
From the laughing "pejorative term", look at the demeanor and ambition of Academician He Zuoxiu

author:Half Lotus 6

Today, I saw the song "Bu Operator" given to Academician He Zuoxiu by netizen dream seekers, which made people endure it:

From the laughing "pejorative term", look at the demeanor and ambition of Academician He Zuoxiu

Using allusions such as "turtle life is longevity" and "indiscriminate filling of numbers", Ya satirized Academician He Lao's "late festival is difficult to guarantee" and "do not do endlessly". Although it seems disrespectful to the old man and a little mean, he is also realistic.

Most people probably know He Zuoxiu like me, because he opposed pseudo-qigong decades ago, and because his name is very special. I also deliberately looked up these two words that are difficult to remember:

Zuo: blessing, blessing; Yu: Shelter, protection - God forbid, a happy life.

People are as their name suggests, how many people are there in the world who have lived so long and achieved such an achievement?

From the laughing "pejorative term", look at the demeanor and ambition of Academician He Zuoxiu

But I don't know when "Zuo Xiu" was caricatured as "not doing endlessly".

He Zuoxiu first met in the headlines because he invented the title of "oral laborer".

From the laughing "pejorative term", look at the demeanor and ambition of Academician He Zuoxiu

At that time, I wrote that:

From the laughing "pejorative term", look at the demeanor and ambition of Academician He Zuoxiu

And after that, He Lao's remarks were not so funny and funny. Doing whatever he wants, without any obstacles, not only fighting with Sima Nan, but also exposing and criticizing Wei Wei: "continuing the revolution" under the conditions of adhering to reform and opening up; Adhere to the theory of "taking class struggle as the keynote." From this, it is concluded: "ruined the reputation of a lifetime".

He satirized some people who were the "widows and widows" of the Cultural Revolution, but because they remembered the great-grandfather of the big capitalists, they were caricatured as the "widows and widows" of the capitalists; Using the theory of contradiction to oppose common enrichment runs counter to the original intention of reform and opening up.

From the laughing "pejorative term", look at the demeanor and ambition of Academician He Zuoxiu

What's more, he also complained about the great War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, vainly claiming a "crushing victory"!

Where is the ideological realm and cognitive level of a 75-year veteran party member?

Recently, He Lao has become interested in Marx's economics, denying capitalist exploitation and the theory of surplus value.

From the laughing "pejorative term", look at the demeanor and ambition of Academician He Zuoxiu

I was also fortunate to receive a personal "admonition" from Academician He Lao, saying that "you have not read Capital at all." Only scratched the surface."

From the laughing "pejorative term", look at the demeanor and ambition of Academician He Zuoxiu

The basis for his capitalists' non-exploitation is actually "unmanned factories"! Think of an "unmanned factory" as a factory without people, using zero workers. It does not consider the research and development and maintenance of scientific researchers and skilled workers behind the "unmanned factory".

Academician He Lao has a wide range of interests and also makes compositional thesis on traditional Chinese medicine. According to his research, Chinese medicine is 90% bad!

From the laughing "pejorative term", look at the demeanor and ambition of Academician He Zuoxiu

"Crush under the tongue." If you conclude as a member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, traditional Chinese medicine with a history of more than 2,000 years should not be destroyed in the present day! No wonder some netizens criticized him: professional things are very; The thing was done professionally.

In the end, He Lao, who invented the term "oral laborer", properly became a "verbal worker" himself.

Back to the "Fortune Operator" given to Academician He Lao by the dream seeker. Probably the dream seeker did not expect that Academician He Lao would laugh at his "pejorative term" generously, and declared his ambition: to seize the day and "stand on the last post"!

From the laughing "pejorative term", look at the demeanor and ambition of Academician He Zuoxiu

The dream seeker probably did not expect that Academician He Lao would reply personally, and after making up his mind, he replied to Academician He Lao: Don't get involved in "worldly disputes", "look down on fame and fortune" and "nurture the elderly". But netizens in the comment area are not so polite:

From the laughing "pejorative term", look at the demeanor and ambition of Academician He Zuoxiu
From the laughing "pejorative term", look at the demeanor and ambition of Academician He Zuoxiu
From the laughing "pejorative term", look at the demeanor and ambition of Academician He Zuoxiu

However, Academician He Lao's ambition to "stand on the last shift" may be subject to some resistance. Due to his "verbal" performance, his Chinese Academy of Social Sciences was under great pressure, and on August 2 issued a "ban": academicians were prohibited from publicly publishing academic opinions unrelated to their professional fields.

From the laughing "pejorative term", look at the demeanor and ambition of Academician He Zuoxiu

Academicians are lifelong, and although Academician He Lao is nearly 100 years old, he is still organized and managed, and he really can't do whatever he wants.

But somehow, Academician He Lao did not implement this "ban", and I remained like this until one day (10 am on September 8), I received the "Code of Conduct for Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Trial)" from the organization.

From the laughing "pejorative term", look at the demeanor and ambition of Academician He Zuoxiu

The Academy of Social Sciences not only specially issued a "ban", but also specially delivered it to Academician He Lao, and He Lao's prestige can be seen.

I hope that Academician He Zuoxiu can deeply understand the spirit of the documents of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and carry out scientific popularization work of "particle physics" and "theoretical physics" for the public. For example, regarding the recent issue of Japan's nuclear pollution, it is not only an issue related to Academician He's profession, but also an issue closely related to the fate of mankind, especially the life of the Chinese people. Does "standing on the last post" only stop at the level of rhetoric?