
The G7 is watching the tiger and forbidden the mainland to send troops to take over Taiwan, and Wang Wenbin's words left him speechless

author:Ice Brother Bob

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The G7 continues to pay attention to China and has put the Taiwan Strait issue on the agenda, strongly opposing any attempt to change the status quo by force. Despite the attack on Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, the G7 foreign ministers' meeting went on as usual. Japan has been actively hosting the G7 meeting in the hope of highlighting its presence. This year, Japan is particularly keen to focus on the situation in Asia, making China an important issue and trying to link European security with security in the Indo-Pacific region.

The G7, guided by the United States and Japan, has shown wariness against China. China became the main topic of informal talks and working dinners on the first day, especially the Taiwan Strait issue. At the meeting, Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshihiro Hayashi stressed Japan's concerns and called on China to act responsibly. This position, which has been supported by other countries, emphasizes the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. However, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin clearly pointed out that certain countries adhere to the one-China policy on the surface, but condone separatist activities for Taiwan independence, and even described opposing Taiwan independence and separatism as changing the status quo in the Taiwan Strait. This viewpoint breaks the hypocritical position of some countries and shows that the fundamental cause of tension in the Taiwan Strait lies in the provocation and interference of external forces.

The G7 is watching the tiger and forbidden the mainland to send troops to take over Taiwan, and Wang Wenbin's words left him speechless

At the formal meeting of G7 foreign ministers, Lin Fang once again stressed China's active military activities and urged the G7 to unite to safeguard the international rule of law order. However, this description is more applicable to Japan's own situation. Recently, Japan has not only significantly increased defense spending and strengthened its military power, but also conducted military exercises with the United States and other Western countries, posing a serious threat to regional security. Japan is trying to play up the so-called Chinese threat in order to achieve its ulterior ends.

Despite Japan's efforts to get the G7 to agree on a position, there are serious differences in practice. French President Emmanuel Macron has said that Europe should not become a vassal of the United States and should avoid getting involved in the Taiwan issue. French Foreign Minister Colonna insisted at the G7 meeting that France's policy on China and the Taiwan issue have not changed. In addition, the leakage of classified documents of the United States monitoring allies undermined trust among allies and cast a shadow over the G7 foreign ministers' meeting. This shows that in the current global situation, camp confrontation faces great resistance within the West.

The G7 is watching the tiger and forbidden the mainland to send troops to take over Taiwan, and Wang Wenbin's words left him speechless

Japan has also tried to push ahead with a plan to discharge nuclear sewage into the sea at the G7 meeting, but Germany's opposition is clear. The joint statement of the G7 climate, energy and environment ministers' meeting did not support Japan's plans, and German Environment Minister Lemke stressed that nuclear sewage cannot be discharged into the ocean. This shows that in today's globally interconnected environment, camp confrontation also faces challenges within the West.

To sum up, although the G7 has tried to shift its focus to China, internal differences and the positions of different countries show that camp confrontation has become difficult to implement. Today's world is more inclined to peace and development, and engaging in camp confrontation runs counter to the trend of the times and is bound to face increasing resistance.

The G7 is watching the tiger and forbidden the mainland to send troops to take over Taiwan, and Wang Wenbin's words left him speechless


Under the current global situation, the G7 countries are vigilant against China and pay special attention to the Taiwan Strait issue. However, there is hypocrisy in their China policy, a position criticized by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin. Despite the G7's attempts to unify externally, there are serious internal differences, particularly over Taiwan. In addition, the G7 countries are divided on environmental issues, indicating that in the context of global interconnectedness, camp confrontation is no longer possible. At present, the world is more inclined to peace and development, while camp confrontation is going against the trend and facing increasing resistance. In order to maintain global peace and stability, all countries should jointly address common challenges in accordance with the principles of fairness, justice, equality and cooperation.

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