
Sad farewell! Chen Meng officially announced the important decision, and Ma Lin waited affectionately to leave!

author:Xiao Han said sports

Losing to Wang Manyu, winning first and then losing, this result makes people feel even more sorry for Chen Meng. She would have performed well, and with her extraordinary strength and strong will, she was once ahead of her opponents. However, at the last moment, she failed to hold on and lost to Wang Manyu.

Sad farewell! Chen Meng officially announced the important decision, and Ma Lin waited affectionately to leave!

Wang Manyu said after the game that she was able to withstand the pressure in the final moments of the match because she forced herself to be strong. This strong quality is the key to her success and the reason why she was able to defeat Chen Meng.

It is not so much that Wang Manyu defeated Chen Meng in this game, but that Time defeated Chen Meng. Because whether it is Chen Meng or Wang Manyu, they have become top players after countless times of grinding and tempering. And the so-called top players, the difference in strength between them is not much, like a small gap between single digits and tenths.

Sad farewell! Chen Meng officially announced the important decision, and Ma Lin waited affectionately to leave!

After changing coaches in August, Chen Meng's thinking and attitude changed. Two of the things she talks about most often are fitness reserves and injury control. This is not surprising, because these questions are not only Chen Meng's personal goals, but also a 29-year-old veteran should consider.

In the tiebreaker against Wang Manyu, Chen Meng had an unfavorable start and was hit with a 0:7 disadvantage. However, instead of giving up, she adjusted and hit a stunning 9-2 counterattack. However, at this time, the reserve of physical energy is becoming more and more important. Young Wang Manyu still has the advantage, her physical strength is more abundant, and she still dares to mobilize and fight on a large scale. In contrast, Chen Meng appeared somewhat conservative. This conservative strategy eventually led to the loss of the tournament and the absence of the semifinals.

Sad farewell! Chen Meng officially announced the important decision, and Ma Lin waited affectionately to leave!

Why is physical fitness so important to Chen Meng's competition? This is because table tennis is a very physically demanding sport. In a fierce match, the quality of physical fitness directly determines a player's performance at key moments. A player with a lot of physical strength can adjust his tactics more decisively, showing greater flexibility and agility. Players with insufficient physical strength may appear conservative and miss a good opportunity to turn things around. Chen Meng was obviously inferior to her opponent in terms of physical fitness in the match with Wang Manyu, which was one of the main reasons for her loss.

Chen Meng, a talented table tennis player, is recognized as one of the strongest players in the world women's singles. However, her recent situation seems to make people mumble. When she saw Wang Manyu roaring and venting her emotions of victory, her heart was undoubtedly full of envy.

Sad farewell! Chen Meng officially announced the important decision, and Ma Lin waited affectionately to leave!

Recalling the Tokyo Olympics two years ago, Chen Meng won the championship with outstanding performance and firm belief. At that moment, she sweated and held the trophy high, full of joy and pride of victory. However, she did not find a chance to continue winning in the days that followed, and the 2022 Singapore Grand Slam became her only more complete emotional catharsis in the past two years.

Chen Meng, 29, although still ranked second in the women's singles world rankings, seems that fate is not very fair to her. In the Asian Games women's singles competition, the national table tennis card BUG actually gave the place to Wang Yidi, which may be a signal that Chen Meng is no longer the second choice other than Sun Yingsha. Chen Meng's age became a factor for Liu Guoliang, after all, she was about to enter her 30s and could no longer guarantee the smooth progress of multiple projects. Chen Meng found that now she is no longer the focus of thousands of favors, and she must rely on her own efforts and efforts to realize her dreams.

Sad farewell! Chen Meng officially announced the important decision, and Ma Lin waited affectionately to leave!

However, all this did not discourage Chen Meng. She knows how to rise up in the face of adversity and pursue her dreams with tenacity and perseverance. From that Tokyo night that triumphed over the world to now, she has learned to accept challenges and face all difficulties. Chen Meng knew that in this arena, only firmness can break obstacles, and only hard work can create miracles.

Just like seeing Wang Manyu's anger and catharsis of victory, Chen Meng also hopes to have his own cathartic moment in the future. She is working hard, relying on her own strength and perseverance to fight for her dreams. Whether it is on the table tennis court or in other areas of life, she believes that as long as she pursues it with her heart, she will be able to reap her own victory and joy.

Sad farewell! Chen Meng officially announced the important decision, and Ma Lin waited affectionately to leave!

After losing to Wang Manyu, Chen Meng made the most important decision. She said that she will work hard with her coach to best manage her physical condition and physical strength. Chen Meng also looks forward to having a better tacit understanding with Sun Xun and making new breakthroughs in the new cycle. Obviously, Chen Meng is not willing to retire just like that.

Although she is 29 years old, compared with other athletes of the national table tennis women's team, Chen Meng is indeed on the verge of retirement. However, Chen Meng was lucky. Because of her outstanding performance, she has been valued by Shandong Sports Bureau. Shandong Sports Bureau took Chen Meng as the IP and created Chen Meng (National University of Science and Technology) Table Tennis Characteristic School. Therefore, after retiring from the military, Chen Meng will return to the school to serve.

Sad farewell! Chen Meng officially announced the important decision, and Ma Lin waited affectionately to leave!

For Chen Meng now, if she can't catch this train in Paris, she may not be able to wait for the next World Championships. At that time, Chen Meng's dream of a Grand Slam will be completely shattered. I believe that if this scene appears, Master Ma Lin must be the most distressed, because he was also one step short back then, and he definitely didn't want Chen Meng to experience the same regret.

Chen Meng's decision shows her persistence and struggle in the table tennis career. She will work hard with her coach to manage her physical condition and physical intensity, and looks forward to having a better understanding with her teammate Sun Xun to achieve new breakthroughs. The support of Shandong Sports Bureau also provides a guarantee for Chen Meng's future career planning. Despite the pressure of age and the importance of the Paris Olympics, Chen Meng still has hope to realize her dream of a Grand Slam.

Sad farewell! Chen Meng officially announced the important decision, and Ma Lin waited affectionately to leave!

Chen Meng's persistence and efforts are worthy of admiration. She not only represents the strength and potential of the national table tennis women's team, but also sets an example for other retired athletes. Regardless of the outcome, Chen Meng has already won people's respect and support. May she successfully catch the train in Paris, realize her dream, and continue to make more contributions to China's table tennis cause.

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