
Get ready and snap up! During the National Day period, these three ingredients may face price increases?

author:Wisdom Cheng Marin

As National Day approaches, many people are preparing to celebrate this special occasion, including buying ingredients to prepare delicious dishes. However, there are three common ingredients that may be at risk of price increases this National Day, which will affect families' festive menus and expenses. This article will explore these three ingredients, which may become more expensive during the National Day, as well as some countermeasures to help you cope with potential price increases.

Get ready and snap up! During the National Day period, these three ingredients may face price increases?

The first ingredient: meat

Meat usually plays an important role in barbecues and banquets during the National Day, but this year's National Day, meat prices may be at risk of rising. The reasons for this trend are manifold: Rising farming costs: The cost of farming, including feed, labour and energy, has been rising. This makes it difficult for farmers and farmers to remain profitable, potentially leading to a reduced supply of meat, which drives up prices. Climate instability: Climate change triggers many extreme weather events, such as droughts, floods, and forest fires, that can affect farm output. Severe climate problems can lead to feed shortages that can put the farming industry in a difficult position. Supply chain issues: Problems in global supply chains, such as factory shutdowns and transportation barriers caused by the pandemic, can lead to tight meat supplies that can drive up prices.

Measures to cope with rising meat prices: Diversify recipes: Increase alternative protein options such as vegetables and legumes to the menu to reduce dependence on meat. Hoarding: If you have enough freezer space, consider buying meat ahead of time and storing it in case of rising prices. When to buy: Buying meat, for example, a few weeks before National Day may avoid peak price increases.

Get ready and snap up! During the National Day period, these three ingredients may face price increases?

Second ingredient: fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are indispensable ingredients for preparing various dishes during the National Day, but they may also become more expensive during the festival. The following are the factors that can cause the price of fruits and vegetables to rise: Seasonal supply: Some fruits and vegetables have a seasonal supply, and prices usually increase if it is not their harvest season during the National Day. Climate issues: Extreme weather events, such as heavy rain, hail and drought, can affect the yield and quality of fruits and vegetables. Transportation and storage costs: High oil prices and supply chain issues can lead to higher transportation and storage costs for fruits and vegetables, which may be passed on to consumers.

Measures to cope with rising fruit and vegetable prices: Buy products from local origins: Local fruits and vegetables are often cheaper and fresher than imported products. Frozen or canned ingredients: If you don't have access to fresh fruits and vegetables, consider buying frozen or canned alternatives. Grow your own: If you have a gardening hobby or have enough space, try growing some fruits and vegetables yourself to keep costs down.

Get ready and snap up! During the National Day period, these three ingredients may face price increases?

The third ingredient: seafood

Seafood is also a common choice at banquets and barbecues during the National Day, but the trend of rising seafood prices can be a cause for concern. Here are some of the factors that contribute to the rise in seafood prices:

Fishing restrictions: The fishing of some marine organisms is strictly regulated to maintain the health of marine ecosystems. This can lead to a decrease in the supply of specific types of seafood and an increase in prices. Climate change: Climate change affects ocean temperatures and hydrological conditions, which can lead to migration or death of certain seafood species, reducing supplies. Increased global demand: As the global middle class expands, so does the demand for seafood, which could drive up prices.

Get ready and snap up! During the National Day period, these three ingredients may face price increases?

Measures to address rising seafood prices: Choose sustainably caught seafood: Buy seafood with sustainable catch certifications to support sustainable fisheries and reduce pressure on limited resources. Look for promotions and discounts: During the National Day, many merchants may launch special promotions, and finding these opportunities can help you save some money. Try frozen or canned seafood: Frozen or canned seafood is usually cheaper than fresh seafood and doesn't make much difference in quality and taste. Consider buying local seafood: If you live near the sea, try buying locally caught seafood, which is usually more affordable.

In addition to the above three main ingredients, it is also important to remember that during the National Day period, some special ingredients and seasonings may be in short supply, resulting in higher prices. Therefore, planning ahead, diversifying food options and buying at the right time are all effective strategies to cope with rising prices. While price increases may have an impact on your budget, National Day is a time to reunite and celebrate, and don't let price increases dampen your celebratory mood. With sensible shopping and ingredient selection, as well as creative cooking methods, you can ensure that your National Day celebration remains delicious and fun.

Get ready and snap up! During the National Day period, these three ingredients may face price increases?

How to deal with rising prices

In addition to the above food-specific recommendations, there are some more general strategies for coping with price increases that can help you control your spending during National Day and any other time: Create a budget: Create a clear budget during National Day, including ingredients, gifts, and entertainment expenses. Sticking to a budget can help you avoid unnecessary expenses. Shopping list: Make a detailed shopping list before you go shopping, buying only the ingredients and items you really need. This can reduce impulse shopping and waste.

Compare Prices: Compare prices from different stores as you shop and look for specials and discounts. Some shopping apps and websites can help you find the best price easily. Reduce food waste: Make sure you make the most of your purchased ingredients and reduce waste. Use leftover ingredients to create delicious left-overs dishes to reduce ingredient waste. Consider sharing costs: If you're celebrating National Day with family or friends, consider sharing ingredients and expenses with them to ease everyone's burden.

Homemade food: Try making some of your own instead of buying pre-made food. Homemade food is usually more affordable and has more personality. Recreational frugality: Look for affordable recreational activities such as outdoor picnics, nature walks, or free cultural activities as an alternative to expensive recreational options. Aggressive use of coupons and loyalty cards: If you have coupons or supermarket membership cards, make sure to use them actively when shopping to save money.

Get ready and snap up! During the National Day period, these three ingredients may face price increases?

Rising food prices during the National Day may be inevitable, but with proper planning, shopping, and frugality strategies, you can celebrate the holidays while keeping your budget under control. It is important not to let the price increase affect your joy of the National Day and the quality of the celebration. Spending quality time with family and friends is the focus of this special moment. National Day is a time for families to reunite and celebrate, and food is an important part of this festival. However, price increases may have an impact on your National Day menu and expenses. In this article, we explore three ingredients that may face price increases: meat, fruits and vegetables, and seafood. We've also provided some practical advice on how to deal with rising prices, including diversifying your food choices, shopping strategies and frugality tips.

Most importantly, don't let the price increase affect your celebration and enjoyment of the National Day. By creating budgets, shopping lists, comparing prices, and reducing waste, you can control your expenses while celebrating this special occasion while keeping the holiday vibe. Finally, National Day is not only a time for food, but also an opportunity to spend time with loved ones and friends, cherishing this special moment and creating beautiful memories regardless of the price of ingredients. I wish you a pleasant and unforgettable National Day!