
In September, I often eat, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, one calcium supplement, two black hair, three moist, four blood pressure

author:Lele shares food

With age, the body of middle-aged and elderly people gradually undergoes various changes. Among them, calcium loss, graying hair, dry skin, and increased blood pressure are the most common problems. However, with a reasonable diet and lifestyle, we can effectively improve these problems. Today, we will recommend a healthy food suitable for middle-aged and elderly people - sesame.

In September, I often eat, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, one calcium supplement, two black hair, three moist, four blood pressure

Sesame seeds are a nutritious food that contains a lot of nutrients such as protein, fat, calcium, iron, vitamin E, etc. Among them, calcium is one of the most important nutrients in sesame seeds. Sesame seeds contain nearly 800 mg of calcium per 100 grams, nearly 8 times more than cow's milk. Therefore, moderate consumption of sesame seeds can effectively supplement calcium and prevent problems such as osteoporosis caused by calcium deficiency in middle-aged and elderly people.

In September, I often eat, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, one calcium supplement, two black hair, three moist, four blood pressure

In addition to calcium supplementation, sesame seeds also help with black hair. Sesame seeds contain a lot of vitamin E and iron, which promote hair growth and maintain a healthy state. Moderate consumption of sesame seeds can effectively improve hair quality and make hair more black and shiny. In addition, sesame seeds also have a moisturizing effect. As we age, the skin of middle-aged and elderly people gradually loses moisture and elasticity, becoming dry and rough. Sesame seeds contain a lot of oil and vitamin E, which can effectively moisturize the skin and improve problems such as dry skin and itching.

In September, I often eat, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, one calcium supplement, two black hair, three moist, four blood pressure

Overall, sesame seeds are a healthy food that is very suitable for middle-aged and elderly people. Moderate consumption of sesame seeds can supplement calcium, black hair, moisturize, and lower blood pressure, which has many benefits for the health of middle-aged and elderly people. In order to maintain health, middle-aged and elderly people should eat sesame seeds in moderation, which can be eaten as condiments or small foods. At the same time, you can also combine personal taste and needs with other ingredients to adjust the taste and nutrition, which is more abundant and diverse!

In short, sesame seeds are a healthy food that is very suitable for middle-aged and elderly people. Moderate consumption of sesame seeds can supplement calcium, black hair, moisturizing, blood pressure and other effects. However, middle-aged and elderly people need to pay attention to appropriate control of intake and eating methods when eating, and avoid unnecessary problems caused by excessive consumption or improper consumption. I hope that middle-aged and elderly people can combine their personal tastes and needs, reasonably match ingredients and adjust tastes to enjoy food while staying healthy!