
The iPhone was exposed to be suspected of falsely labeling 5G signals


News on September 12, today's domestic communication expert Xiang Ligang posted on social platforms, saying that Apple's iPhone 5G signal is suspected of false labels, and the 5G logo is displayed in the absence of a 5G network.

The iPhone was exposed to be suspected of falsely labeling 5G signals
The iPhone was exposed to be suspected of falsely labeling 5G signals
The iPhone was exposed to be suspected of falsely labeling 5G signals

It is reported that when doing the subway, it was found that the corner mark of the Apple mobile phone in the hands of the young man next door was 5G, but the Beijing Metro Line 10 he was riding did not have a 5G signal, and the three operators did not deploy 5G. Although the young man's iPhone 14 shows 5G, the Internet speed is very average.

A friend gave Xiang Ligang an Apple mobile phone settings, in the voice and data, there are three options, 4G, enable 5G, automatic 5G, under the option to enable 5G, the corner mark directly becomes 5G, that is to say, in the absence of 5G network, it is also showing 5G. The display of the situation that is not the real network, and the display of 5G in the absence of 5G signal, which is false information for consumers.