
"Indecent wind" swept through the countryside, and the villagers said that they would never go back to that simple village.


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Once upon a time, that wide, clear river flowed on the edge of our village, the hillsides were full of wildflowers, and the earth gave off a soft and sweet smell. In the memories of many people, the countryside is a place full of leisure and beauty, and the four seasons are reincarnated, each with its own fun. However, when we look back at today's countryside, we find that this place is no longer what it used to be. Change, good and evil, the countryside today seems to have moved away from that simple, peaceful picture.

"Indecent wind" swept through the countryside, and the villagers said that they would never go back to that simple village.

In the countryside, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

With the rapid growth of the mainland's economy and the acceleration of urbanization, a large number of rural laborers have poured into the cities, and today, the number of migrant workers on the mainland is close to 300 million. At the same time, the state has adopted a series of policies and measures to revitalize the countryside, and farmers' incomes have gradually increased, and living standards have been significantly improved. The face of the village has also changed dramatically, and many people who had left their homeland have returned to their hometowns, but the scene in front of them is very different from the home they remember.

"Indecent wind" swept through the countryside, and the villagers said that they would never go back to that simple village.

First and foremost, many rural houses have been turned into modern two-story buildings, and families own cars. What was once a rough dirt road has long been turned into a wide concrete road, and the road is lined with brilliant street lamps. Rural enterprises are also increasing, villagers' purchasing power is rising, farm work has been mechanized, and villagers have happy smiles on their faces and hope for the future. However, behind these glamorous things, there are also many undesirable phenomena.

"Indecent wind" swept through the countryside, and the villagers said that they would never go back to that simple village.

The countryside has fallen into a whirlpool of chaos.

With the increasing connection between urban and rural areas, people's values have changed dramatically, materialism has gradually prevailed, and economic interests have become the supreme pursuit. The inaction of leading cadres in some villages or even taking the lead in participating in the destruction has led to a series of unhealthy practices spreading in the countryside, including the following five chaos.

Environmental degradation

Infrastructure in the countryside has improved, but it has also come at a cost, and many good memories are disappearing. The rivers that were once dry up have now dried up, and some rivers have only a small smelly ditch, and the once sweet river water is long gone. Hillsides and fertile fields were replaced by houses and factories, and country roads gradually extended, however, the greenery of trees became scarcer and littered with garbage.

"Indecent wind" swept through the countryside, and the villagers said that they would never go back to that simple village.

Fortunately, people have recognized the problem of environmental degradation, and in recent years, the Chinese government has vigorously advocated environmental protection, committed to protecting green waters and mountains, and creating a better living environment for future generations. In my hometown, garbage cans are already everywhere, and many villagers consciously sort and put garbage into designated places, and finally treat it specially, and the environmental situation in the countryside is gradually improving.

The wind of comparison prevails

There are many "secret intelligence agencies" in the countryside, just a little deep into them, you can understand the various situations of the nearby villagers in less than half a day, who is doing well, who is not satisfied, whose family has something big, will become a hot topic of discussion. Over time, people began to compare with each other, and no one wanted to fall behind in this invisible competition.

"Indecent wind" swept through the countryside, and the villagers said that they would never go back to that simple village.

This competitive mentality has led to many undesirable phenomena, especially in the marriage of children. When I heard that whose daughter married out and lived in a new house in the city, and who owned a car, everyone else would be jealous and feel that they should also catch up. As a result, rural bride prices continued to rise, and buying a house and a car became the basic requirements for marriage. If the groom dares to object, it will be difficult to find a bride who is willing to marry.

According to relevant data, as of 2020, there are about 30 million marriageable single men in the mainland, which shows that mainland men are under great pressure on marriage issues. For rural parents, who are not dominant, for the sake of their son's big affairs, they can only follow the rules of everyone, which has become a helpless reality.

"Indecent wind" swept through the countryside, and the villagers said that they would never go back to that simple village.

The cost of relationships

Chinese is very interpersonal

The department, based on the family, builds a complex and close-knit social network. Every family spends a lot of money on relationships every year, especially when it comes to attending various happy events. A few years ago, when I attended a rural wedding banquet, the highest gift money was 100 yuan, and 20 or 50 yuan red envelopes were the majority. But today, 100 yuan has become the minimum standard.

The amount of these gifts and red envelopes will be publicly recorded, and people will compare them, and no one wants to be the most stingy person, worried that they will be looked down upon by others. Therefore, people try to be as generous as possible, and at least thousands of dollars a year, even equivalent to a month's salary.

"Indecent wind" swept through the countryside, and the villagers said that they would never go back to that simple village.

Extravagance and waste in white things

Filial piety is a deep-rooted tradition in Chinese culture, especially among older generations. When an elderly person dies in the family, the handling of the funeral is regarded as a solemn matter. Children must be handled according to strict requirements, and not long ago, some funeral expenses were on the hot search, which shows that the traditional customs in many places are similar.

For those older elders, who enjoy a high status in the village, this requires children to perform grand and ornate ceremonies at funerals to show respect for the deceased. However, over time, this superficial extravagance became commonplace, and many villagers, although dissatisfied, did not dare to express it.

"Indecent wind" swept through the countryside, and the villagers said that they would never go back to that simple village.

It was only in recent years that the state actively advocated changing customs and customs, and some irrational traditional customs began to decline, but more time and effort were needed to change this phenomenon.

Power imbalance in marriage

Due to the serious imbalance in the sex ratio on the mainland, women surpass men in many ways, especially in marriage. Originally, the construction of the newlywed family should be shared by both parties, but at some point, men took on the burden of housework, just like women in the past.

"Indecent wind" swept through the countryside, and the villagers said that they would never go back to that simple village.

Many brides not only do not have to wash and cook at home, but even have the highest status in the family, and neither husbands nor parents-in-law can refute their opinions. This discordant family atmosphere, although it shows the "prestige" of the bride in a short time, will have a serious negative impact on the development of the whole family in the long run.


No matter where we are, we face all kinds of problems. Although rural chaos is now sweeping, we cannot assume that the simplicity of the countryside has disappeared. People living in different eras have different memories and experiences, and changes in the countryside are also a historical inevitability. Let us cherish the good memories while working to improve the situation in the countryside and create a better future for future generations.

"Indecent wind" swept through the countryside, and the villagers said that they would never go back to that simple village.

The countryside, once a promised land, is now a challenge. In this era of constant change, each of us bears the responsibility of protecting our homeland. It is hoped that the rural areas in the future can return to a more peaceful and simple state, so that people can find peace and warmth in this land again.

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