
After the elderly over 60 years old have passed the impotence, if there are still 6 major symptoms, it proves that they have not recovered and cannot be careless

author:Jiu Mo Clip

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After the peak of the first wave of the pandemic, most people are gradually starting to return to normal life. However, even if the "yang" passes, it does not mean that you have completely recovered. This article will dive into the six symptoms and let us understand what more needs to be done to truly recover.

Symptom 1: Persistent cough

After "Yangkang", many people will cough from time to time, because the virus has invaded the upper and lower respiratory tract. If the cough gradually decreases, it means that the body is gradually recovering. However, if the cough is persistent and severe, accompanied by white, yellow, purulent sputum, and shortness of breath, it may be a sign of lung inflammation and requires immediate medical attention.

After the elderly over 60 years old have passed the impotence, if there are still 6 major symptoms, it proves that they have not recovered and cannot be careless

Symptom two: difficulty breathing

Usually, as the body gradually recovers, the respiratory system gradually returns to normal. But if you still feel shortness of breath and difficulty breathing after a week, this may be a warning sign that requires a detailed examination in the hospital, especially for people over 60 years old.

Symptom 3: Extreme fatigue

Some people may feel extremely tired after "yangkang", and even simple household chores can make them feel exhausted and lack of energy. This fatigue may also be accompanied by gastrointestinal disorders, easy diarrhea, or unexplained bone pain.

After the elderly over 60 years old have passed the impotence, if there are still 6 major symptoms, it proves that they have not recovered and cannot be careless

Symptom four: loss of smell and taste

Many people will feel bitterness in their mouths after "yangkang", they will not be able to taste food, and their sense of smell may also be impaired. Usually, these symptoms gradually return over two weeks, but some people may take longer. Do not try to stimulate the palate with irritating foods such as peppers or mustard to avoid harming the mucous membranes.

Symptom 5: Eye discomfort

The new coronavirus may also cause damage to the eyes, causing uncomfortable symptoms such as red and swollen eyes, photophobia and tearing, blurred vision, and red spots around the eyes. Therefore, it is recommended to carry eye drops with you after "yangkang" to relieve eye discomfort and to seek medical attention if symptoms do not improve.

After the elderly over 60 years old have passed the impotence, if there are still 6 major symptoms, it proves that they have not recovered and cannot be careless

Symptom 6: Excessive sweating

In the early days of the new crown infection, it is normal to have a high fever and sudden hot and cold situations, which most people will experience. However, if the symptoms of excessive sweating continue after a week of "impotence", it may indicate that the virus has more severe damage to the immune system and requires a longer recovery. In addition, some people may sweat profusely after a little activity or even sweat while sleeping at night, which also requires additional nutrient supplementation.

To sum up, although "yang kang" is a positive sign, it does not represent recovery. Until these "small symptoms" do not completely disappear, we should scientifically condition the body, maintain adequate rest, avoid overwork and strenuous exercise, and at the same time strengthen nutrition. Only then can we achieve true recovery faster. Don't take it lightly, because health is the most valuable asset.

After the elderly over 60 years old have passed the impotence, if there are still 6 major symptoms, it proves that they have not recovered and cannot be careless

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