
Outburst! The man coughed on the train and was beaten by the same woman with her hair, and the man did not fight back the whole time

author:Comfort Tangerine loves to break the news
Outburst! The man coughed on the train and was beaten by the same woman with her hair, and the man did not fight back the whole time

Recently, a shocking incident occurred on a train, a man was beaten by the same woman by the hair for coughing, and what was even more surprising was that the man did not fight back the whole time. This scene aroused the indignation and concern of many passengers.

Outburst! The man coughed on the train and was beaten by the same woman with her hair, and the man did not fight back the whole time

According to witnesses, the incident occurred on a train from City A to City B. At that time, the train had been moving for a while, and the people in the carriage were crowded and the atmosphere was tense. Suddenly, a coughing sound came from the man's side, which immediately attracted the dissatisfaction of a woman sitting next to the man.

Outburst! The man coughed on the train and was beaten by the same woman with her hair, and the man did not fight back the whole time

The woman, apparently disgusted by the man's cough, chose not to endure or move to another seat, but grabbed the man's hair and began beating him. From the video provided by witnesses, it can be seen that the woman pulled the man's hair forcefully, constantly punching and kicking him, and gave the man no chance to fight back.

Outburst! The man coughed on the train and was beaten by the same woman with her hair, and the man did not fight back the whole time

Although the man apparently suffered serious physical injuries, he never fought back, only trying to protect his head. This scene caused anger and puzzlement among other passengers in the carriage, many of whom shouted to stop the violence and called the police.

Outburst! The man coughed on the train and was beaten by the same woman with her hair, and the man did not fight back the whole time
Outburst! The man coughed on the train and was beaten by the same woman with her hair, and the man did not fight back the whole time

It is understood that after the incident, train staff quickly arrived at the scene, separated the coughing man from the violent woman, and then took them off the train. At present, the relevant departments have intervened to investigate the matter and will pursue the responsibility of the violent woman in accordance with the law.

Outburst! The man coughed on the train and was beaten by the same woman with her hair, and the man did not fight back the whole time
Outburst! The man coughed on the train and was beaten by the same woman with her hair, and the man did not fight back the whole time

The incident sparked extensive discussion and reflection. Violence is never the way to solve problems, whether in public or private life, we should deal with conflicts and disputes in a peaceful and rational way. And the man as a victim, his non-return also let us see his restraint and reason, which is worth pondering.

Outburst! The man coughed on the train and was beaten by the same woman with her hair, and the man did not fight back the whole time

At the same time, this incident has once again aroused people's attention to the quality of etiquette and civility in public places. On public transportation, we should respect each other, love each other, and jointly maintain a good riding environment. At any time, we should not resolve conflicts with violence, but with tolerance and understanding.

Outburst! The man coughed on the train and was beaten by the same woman with her hair, and the man did not fight back the whole time

I hope that this incident can arouse the attention and reflection of more people, and let us work together to create a harmonious and peaceful social environment, so that public places can become a place where we can jointly display civilized qualities and friendly attitudes.

Note: This article is purely fictitious, and if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental.