
In 1949, when the notorious traitor was shot, Chen Yi cried when he learned about it: he was a martyr

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Heroes, sometimes hidden in the dark, stand firm for their faith and give silently to their country. Zhu Datong, a man whose name was misunderstood as a traitor and traitor, however, his story is a true heroic story. It's a story of glory and sacrifice, a story of faith and perseverance. This article will take you into the world of Zhu Datong, solve the mystery of him, and meet an extraordinary person, a hero who put down everything and forged ahead courageously for the benefit of the party and the country.

In 1949, when the notorious traitor was shot, Chen Yi cried when he learned about it: he was a martyr

Zhu Datong, a name that was once deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, was spurned for his rebellion. However, his story is a true heroic saga, a story full of perseverance and faith.

In May 1949, Shanghai Zhabei Park became a witness to history, a place that decided the fate of Zhu Datong. Zhu Datong, a man regarded as a great traitor, was escorted here by the Kuomintang defenders for collaborating with the enemy and treason, and the onlookers rushed to cheer, invective one after another, rotten vegetable leaves and rotten eggs flew towards him. However, Zhu Datong stood on the torture cart, his head held high, as if he were a soldier who bravely went out to fight.

In 1949, when the notorious traitor was shot, Chen Yi cried when he learned about it: he was a martyr

When the Kuomintang soldiers planted the execution card on him, he instead laughed loudly, which was shocking.

Zhu Datong's behavior shocked Harrison Foreman, an American reporter present, and filmed this picture and published it in major newspapers. The Kuomintang tried to shame him and signed the verdict, but Zhu Datong still smiled and refused to sign, as if he had not done anything to him.

The Kuomintang judge became embarrassed and angry, and declared Zhu Datong guilty of traitor and traitor and shot him on the spot. However, after Zhu Datong fell to the ground and died, he still had a smile on his face. This scene not only confuses people, but also makes people think, who is Zhu Datong?

In 1949, when the notorious traitor was shot, Chen Yi cried when he learned about it: he was a martyr

Is it a great traitor to the nation, a big traitor to our party, or a good comrade of our party?

Zhu Datong's story is not a simple traitor story, it is a complex and colorful heroic legend. To understand this story, we need to go back to Zhu Datong's youth. Born in Xiao County, Anhui Province in 1907, Zhu Datong loved reading since he was a child, and although his family was poor, he did not forget to continue learning in his spare time. Zhu Datong became deeply interested in Marxism, and he got acquainted with a group of advanced communist youth, shared ideas with each other, and gradually deepened his understanding of communism.

In 1949, when the notorious traitor was shot, Chen Yi cried when he learned about it: he was a martyr

In 1928, at the age of 21, Zhu Datong joined the Communist Party of China and became an underground party member, collecting Kuomintang intelligence as a teacher, training many members of party organizations, and contributing to the development of the party. In 1932, Zhu Datong was appointed secretary of the Xiao County Party Committee, taking on heavier responsibilities.

However, the line between justice and betrayal is sometimes blurred and dangerous. In the era of the Kuomintang's white terror, Zhu Datong launched the Zhangzhuangzhai Uprising, but was quickly suppressed by the Kuomintang, and was injured and went elsewhere to continue working for the party. However, in 1934, incredible things happened, Zhu Datong surrendered to the Kuomintang, he became a Kuomintang agent, betrayed the party and his comrades.

In 1949, when the notorious traitor was shot, Chen Yi cried when he learned about it: he was a martyr

Zhu Datong's defection aroused the anger of his comrades-in-arms, who regarded him as a traitor and traitor, and their comradeship-in-arms dissipated. However, the Kuomintang took a fancy to Zhu Datong's abilities and promoted him, and he became the leader of the Kuomintang spies. He used brutal methods to arrest party members, create negative news, spread rumors about the Communist Party, and bring suffering to the people. Although the Japanese army invaded China at that time, and the Kuomintang and the Communist Party shared the same hatred, he led the special forces to launch an attack on the New Fourth Army.

However, Zhu Datong's surrender did not mean that his faith and loyalty had been eroded. When he was captured by the Japanese, he gritted his teeth in the face of torture, he refused to compromise, he did not betray the faith of the party.

In 1949, when the notorious traitor was shot, Chen Yi cried when he learned about it: he was a martyr

In fact, he has been contributing to the party and the country, carrying his humiliation, carrying infamy, and even cooperating with the enemy, all for the sake of it

In the long river of history, every era has given birth to countless heroes, whether it is open war or hidden war, each hero has made great contributions to the country, the people and the nation in the name of defending faith and justice.

The story of the martyr Zhu Datong tells us that a person's fate can be so tortuous, from an underground party member to being misunderstood as a traitor and traitor, and then being recognized as a hero by the state, this period of history is full of ups and downs and setbacks.

In 1949, when the notorious traitor was shot, Chen Yi cried when he learned about it: he was a martyr

However, it was precisely because Zhu Datong adhered to his original aspiration and lived up to the expectations of the party and the people, that he finally embarked on the road of heroism and righteousness and became the backbone of the Chinese nation.

The story of martyr Zhu Datong also tells us that no matter what kind of predicament we find ourselves in, as long as we have fire in our hearts, light in our eyes, faith in our hearts, and strength under our feet, we can all become great heroes. Just as Chairman Mao said, if we want to destroy the enemy, we must have two kinds of war, one is an open war and the other is a hidden war. And the heroes of hidden wars, although little known, deserve our respect and praise.

In 1949, when the notorious traitor was shot, Chen Yi cried when he learned about it: he was a martyr

The story of the martyr Zhu Datong also reminds us that heroes are not necessarily glamorous, and sometimes they may be misunderstood and vilified. However, history will clarify everything, the truth will eventually be revealed, and great personalities will be respected and remembered as they deserve.

Today, we can also see countless unsung heroes, who may be medical workers, fighting on the front line of the fight against the epidemic; They may be educators, nurturing hope for the future; They may be community volunteers caring for the vulnerable. These ordinary people are silently dedicated and selfless in ordinary positions, and their contributions are also worthy of our respect and gratitude.

In 1949, when the notorious traitor was shot, Chen Yi cried when he learned about it: he was a martyr

During the epidemic, countless medical staff and scientific researchers around the world worked day and night to develop vaccines and treat patients, and they used their wisdom and courage to protect the safety of human lives; There are countless community workers who guard every household, ensuring social stability and tranquility. These unsung heroes do not have earth-shattering magnificent deeds, but their perseverance and dedication have also written a strong mark on the stage of history.

Heroes, big or small, glamorous and ordinary, are all in obscurity, writing the legends of the times.

In 1949, when the notorious traitor was shot, Chen Yi cried when he learned about it: he was a martyr

Just like the martyrs Zhu Datong, their deeds will be passed down through the ages, inspiring generations of people to continue to move forward and make unremitting efforts for a better tomorrow, faith and justice.

Let us remember history, cherish today, and be grateful to all heroes, whether they are Zhu Datong in the past or unsung heroes today. They are the backbone of the country, the models of the times, and the pride of the people. May all heroes receive the respect and glory they deserve, and may each of us be able to carry forward courageously with faith and achieve our own heroic legends. This is our shared responsibility and our common glory.

In 1949, when the notorious traitor was shot, Chen Yi cried when he learned about it: he was a martyr