
Sima Nan: India wants to change the name of the country, which name is auspicious?

author:Sima Nan

Text/Sima Nan

Brahma Bharat India, three names are one thing,

India is going to change its name and sing a big drama.

Sima Nan: India wants to change the name of the country, which name is auspicious?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has offered to change India's name from "India" to "Bharat."

Three days ago I wrote an article and did a video program that carefully analyzed the historical reasons why India changed its name to Bharat, cultural reasons and reasons for realpolitik struggles.

The G20 Summit opened in New Delhi, India on the 9th. "India Today", "Times of India", "Hindustan Times" and many other Indian media noted that Indian Prime Minister Modi delivered a speech at the summit on the same day, and the English name of the country signed on the table in front of him was "BHARAT" (translated as "Bharat" or "Balat"), not "INDIA".

New Delhi television said the detail sent a "strong signal" about India's name change and fueled speculation that a special session of India's parliament would formally push the agenda forward later this month.

Sima Nan: India wants to change the name of the country, which name is auspicious?

Guess what? No need to guess!

What else to guess? India is now bursting with self-confidence, that is, to change its name, and now it is stepping forward from scratch and playing the gong and opening another one.

India has a good relationship with Russia, and now it is hooking up with the United States, and the eyebrows of Japan and India have made Indians have an illusion of hope. Now American economists help the Indians argue, saying that you can do it, you can do it, you really can do it, you can do it better than China, now you have all the superior conditions at the beginning of China's reform and opening up, you must surpass China ...

This is a natural fit.

Who doesn't like to listen nicely, and besides, what the Americans say is not all foolish, India really has a left and right. And with Vishnu, India's greatest god, India is preparing for takeoff.

Sima Nan: India wants to change the name of the country, which name is auspicious?

Indian culture is very confident, change the name of the country, it is reported that it is part of the decolonization project, in the Indian concept, Vishnu is the first god of the universe, its godhead exceeds the Western god (my god), this god is the guardian god of the universe and life, not only bless India, but also bless the entire universe, the United States first, India second, India first, the United States second, the pattern of this world is blessed by the great god.

Chinese has always respected the spiritual and cultural traditions of other countries, and has always believed that faith and the like are personal private matters, you can believe whatever you like, believe how you like, the world ranking, you can rank how you want in your own heart, what a big thing.

But experience tells us that subjective wishes cannot replace objective facts, motive desires as facts, and thoughts as having achieved goals, no matter what god you believe in, the wine wakes up, the dream disappears, you need to face up to the objective facts.

Sima Nan: India wants to change the name of the country, which name is auspicious?


Objectively speaking, India has demographic advantages, land advantages, natural resource advantages, and geopolitical advantages, which are obviously superior to China, and the advantages of certain industries such as the software industry are also obvious. In China, it is not a problem at all, but in India it is a big problem, such as poor infrastructure, lack of electricity, lack of education, a large number of illiterate people, a lack of linguistic inity, sectarianism, and conflict. The advantages have long existed, and the shortcomings have not been overcome.

Sima Nan: India wants to change the name of the country, which name is auspicious?

Does changing the name of a country bring good luck?

In the alleys left and right before and after the Lama Temple in Beijing, many small door faces with names, usually hung with gossip wall charts, most of them have a bearded man sitting in the hall, God mysteriously tells you about plum blossom easy, batch eight characters, Ziwei dou number, tell you the big principle of name and luck, they are extremely skilled and can give you Ma He Mei, Liu He Dong, the original fate is not good, after he changed his name, the company became bigger, the wealth was rolling, and the marriage was happy and so on.

These mysterious oral laborers have never been able to explain why their ancestors have been poorly stopping passers-by from looking at the name of this small door for generations, but they have not made a trace.

Sima Nan: India wants to change the name of the country, which name is auspicious?

The truth that you can change your luck by naming it, you can believe it if you love it, anyway, it is auspicious. Bharata, Bharat, India, one more word less, can be, all curry flavor.

Sima Nan: India wants to change the name of the country, which name is auspicious?

(On the afternoon of September 9, 2023, written in the South Study Room of Dongcheng District, Beijing)

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