
My Belarusian girl, my ex-Chinese boyfriend was arrested by me, and now married to a Chinese rural husband, I have no regrets

author:Funny branches

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I am a Belarusian girl Nguyen Zipei, Nguyen is my current surname, and Zipei is my first name. As a child, I suffered from a stubborn disease, and it was Chinese medicine that healed me, and since then, there has been an incredible bond between me and China.

When I grew up, I worked hard and eventually joined Huawei's Polish subsidiary, an opportunity that also brought me unexpected love. My husband, Linqi, is from a remote mountain village in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, and is 10 years older than me. Despite our age and cultural differences, love is not bound by any boundaries.

My Belarusian girl, my ex-Chinese boyfriend was arrested by me, and now married to a Chinese rural husband, I have no regrets

I was born in 2002 in a small town in eastern Belarus with a complicated family and parents who had been married before, so we were a family of four siblings. However, such a family background does not bring us happiness, the relationship between parents is not harmonious, and our childhood is full of anxiety.

When I was a child, I suffered from a bone development problem, and my mother spared no effort to take me to major hospitals in order to treat me, but with little effect. Until by chance, my mother discovered Chinese medicine, and she seized this last ray of hope and began to find Chinese medicine for me and let me take it. With the treatment of Chinese medicine, I gradually recovered and the doctors were shocked by this miracle. I am well aware of the importance of Chinese medicine and have a deep respect for Chinese.

My Belarusian girl, my ex-Chinese boyfriend was arrested by me, and now married to a Chinese rural husband, I have no regrets

After my recovery, I actively participated in various sports activities, became a member of the Belarusian Olympic team for gymnastics, and also became a master horse rider. Life becomes colorful, but the discord between parents affects our emotions, their relationship is like a river, and ripples affect our mood.

But I learned maturity and how to deal with family problems. At the age of seven, I learned to swim in my own car, a quality of independence and strength that began to be cultivated at an early age. I know to study hard and fight for my dreams.

My Belarusian girl, my ex-Chinese boyfriend was arrested by me, and now married to a Chinese rural husband, I have no regrets

During my high school in Poland, I gradually became interested in China. I study Chinese and understand Chinese culture and history. China's four great inventions and righteousness fascinated me and fascinated me.

However, plans to study in China have been thwarted by the global pandemic. I contracted the virus and although I eventually recovered, the pandemic hindered my plans to travel to China. While in Poland, I got a job, studied Chinese, and waited for an opportunity.

In a foreign land, I worked hard and fought for my financial independence. Working in a Ukrainian-run store, managing inventory, sales, and documentation, has allowed me to grow rapidly.

My Belarusian girl, my ex-Chinese boyfriend was arrested by me, and now married to a Chinese rural husband, I have no regrets

During this time, I met a boyfriend from China, our relationship went well, and he proposed marriage. I met his parents remotely, and they liked me very much and wanted me to be one of them.

I accepted a job offer from Huawei Poland to get more exposure to Chinese culture. However, I did not expect that the marriage life that was about to start would be full of twists and turns. My boyfriend started showing inexplicable pickiness and arguments, and even flirted with other women online, making me feel betrayed and sad. In the end, I decided to end the relationship because I knew that such a man was not worth cherishing.

My Belarusian girl, my ex-Chinese boyfriend was arrested by me, and now married to a Chinese rural husband, I have no regrets

After the breakup, I experienced pain, but time is the medicine to heal the pain. I gradually managed my emotions and got back to work. Then, a coincidence led me to meet Linqi, my current husband.

Lin Qi is my colleague at Huawei, and he is from Quanzhou, China. Despite cultural differences and language barriers, there is a special tacit understanding and attraction between us. Our relationship gradually warmed up and eventually came together.

We chat online, sharing jobs and ideals. Linqi is a gentle, caring person who makes me feel particularly warm. We respect and understand each other, and despite some minor frictions brought about by cultural differences, we integrate each other's ideas through dialogue.

My Belarusian girl, my ex-Chinese boyfriend was arrested by me, and now married to a Chinese rural husband, I have no regrets

Our relationship developed rapidly, quickly skipping calligraphy practice and falling straight into romance and warmth. Our lives are full of

On this road of marriage full of uncertainties and adventures, I have experienced many challenges and trials, but I have also gained endless happiness and emotion. Marriage across borders is not all smooth sailing, but it is precisely because it is unusual that makes our love more tenacious and precious.

After marriage, I began to gradually integrate into Chinese life, learn Chinese, experience Chinese culture, and also have a deep understanding of Chinese traditional values. This gave me a better understanding of Linqi and his family. I learned a lot of delicious Chinese dishes under my mother-in-law's guidance, and although I still have reservations about traditional snacks like duck head and chicken feet, at least I can embrace their presence because it is part of the culture.

My Belarusian girl, my ex-Chinese boyfriend was arrested by me, and now married to a Chinese rural husband, I have no regrets

In addition to integration in family life, I also continue to work hard in the workplace. I devote myself to my work, actively participate in various activities, and strive to contribute to the company. Over time, my career at Huawei has achieved a lot of achievements, which is also thanks to my husband's support and encouragement.

Although we work in different fields, our common language is love and support. LinQi has always been a strong supporter in my professional career, encouraging me to pursue my dreams, both in my career and in life. This mutual understanding and support makes our marriage stronger.

My Belarusian girl, my ex-Chinese boyfriend was arrested by me, and now married to a Chinese rural husband, I have no regrets

Another challenge is cultural differences and communication issues. We often have small misunderstandings due to cultural differences, but we all understand that understanding and respecting each other's cultural backgrounds is an important factor in maintaining our relationship. Through open dialogue and mutual learning, we gradually bridge the cultural divide and enrich our marriages.

Marriage across borders also means dealing with legal and paperwork matters in different countries. We used to face some red tape, but it was also a test of our trust and commitment. In the end, we managed to solve all the problems and received the marriage certificate, and the moment was so sweet and worthwhile.

My Belarusian girl, my ex-Chinese boyfriend was arrested by me, and now married to a Chinese rural husband, I have no regrets

Looking back on our marriage journey, I deeply realized that love has no borders, as long as there is firm belief and sincere emotions, cross-border marriage can also be happy. We have proved that people of different cultures and backgrounds can work together towards a happy future, and that as long as we cherish, tolerate, and understand each other, love will become more indestructible.

In the future, we will continue to grow together and face all challenges and opportunities in life. No matter what happens, we will hug each other and walk through every stage of life. Marriage across borders is an amazing adventure, and we will always be with us to write our own stories together.

My Belarusian girl, my ex-Chinese boyfriend was arrested by me, and now married to a Chinese rural husband, I have no regrets

Finally, I would like to thank my parents for their unconditional support and blessings as I made big decisions. Their understanding and love strengthened my determination to embark on this challenging marriage. I would also like to thank Linqi's family, whose warmth and kindness made me feel warm and welcome. Most importantly, I want to thank Linqi for giving me love and happiness and making me believe in the beauty of cross-border marriage.

No matter what happens in the future, we will always walk together and face the ups and downs of life together. Because we know that true love, no matter how far away, can overcome all obstacles, let two hearts be closely connected, and spend a beautiful journey in life together.

My Belarusian girl, my ex-Chinese boyfriend was arrested by me, and now married to a Chinese rural husband, I have no regrets

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