
The sincere words of a post-90s teacher: Compared with before, the status of teachers seems to be getting lower and lower


In the first half of 2023, a total of 4.273 million people took the teacher qualification examination, and this number continues to increase.

The sincere words of a post-90s teacher: Compared with before, the status of teachers seems to be getting lower and lower

Although becoming a teacher is an iron rice bowl, the actual work is full of challenges.

In this fast-moving world, one profession has always maintained a solid appeal: teaching. In the first half of 2023, the education system once again refreshed people's perceptions, with a total of 4.273 million people taking the teacher qualification examination, and this number is increasing year by year. Although teachers are known as "iron rice bowls", it is far from easy to hold this bowl. Let's step into the life of a primary school Chinese teacher and homeroom teacher who will reveal the true face of this profession.

The sincere words of a post-90s teacher: Compared with before, the status of teachers seems to be getting lower and lower

A primary school Chinese teacher and homeroom teacher shared her daily routine. The work is intense and fulfilling, from 6:30 am to 6:15 pm, no matter how hard the work is, I feel content.

Li Lu, a young teacher who has recently graduated, teaches at a public primary school in Fujian and also serves as a class teacher. Her daily life is not in any way as easy as people often fantasize. Every morning at 6:30, her alarm goes off, at 7:45, she has already stepped into the school gates, and at 8 o'clock, she starts classes on time. She is both a Chinese teacher and a homeroom teacher, so even when she is not in class, she is busy preparing lessons, filling out forms, handling letters and calls from parents, training students, and coping with various tasks. In the evening, if there is a late tutoring class, she will work until six o'clock and 6:15 to come home from work. When she arrives home, she continues to prepare lessons and produce teaching materials. In her free moments, she is the mother of a two-year-old child, a time when she gives herself completely to her child and only begins to deal with personal matters after the child falls asleep. She is highly productive, so she can free up time on weekends to do her own thing. However, for new teachers, lesson preparation can take up most of their evenings and weekends. After several years of work, Li Lu has become more handy, but this does not mean that the work has become easy.

The sincere words of a post-90s teacher: Compared with before, the status of teachers seems to be getting lower and lower

The status of teachers has declined, and parental pressure has increased. Parental expectations vary, and there are trade-offs to choose between meeting the needs of most parents.

The teaching profession was once seen as sublime and respected, but in recent years this image has faded. Li Lu mentioned that in her previous years of work experience, there was a parent with a high status who did not respect her enough, and even regarded her as a subordinate, forcibly required to cooperate with his educational philosophy, assigned tasks, and even asked to report the situation of students. Another parent, extremely confident in her child's performance, frequently pressured Li Lu to make her child a class leader, even though her child's performance did not meet the requirements of this role. This friction between parents and teachers has become part of Li Lu's work, and she has now become sophisticated and has learned to refuse unreasonable demands, even if the other party is not happy.

Not only that, but parents have different expectations of teachers. Some parents hope that their children can grow up in a happy learning atmosphere, and oppose excessive homework and study pressure. However, other parents believe that teachers should assign more homework to ensure that children work harder. This difference forces teachers to find a balance between parents to meet as many needs as possible.

The sincere words of a post-90s teacher: Compared with before, the status of teachers seems to be getting lower and lower

Teachers should not be rejected altogether for individual bad behaviors. Commenting on negative news should not affect the entire professional image.

The profession of teacher was once seen as noble, highly moral and sacred. In recent years, however, some negative press coverage has led to a change in public perception of teachers. Social media is rife with criticism of teachers, with some even claiming that teachers do nothing and leave the task of education to parents, or that teachers only care about wealthy students and are indifferent to poor students. Li Lu pointed out that this kind of extensive remarks sometimes makes teachers feel unhappy, but over time, they also become numb.

The sincere words of a post-90s teacher: Compared with before, the status of teachers seems to be getting lower and lower

Indeed, education is a complex field with many factors and challenges. Admittedly, misconduct by some individual teachers may exist, but this is not representative of the entire professional group. Just like other industries, there are some bad practices in education, but just one corrupt apple should not negate the value of an entire orchard.

Teachers' Day is important, but daily interaction with students is the warmest time. Students' care and affection make work more meaningful.

Although Teacher's Day is an important day, Li Lu believes that the moments of her happiness and satisfaction are not on a specific holiday. She talked about how during her pregnancy, a student she had taught used to visit her, bring bread and care about her health. This student constantly expressed her concern and brought Li Lu infinite warmth. In addition, many students also show deep affection in their ordinary interactions, treating teachers as relatives.

The teaching profession is challenging and requires thinking of danger in peacetime. Future changes are uncertain, but competition is still fierce, and alternative plans are required.

In the teaching profession, job pressure is often accompanied by challenges. Teachers not only face teaching tasks, but also pressure from parents and leaders. Moreover, the rapid changes in the field of education make it necessary for teachers to constantly adapt to new educational concepts and technologies. In addition, Li Lu mentioned that even if teachers have long winter and summer vacations, this period is not completely a rest. They are required to attend various workshops and training courses, while class teachers are also required to attend closed training courses.

Overall, the teaching profession is challenging and requires constant learning and adaptation. Despite the uncertainty, there are still many people who are willing to pursue a career full of responsibility and dedication. In the first half of 2023, 4.273 million people applied for the teacher qualification examination, and the competition is still fierce. As a result, teachers must be prepared for future changes and consider alternative plans to meet the challenges that may arise.

Overall, the profession of teaching is challenging, but also full of warmth and meaning. Education is not only about imparting knowledge, but also about nurturing future members of society and shaping their values and character. Building a deep emotional connection with students and being their mentor and friend is the mission and honor of every teacher. Although professional status may fluctuate, the importance of education never changes. This profession requires tenacity and dedication, but it also brings deep satisfaction and joy.