
The US military's battle plan in the Taiwan Strait was exposed: attack the PLA landing force and ambush the Chinese Navy

author:I am my 3m1O

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Recently, the Pentagon's intelligence was leaked on a large scale, including the US military's combat plan for the Taiwan Strait. This incident has aroused widespread attention and discussion, forcing us to re-examine the situation in the Taiwan Strait and the role of the United States in it.

The Pentagon's intelligence assessment shows that in the face of the strong strength of the PLA, it is difficult for the Taiwan military to effectively resist its offensive at present. Although the Taiwan military has powerful anti-aircraft firepower, it is unable to cope with hypersonic missiles such as the DF-17. The PLA's Dongfeng series missiles have sufficient strike capabilities to destroy Taiwan's critical infrastructure, including anti-aircraft missile positions, military airfields and barracks, in the first wave of attacks.

The US military's battle plan in the Taiwan Strait was exposed: attack the PLA landing force and ambush the Chinese Navy

In addition, the Pentagon pointed out that the PLA has modern air force equipment, such as the J-20, J-16 and Air Police -500, which can seize air supremacy over the Taiwan Strait at any time. In contrast, the Taiwan military's aircraft have a limited number and relatively low performance, and their combat capabilities will be limited once war breaks out. The Pentagon also believes that the PLA has a strong naval and air force and can conduct landing operations at any time and anywhere.

In view of this intelligence, the Pentagon stressed that if the PLA uses force to unify Taiwan, it will be difficult for the Taiwan military to resist alone, and the intervention of the US military is needed to resist the PLA's offensive. To this end, the US military has formulated corresponding combat plans, focusing on restricting the PLA's landing operations, including attacking PLA landing ships and cutting off the logistics supply of landing troops. Once the Taiwanese military is able to hold out the PLA's initial offensive, the United States and Western countries will provide all kinds of support, similar to the situation on the Ukrainian battlefield.

The US military's battle plan in the Taiwan Strait was exposed: attack the PLA landing force and ambush the Chinese Navy

The U.S. military has begun preparations according to this battle plan. Admiral Wells Bach, commander of the Air Force of the US Pacific Command, recently declared that if the PLA attacks Taiwan, the United States will take the initiative to attack the landing ships of the Chinese Navy. At the same time, the United States asked the military-industrial giants to increase the production capacity of weapons, especially long-range weapons, planning to increase the production capacity of LRASM long-range stealth anti-ship missiles by 100%, the production capacity of Tomahawk cruise missiles by 600%, and upgrade all Tomahawk cruise missiles to the level of the fifth generation.

The US military's battle plan in the Taiwan Strait was exposed: attack the PLA landing force and ambush the Chinese Navy

If the US Air Force and Navy adopt this tactic with the support of the Taiwan military, it will pose a great threat and challenge to the PLA's escort fleet and landing fleet. The landing fleet is very vulnerable in transport and landing operations, highly dependent on regional air defense and anti-missile capabilities, and will become vulnerable targets at sea if attacked.

In addition, the US military also plans to ambush the Chinese navy in the Miyako Strait or the Bus Strait, while suggesting that pro-Taiwan independence forces arm the Taiwanese people and distribute weapons and ammunition to delay the PLA operation and buy more time for the United States. It is worth mentioning that soon after this battle plan was exposed, the United States has sent more than 200 active-duty military personnel to Taiwan for military skills training and training in the use of American-made weapons.

The US military's battle plan in the Taiwan Strait was exposed: attack the PLA landing force and ambush the Chinese Navy

Therefore, once a conflict breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, the United States is likely to intervene by force, and its main strategy and tactics will include attacking PLA landing ships and landing troops to compete for sea supremacy.

In response to these two tactics, the author puts forward the following personal views:

First of all, China should strengthen its navy, air force and missile forces, especially by increasing the number of DF missiles. In this way, China can immediately carry out saturation strikes on targets such as US military bases and aircraft carrier battle groups in the Asia-Pacific region, thereby preventing US attacks on the Chinese Navy, PLA landing fleets and landing forces.

Second, China can adopt a strategy of surprise in order to achieve a decisive victory. As long as you are ready to land on the island, you can immediately start operations and occupy key areas of Taiwan before the United States responds. Of course, this requires careful consideration of strategic deception and the build-up of troops and equipment.

In conclusion, a peaceful settlement is the wisest option. With the continuous strengthening of China's economy, the people of Taiwan have gradually realized their mutually beneficial dependence with the mainland and realized that their development is closely related to the mainland. Therefore, peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait is the best way to finally resolve the Taiwan Strait issue

without resorting to force. With the prosperity and development of the country, the people of Taiwan have gradually realized the importance of maintaining regional peace and stability and the possibility of reconciliation in cross-strait relations.

In addition, in order to enhance regional peace and stability, all parties can actively seek diplomatic solutions and resolve differences through dialogue and consultation. The international community can also play a constructive role in promoting the peaceful settlement of the Taiwan Strait issue, rather than fuelling tensions.

In addition, it should be noted that military intervention and war can lead to irreparable damage, not only to the harm of the people on all sides, but also to have a profound impact on the global economic and geopolitical landscape. Avoiding conflict and finding a peaceful solution are therefore among the most urgent tasks of the current moment.

To sum up, the situation in the Taiwan Strait is tense, but a peaceful settlement is still the best option. Through diplomatic means, dialogue and consultation, all parties should seek to properly resolve their differences and maintain regional peace and stability. It is hoped that the peaceful settlement of the Taiwan Strait issue can be achieved in the future so as to benefit the long-term prosperity of the people and regions on both sides of the strait. It is believed that as long as all parties seek a win-win solution based on the principles of peace, fairness and justice, the Taiwan Strait issue can eventually find a way to solve it.

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