
Why is the kill count obviously high, but the economy is not the first? The key lies in these 3 points

author:Mo Shang Ling K

Kills do not equal economic first, the key lies in these three points

In the popular MOBA game of Honor of Kings, the number of kills is considered by many players to be one of the important indicators of strength. However, many players find themselves with high kills but not the economy number one, which raises some doubts. This article will break down this question and analyze why kills don't necessarily represent economic first from three key points.

Why is the kill count obviously high, but the economy is not the first? The key lies in these 3 points

First, unreasonable resource sharing leads to economic dispersion

One reason for the high number of kills but low economy is the unreasonable sharing of resources. In the game, gold and experience are two important factors that determine the economy. When a player kills an opponent frequently, it also reduces the opponent's financial income. However, if the player does not share resources with teammates reasonably, then the teammate's economy will not be improved, and eventually the total economic volume of the entire team will not be high. Therefore, simply relying on a high number of individual kills does not guarantee economic first ranking.

Why is the kill count obviously high, but the economy is not the first? The key lies in these 3 points

To avoid this problem, players need to allocate resources reasonably with their teammates in the game. For example, in team battles, players can consciously give kills to teammates who need a financial boost to balance the economic distribution.

Second, unreasonable blood return and return to the city lead to waste of time

In addition to the problem of resource sharing, unreasonable blood return and return to the city is also one of the reasons for economic dispersion. In the game, both returning blood and returning to the city consume time, and time is a very valuable resource. When a player frequently returns to the city or city, a lot of valuable time is wasted that could be used to continue to advance the economy.

Why is the kill count obviously high, but the economy is not the first? The key lies in these 3 points

To avoid this problem, players need to control their HP and avoid frequent blood returns or city returns. You can reduce time waste by purchasing recovery items or cooperating with teammates at the right time to restore blood, thereby increasing the accumulation of economy.

Third, the lack of attention to towers and wild monsters has led to economic backwardness

In addition to killing enemies, towers and mobs are also very important resources in the Honor of Kings game. However, many players often overlook this and go too far after individual kills. They tend to neglect behaviors such as pushing towers and playing wilderness, which leads to economic backwardness.

Why is the kill count obviously high, but the economy is not the first? The key lies in these 3 points

To overcome this problem, players need to pay attention to the control of towers and wild monsters, and allocate their time and resources wisely. Players can choose whether to push towers or fight wild depending on the game situation to maximize their financial gains. At the same time, cooperating with teammates to attack towers or wild monsters can better improve the economic level of the entire team.


A high number of kills does not mean that the economy is first, the key is to share resources reasonably, avoid unnecessary blood and return to the city, and pay attention to the control of towers and wild monsters. Through these three key points, players can effectively improve their economic gains, so as to obtain better development and combat ability in the game. Remember, economic accumulation is the real key to the glory of kings.

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