
The Chinese expert community has been infiltrated into a sieve by foreign "internal ghosts", and national security is at stake

author:Ah Nan-san
The Chinese expert community has been infiltrated into a sieve by foreign "internal ghosts", and national security is at stake

Recently, the State Security Bureau investigated and dealt with Kaisheng Rongying Information Technology Co., Ltd. according to law, and Kaisheng Rongying Company, which has huge expert resources, was unexpectedly involved in the conspiracy of foreign intelligence agencies and became their accomplices in stealing state secrets and intelligence in important fields such as the mainland's military, military industry, economy, finance and high-tech fields.

Kaisheng Rongying's exposure is a shocking incident that unveils profound challenges in China's national security field. Here's what happened.

The Chinese expert community has been infiltrated into a sieve by foreign "internal ghosts", and national security is at stake

1. Investigation initiation

It all started with an in-depth investigation by the NSA. The agency has been monitoring the activities of foreign intelligence agencies, suspecting that they have carried out large-scale infiltration operations in China. One of the highlights of this survey is Kaisheng Rongying. The NSA began an investigation into the company's activities, particularly the flow of money between the company and companies abroad, raising suspicions.

The Chinese expert community has been infiltrated into a sieve by foreign "internal ghosts", and national security is at stake

2. Investigate deeply

The investigation quickly moved into an in-depth phase. Members of the NSA's investigation team dug deeper into the company's background, including its founders, executive team and relationships with overseas companies. They uncovered a series of shocking facts that show that Kaisheng Rongying is not only active in China, but also inextricably linked to foreign intelligence agencies.

The Chinese expert community has been infiltrated into a sieve by foreign "internal ghosts", and national security is at stake

3. Money Transaction Reveal

One of the most striking findings is that Kaisheng Rongying has received a large number of financial support from overseas companies. From 2017 to 2020, Kaisheng Rongying Company accepted remittances from hundreds of overseas companies, with a total amount of nearly 100 million US dollars. That figure shocked the investigation team, who began to trace the whereabouts of the funds in depth.

The Chinese expert community has been infiltrated into a sieve by foreign "internal ghosts", and national security is at stake

4. Penetration of the field

The investigation team also found that Kaisheng Rongying's expert resources cover various fields, including military, military, economic, financial and high-tech and other important fields. These experts have close contacts with foreign companies and frequently provide them with consulting services. This raises concerns about whether these experts are part of the foreign infiltration.

The Chinese expert community has been infiltrated into a sieve by foreign "internal ghosts", and national security is at stake

5. Accomplices exposed

After a lengthy investigation, the NSA finally revealed that Kaisheng Rongying was one of the accomplices of foreign intelligence agencies involved in a conspiracy to steal Chinese state secrets and intelligence. The discovery shocked both domestic and international and triggered a profound rethinking of national security.

The Chinese expert community has been infiltrated into a sieve by foreign "internal ghosts", and national security is at stake

The revelation of this incident not only reveals the enormous challenges facing China's national security, but also shows that the infiltration of social elites and professionals by foreign intelligence agencies is a reality. This incident has aroused widespread concern in Chinese society about national security issues, prompting the government and all sectors of society to take active measures to establish a more impregnable national security defense line to defend the interests and dignity of the country.

Adhere to the truth and refuse to sell the country: the light of conscience of the Chinese elite

China, a large and dynamic country, is increasingly facing threats and infiltration from abroad. This is no longer the plot of a spy novel, but a real challenge to China's national security. What follows is an in-depth look at these issues, revealing the underlying threats and the actions we need to take to defend our homeland.

6. No longer on paper

In the past, national security was often the subject of senior policymakers, but today it is no longer a matter of paper. We are deeply alarmed that foreign forces are invading all areas of China on an unprecedented scale and force, especially attacking social elites. What is the root of the problem?

The Chinese expert community has been infiltrated into a sieve by foreign "internal ghosts", and national security is at stake

7. Infiltration is everywhere

The word "infiltration" no longer seems to accurately describe the current situation, and the more appropriate term would be "flooding". The penetration of hostile forces has spread to every field, be it politics, economics, technology or culture. They are pervasive like the plague, but we are too focused on the problems of the underclass. It is time to shift our focus and confront this issue that concerns society as a whole.

8. The social elite becomes the target

Kochi, known to the public, and the rich, i.e., capitalists, became the two most dangerous groups for national security. These social elites not only possessed great wealth, but also more influence, and therefore became the primary target of infiltration. Their lives, work, and social networks have become hotbeds of penetration. The question is, are some of them vigilant enough to stand up for the security of their country?

The Chinese expert community has been infiltrated into a sieve by foreign "internal ghosts", and national security is at stake

9. Loyalty to the country and humiliation

The ancients: "Zhongyi is mostly a dog slaughterer". Yet a section of the elite seems to embrace foreign values more than defend the dignity of the country. In peacetime, they may not be happy with the interests of the country or even betray it, but in war years, their betrayal will make the country even worse. How to arouse their national consciousness has become a question that we must think about.

10. Build an impregnable national security defense

In order to safeguard national security, we must take active and effective measures to establish an impregnable national security defense line. First, the collection and analysis of intelligence information must be strengthened in order to keep abreast of potential threats. Second, a more rigorous security review mechanism needs to be established, with in-depth reviews of areas related to national security to ensure that there are no loopholes for infiltration and leakage. At the same time, governments, enterprises and all sectors of society must establish closer cooperation to jointly safeguard national security.

11. Strengthen national security education

National security education must be further strengthened to ensure that every citizen cultivates a sense of national security and builds a solid national security defense line. It is necessary to have an in-depth understanding of the situation at the grass-roots level, find out the root cause of the infiltration problem, and take practical and effective measures to solve the problem.

The Chinese expert community has been infiltrated into a sieve by foreign "internal ghosts", and national security is at stake

12. It is urgent to eliminate traitors

Finally, it is urgent to eliminate the traitors. Those involved in infiltration and undermining of national security must be severely punished. National security is paramount, as is national security. Only through resolute and forceful measures can we ensure national security and safeguard our interests and dignity.

The Chinese expert community has been infiltrated into a sieve by foreign "internal ghosts", and national security is at stake

Conclusion: Jointly defend national security

The issue of national security cannot be underestimated, and we can no longer stand idly by. We must take active and effective measures to protect the interests and security of our country. Only through the joint efforts of the whole society can we establish an impregnable national security defense line, ensure the prosperity and stability of the country, and ensure that the people live and work in peace and contentment. Let us work together to defend our national security!

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