
In 1936, the Second and Sixth Armies of the Red Army entered the Tibetan area of Zhongdian (63)

author:Hang the flag

In the face of the disaster, the officers and men of the People's Liberation Army Armed Police and cadres and workers of various local departments continued to fight to save lives, rush to open highways, and rush to transport materials.

After the successive earthquakes, the Diqing Military Subdistrict immediately dispatched 300 PLA and armed police officers in accordance with the orders of its superiors to Xingfu Village, Nixi Township, which was seriously affected by the disaster, to carry out earthquake relief. The officers and men rushed to the villagers' group in Xingxing Village, and under the leadership of the prefecture and county headquarters, they quickly engaged in emergency rescue, and the soldiers rushed to various villager groups and scattered settlements in three ways to carry out search and rescue and evacuate and resettle the disaster-stricken people. After completing the tent erection and personnel resettlement of the temporary resettlement site, the officers and men of the unit began to transfer to the transitional area for protection and hidden danger investigation, and relocated the resettlement sites that may cause secondary disasters and the geological environment is relatively unstable, while strengthening the work of providing water and food to villagers, and delivering materials to the masses in a timely manner.

The Diqing Fire Detachment and the Traffic Force of the Armed Police also dispatched urgently after the earthquake to carry out emergency rescue, relocation, risk elimination, emergency repair of highways, rescue of disaster relief materials, erection of tents, and fire patrols of resettlement sites. In order for the Tibetan people to resume normal life as soon as possible. The soldiers of Jinzhu Mami have been fighting on the front line of earthquake relief.

In the village of Nixi Township, villagers gave a thumbs up when they mentioned the People's Liberation Army and the Armed Police. After the earthquake, the 8750 unit of the armed police rushed to the epicenter as soon as possible to carry out earthquake relief work. The two settlements set up in the village were also unsafe, and the villagers evacuated urgently, but four elderly people were stranded in tents due to mobility difficulties. The aftershocks continued and the situation was urgent, and the officers and men of the army risked their lives to rescue the elderly. The rescued 82-year-old Gejong Dolma clasped his hands together and said excitedly in Tibetan: "Thank you." ”

In accordance with the emergency plan and the requirements of the earthquake relief frontline headquarters, the officers and men of the traffic unit of Deqin County have been driving and patrolling the national highway 214 in order to ensure the safety of emergency vehicles. Sun Hongyu led the police to inspect the road conditions of the rescue passage from the Fulong Bridge to the Benzi Rail. Seeing rockfalls on the road, Sun Hongyu and his comrades decided to install reflective cone barrels at the fork in the road to prompt vehicles to pass through the road. At this moment, the earth continued to tremble, and the huge mountain above his head instantly collapsed, and falling rocks smashed head-on. Between the electric light and flint, Sun Hongyu and his colleagues hid behind a boulder, closed their eyes, held their heads and prayed silently. Debris flew over and beside them like a rainstorm, and after a "wild bombardment", they climbed out from behind the boulder. At this time, Sun Hongyu saw that there was also a collapse 100 meters ahead. Braving constant aftershocks, collapses and falling rocks, he and his colleagues continued to check the damage along the national highway and only withdrew to safety after confirming that there were no vehicles or trapped people. And Sun Hongyu's trouser leg has long been stained red with blood.

The joint inspection team composed of the fire squadron and relevant local departments went to the scene of the disaster area, inspected the fire safety work such as the use of fire and electricity by the people in the disaster area and the construction of tents, carefully inspected the fire and electricity use of the victims in the resettlement points, distributed fire equipment equipment to the resettlement sites, posted and distributed fire prevention knowledge books, and eliminated a large number of fire hazards in a timely manner with the close cooperation of the local disaster relief working group.

More than 60 officers and men of the Diqing Forest Brigade carried out rescue in 12 villager groups in Xinyang Village, Nixi Township, Shangri-La County, where the disaster was serious. The officers and soldiers divided into two ways, on the one hand, they moved the masses and helped them transfer the trapped materials; On the other hand, we are making every effort to clear the damaged and blocked roads and set up disaster relief tents in safe areas. Wang Xianming, commander of the Diqing Forest Brigade, and Bao Congfang, instructor, dispatched more than 30 commandos from the officers and men who participated in the rescue and rushed to the two villager groups of Tangsheng and Nandang by means of a rapid march to help the masses set up tents and transfer and carry materials. Relief supplies have been delivered to the affected areas and distribution to the affected people has begun. The villagers' group in the hardest-hit area distributed milk, shoes, thermos, cotton clothes and other rescue items, and saw the moment when the whole village gathered together to wait for the distribution of supplies, and saw the moment when the villagers held the items and left tears, before leaving, the villagers gave two thumbs up and said "Gano" (Tibetan for "thank you").

In 1936, the Second and Sixth Armies of the Red Army entered the Tibetan area of Zhongdian (63)

Disasters are merciless, and there is love in the world. The officers and men stationed here have written a living drama of boundless love that touches the heavens and the earth with practical actions.

3. The true color of heroes

"Dukezong" means white stone city in Tibetan, which means moonlight city.

Located in Shangri-La County, Diqing Prefecture, Yunnan Province, Dukezong City is an ancient city with a history of more than 1,300 years, Dukezong Ancient City has always been a thoroughfare for Yunnan, Sichuan, Tibetan tea and horse markets, in the 27th year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1688), the Dalai Lama requested the exchange of markets in the Jinsha River, the Qing court allowed the establishment of the city in Zhongdian, and Dukezong became an important bazaar for Yunnan-Tibet trade. During the Yongzheng and Qianlong dynasties, the mining industry in the territory was prosperous, and merchants from all over the world gathered.

In 1936, He Long led the Long March of the Second and Sixth Armies of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army through Zhongdian, and set up headquarters in the two compartments of the Tibetan scripture hall in the ancient city of Dukezong, where an important meeting was held. During the Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese invaders occupied Burma, cutting off the communication between Yunnan and Burma, and a large number of aid materials to China could only be transported from Lhasa to Kunming through northwest Yunnan across the Himalayas, and Dukezong became a transit point for trade between Yunnan, Tibet and India.

The ancient city of Dukezong is the best-preserved and largest Tibetan settlement in China, and is the hub of the ancient Tea Horse Road. It used to be the window of ethnic and cultural exchanges between Tibetan townships in the snowy region and the Yunnan region, and the economic and trade link between Sichuan, Tibet and Yunnan. In recent years, with the development of local tourism, Shangri-La County has strengthened the protection and repair of the ancient city of Dukezong, recreating the historical charm of the ancient city.

In 2001, the ancient city of Dukezong was approved as a historical and cultural city in Yunnan Province.

An anzu, a Tibetan who lives in Dukezong City and is accustomed to getting up early, gets up at night to go to the toilet at night and finds that the hall of his house is red. Could it be that who turned on the lights? Uncle Anzhuo, who had not yet woken up and was in a daze, couldn't help but have some questions. With doubts, he walked over to take a look, and the scenery in front of him suddenly frightened him.

No wonder Anzhu was frightened, this fire shocked the whole country and even the world.

"It's not good, it's on fire, put out the fire quickly!" After Anzhuo discovered the fire, he quickly shouted for his neighbors to put out the fire and rescue.

The sky is not yet dawn, the night of the raging fire is like day, the painted wooden building fire is very fierce, and what is more worrying is that the burning hidden house is located in the center of the village, endangering the surrounding hidden houses, once the wind is not extinguished in time, the entire village will be destroyed.

In less than 5 minutes, the whole village, men, women and children arrived, but in the face of the ten-meter-high Tibetan house and the flames dozens of meters high, everyone was helpless, and could only watch the fire burning. "Hurry up and think of a way!" Looking at the raging fire, many people beat their chests and stomped their feet and cried and had no idea, they were all distressed, burning their years of accumulation and blood and sweat. "Hurry up and call the troops." At the critical moment, someone remembered the children and soldiers of the People's Liberation Army.

To be continued.