
Five years ago, at the age of 52, I was rehired to the army with 8,000+ salaries, and my subordinates were the top bosses

author:Moe does not leave the voyage, does not give up


There is an old saying that good horses don't eat back grass, and this applies not only to life and marriage, but also to careers. When faced with the opportunity to choose a new job, some people may worry that they will lose face if they eat back, but sometimes, this choice can change everything.

Chapter 1: Opportunities to return to the army

In 2011, I ended my 28-year military life, took off my uniform, and became a freelancer. In order to fill the gap in my life, I started looking for job opportunities, submitted my resume, and eventually found a corporate job.

However, in April 2019, I was 52 years old and my family had been living in the house for more than ten years. I spent a lot of time and effort renovating the house and almost became a small renovation worker. Although I love writing, outside of work, I also write essays and literature.

Five years ago, at the age of 52, I was rehired to the army with 8,000+ salaries, and my subordinates were the top bosses

One day, I shared on social media some essays published in the People's Liberation Army Daily and the China Labor Security Daily, which caught the attention of friends, including my old subordinates when I was in the army.

We reconnected on WeChat, and he told me that the army's propaganda outlet urgently needs a senior propaganda officer, especially to deal with the propaganda work of major events. He knew that I had worked in the propaganda department of the army and knew me very well. So, he invited me to return to work in the army, and my heart was filled with joy.

Chapter 2: Return to the Army

Soon after, I completed the internal process of rehiring and was ready to return to the army. However, I was advised not to eat the grass, thinking that it would make me lose face. But after all these years of life, I understood that the army was where I really wanted to be, so I accepted that opportunity without hesitation.

After returning, I found that my office was still where I left out, as if time had not changed.

Five years ago, at the age of 52, I was rehired to the army with 8,000+ salaries, and my subordinates were the top bosses

However, the leadership structure of the troops has changed, and many faces have become unfamiliar. I was given the task of writing a report on NPC delegates for a large newspaper. Since I had previously worked in military newspapers, writing press releases was no stranger to me, so I quickly completed the task. Soon after, my report was published in a large unit newspaper and was highly praised by higher authorities and leaders.

Chapter 3: Work is recognized

The director praised me for my work many times, but it became clear to me that I was no longer a soldier or a leader, but just an ordinary hired person. Therefore, I always maintain humility and respect, and every time I meet the director and leader, I will take the initiative to say hello and knock first like everyone else. The Director has great respect for me, and I respect and support his work.

In addition to work, I have always maintained the habit of writing prose. Gradually, I became the author of the internal military literature channel, and my military literature works were often published and rated as excellent manuscripts.

Five years ago, at the age of 52, I was rehired to the army with 8,000+ salaries, and my subordinates were the top bosses

Soon after, I became a remote editor of a large website. At the same time, I publish more than 100 essays in local newspapers every year, and I also publish them on my public account. The director was amazed at my achievements, thinking that I could still maintain such passion and writing tenacity at my age.

Chapter 4: The High Level of the Director

The director has excellent writing and has begun to dabble in prose writing in his spare time. One of his essays about farming tools in his hometown was even published in the People's Daily, but I never got it. The director loves to use his brain and loves to write, and he carefully revised all the materials we reported, sometimes even for the leader himself. His office often stays up late to work brightly lit, and he doesn't take weekends off to catch up with the leader.

Five years later, I was still busy with my own work in the unit, and the director was again selected to be transferred to a large organ and promoted because of his excellent writing and excellent work ability.

Five years ago, at the age of 52, I was rehired to the army with 8,000+ salaries, and my subordinates were the top bosses

This story tells us that as long as there is still opportunity and motivation, it is not a shame to eat back grass. The true meaning of life lies in perseverance and struggle, and age and the opinions of others should not be a hindrance.


In life, there are paths that cannot be abandoned because of age or outside perceptions. Eating back grass doesn't necessarily mean giving in and bowing down, but re-choosing and sticking to your dreams and passions. No matter what path we choose, as long as it is good for ourselves, society, and others, then all the choices and efforts are worth it. The true meaning of life lies in perseverance and struggle, and this is the same as the year

Age has nothing to do with the evaluation of others. When faced with a new choice, it is important to bravely go to the path you love.

This story also teaches us that everyone has their own worth and potential, and that regardless of age, if you maintain passion and struggle, you can create remarkable achievements.

Five years ago, at the age of 52, I was rehired to the army with 8,000+ salaries, and my subordinates were the top bosses