn't decide her life.