
#Breaking news#Lisa's story→ In the countryside and mountains of Thailand, the sun is shining...

author:The codeword went

#Breaking news#Lisa's → In the countryside and mountains of Thailand, the sun shines on the emerald green rice fields, reflecting dazzling light. There's a little girl named Lisa who doesn't yet know how her fate will unfold on the other side of the world. Born beautiful since childhood, Lisa has become more and more beautiful and has become a flower in the village as the years go by. However, her beauty became a mistake and brought countless troubles to her life.

At the age of fifteen, Lisa was discovered by a photographer passing through the village and has since embarked on the road of modeling. However, the road was not as glamorous as she had imagined. In the competitive modeling industry, Lisa encountered various unfair treatment, but she was not discouraged, but worked harder to improve her strength, and gradually began to make a name for herself in Thailand.

One day, a young man from the United States named Jake came to Thailand in search of a new lifestyle and business opportunities. By chance, Jake meets Lisa, who is fascinated by her beauty and unique temperament. Jake decided to bring Lisa to the United States, allowing her to develop in the American fashion industry and become a top model.

After coming to the United States, Lisa started a new life. Through hard work and natural charm, she quickly made her mark in the fashion industry. Her beauty and talent have conquered countless audiences and become a top fashion new darling. Suitors poured in, and Jake was always by her side, silently supporting her.

While Lisa's career is thriving, she discovers that Jake's business empire is also facing a huge crisis. It turns out that Jake's family business has been suppressed by other businesses and is in a precarious situation. And Lisa also found a lot of dark sides in the struggle in the modeling industry, which made her deeply regretted.

In this business battle, Lisa decides to help Jake and use her influence to bring Jake's family business to life. With her wisdom and kindness, she gradually won the respect and support of everyone. With her help, Jake managed to save the family business and overcome his rivals.

In the whirlpool of business struggles, Lisa and Jake's relationship has also experienced countless twists and turns. Jake's childhood sweetheart, Kate, the niece of the family business, has always loved Jake and sees Lisa as a competitor. Jake's brother, Ethan, has a soft spot for Lisa. This makes already complex business struggles even more complex.

In the process, Lisa gradually discovers her true love. It turns out that her feelings for Jake are not gratitude or friendship, but deep love. However, Jake's heart is full of responsibility and guilt for Kate. At the same time, Ethan also expresses his true feelings to Lisa, but Lisa feels that she cannot return his feelings.

In order to resolve this complicated love entanglement, Lisa travels back in time during a fashion show. In this special time and space, she sees the childhood of Jake, Kate and Ethan, and also learns about their past and future. In this process, Lisa gradually understood her wishes and responsibilities.

Back in reality, Lisa decides to take on the responsibility and helps bring Jake and Kate together. At the same time, she also chose to be with Ethan to face the challenges of the future together. In the process, Lisa realizes that her beauty is not a mistake, but her innate wealth and strength. Through her own efforts and kindness, she has won a double harvest of love and career.

In the end, Lisa became a top fashion new favorite, worth hundreds of billions. She used her strength and wisdom to bring new life and glory to Jake's family business. And she herself grew into a more courageous, determined and kind woman in the process of crossing. In this happy ending, Lisa finds her home and happiness.

#Female celebrity short story# #Eager to be on the hot search# #Lisa wearing swimsuit# #Internal entertainment female theme# #Sober but not a female star# #明星的归宿#

#Breaking news#Lisa's story→ In the countryside and mountains of Thailand, the sun is shining...
#Breaking news#Lisa's story→ In the countryside and mountains of Thailand, the sun is shining...
#Breaking news#Lisa's story→ In the countryside and mountains of Thailand, the sun is shining...
#Breaking news#Lisa's story→ In the countryside and mountains of Thailand, the sun is shining...
#Breaking news#Lisa's story→ In the countryside and mountains of Thailand, the sun is shining...
#Breaking news#Lisa's story→ In the countryside and mountains of Thailand, the sun is shining...
#Breaking news#Lisa's story→ In the countryside and mountains of Thailand, the sun is shining...
#Breaking news#Lisa's story→ In the countryside and mountains of Thailand, the sun is shining...
#Breaking news#Lisa's story→ In the countryside and mountains of Thailand, the sun is shining...
#Breaking news#Lisa's story→ In the countryside and mountains of Thailand, the sun is shining...
#Breaking news#Lisa's story→ In the countryside and mountains of Thailand, the sun is shining...
#Breaking news#Lisa's story→ In the countryside and mountains of Thailand, the sun is shining...

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