
Zhiqing story was beaten by the mandarin duck he went to join the army, and years later learned that she raised a family in the countryside.

author:Kaixin Entertainment

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At that time, Liu Baohua was a rural intellectual, and his heart was shaken by the beautiful and kind village girl Ma Lanhua. However, their love was firmly opposed by Ma Lanhua's parents, who feared that Liu Baohua would eventually return to the city and let his daughter get hurt. Faced with this obstruction, Liu Baohua and Ma Lanhua resolutely decided to elope, with a bright future.

They hoped the move would make Ma Lanhua's parents accept their feelings, but found that their decision only complicated the situation. Ma Lanhua's father, Ma Fugui, sought out a letter to discuss and decided to send Liu Baohua to serve as a soldier, depriving the two of the opportunity to meet, which eventually led to their separation. Liu Baohua's military career began, but his longing for Ma Lanhua deepened, and he wrote several times to try to understand her condition, but never received a reply. Eventually, he learns that Ma Lanhua has married someone else, which pains him deeply.

Zhiqing story was beaten by the mandarin duck he went to join the army, and years later learned that she raised a family in the countryside.

However, fate brought Liu Baohua another setback during the Tangshan earthquake. He was seriously injured during the rescue operation, lost a leg and became disabled. Nevertheless, he returned to the city, started his own family, and his wife gave birth to two daughters. Years later, he accidentally discovers that Ma Lanhua bore him a son, who grew up to become an excellent soldier and criminal policeman. Although a large family suddenly appeared, Liu Baohua's heart was full of emotion and affection. How did he deal with this sudden change?

Zhiqing story was beaten by the mandarin duck he went to join the army, and years later learned that she raised a family in the countryside.


Although Liu Baohua's military career made him leave Ma Lanhua, his thoughts about her never stopped. He wrote to inquire about her whereabouts, but was unable to get a response. In the captain's reply, he learns that Ma Lanhua has married and is told to let go of this past relationship. However, the pain in his heart did not lessen.

The Tangshan earthquake became another great test in Liu Baohua's life. During the rescue operation, he was seriously injured, losing a leg and four fingers. Despite this, he persevered in his post and was eventually awarded first-class merit and second-class merit. After demobilization, he worked in the Security Section of the Civil Affairs Bureau, where he was responsible for janitor and registration.

Zhiqing story was beaten by the mandarin duck he went to join the army, and years later learned that she raised a family in the countryside.

Over time, he married Qi Jianqin and had two daughters. However, his wife developed liver cancer and eventually died. The loss hit Mr. Liu hard, but he resisted the pressure to make sure his two daughters finished college. This experience became part of his tenacity.


After Liu Baohua retired, both daughters found jobs, and life gradually stabilized. His old comrades offered to go back to the place where they cut the queue, and the offer was quickly approved. They returned to the Beiyugou Brigade in Mizhi County, northern Shaanxi, and found that the village had changed dramatically. The captain and Lao Zhishu are gone, but villager Liu Zhonghou still remembers it vividly and helps them understand the situation back then.

Zhiqing story was beaten by the mandarin duck he went to join the army, and years later learned that she raised a family in the countryside.

Liu Baohua asked about Ma Lanhua and learned that she married into a wealthy family, but later gave birth to a son that caused controversy. This news shocked Liu Baohua, who recalled the scene in the hotel with Ma Lanhua, and now he has to face the truth. He decides to find Ma Lan and solve the mystery of the past.


After years of separation, Liu Baohua finally reunited with Ma Lanhua. Ma Lanhua's life became difficult, visually impaired and living alone. Liu Baohua was touched by her tenacity and perseverance, and they reconnected their relationship. Liu Baohua decided to take Ma Lanhua to Beijing to treat her eyes, hoping to create a happy old age for her.

Ma Lanhua became an integral part of Liu Baohua's life, and he was grateful to her for bearing him a son and raising a family. Despite the ups and downs and difficulties of the past, they reunited and decided to face the future together. Liu Baohua regards her as part of the family and is willing to work hard for her happiness.


The story is full of ups and downs, but it unfolds in the end


Liu Baohua's decision made the family feel very moved, especially his son and daughter-in-law. They are well aware of Ma Lanhua's hard work and perseverance over the years, and feel that they should repay her for their efforts.

After discussing with his son, Liu Baohua decided to take Ma Lanhua to Beijing to see a specialist for treatment. The family happily prepared for the trip, and Liu Baohua felt as if he had returned to his youth, full of hope for life.

In Beijing, they found a well-known ophthalmologist. After a detailed examination and diagnosis, the doctor told them that although the cataract of Maran was more serious, it could be treated with surgery to restore their vision.

The surgery was very successful, and although it took a while to recover after the surgery, Ma Lanhua's eyes had begun to gradually improve. She can see the smiles of her family and see the bits and pieces of her grandchildren growing up, all of which makes her feel very happy.

Liu Baohua and his son's family has also become happier. They re-establish the bond of affection and face the challenges of life together. The son is also proud that his father is a strong and loving man who has finally come out of the shadows and started a new life as a family.


Over time, Ma Lanhua's vision gradually recovered, and she re-engaged in family life to start a new life of her own. Although she is old, she is full of anticipation and love for the future.

Liu Baohua and Ma Lanhua's relationship was also rekindled, and they decided to enter the palace of marriage again, this time a truly happy marriage, without the ups and downs and obstacles of the past. They spent the rest of their lives together, enjoying the warmth and happiness of their families.

Their sons and grandchildren have also become more united, and the family supports each other in the pursuit of happiness and success together. Liu Baohua and her son are proud of their family because they understand that family is the most important support and dependency.


This story tells us that love and affection are the most precious treasures in life. Although there will be many difficulties and setbacks in life, as long as we persevere and work hard, we can overcome all difficulties and usher in a better future. The story of Liu Baohua and Ma Lanhua is a symbol of love and perseverance, and their tenacity and courage inspire us to believe in ourselves, love and the power of happiness no matter what difficulties we encounter.

This story also tells us that family affection is priceless. Family is our warmest harbor, no matter what difficulties we encounter, family will always be our strongest support. Liu Baohua's decision not only changed Ma Lanhua's fate, but also revitalized the whole family.

Finally, let us cherish the people around us together, pass on love and warmth, and create a better future together. No matter what difficulties we encounter, as long as we have hope and keep working hard, happiness will eventually come. May everyone be like Liu Baohua and Ma Lanhua, with a happy family and a beautiful life.

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