
US-China showdown? The Big Three in the United States collectively announced, People's Daily: abandon illusions

author:Spring breeze when coming

A complete showdown between China and the United States? The Big Three in the United States collectively announced that People's Daily: abandon all illusions

Recently, the international situation has undergone major changes again, causing global concern and speculation. According to the news, the Big Three companies in the United States (Google, Apple and Amazon) jointly announced a showdown to take a tougher stance against China. The news also attracted great attention from China's state-run People's Daily, which published an opinion article urging Chinese people to abandon all illusions.

Relations between the two countries have been tense since the outbreak of the US-China trade war. Although economic and trade relations between China and the United States have eased in the past few years, the actions of the Big Three have made people rethink the direction of Sino-US relations.

US-China showdown? The Big Three in the United States collectively announced, People's Daily: abandon illusions

It is reported that the joint action of the three major companies in the United States is a response to China's rise in the fields of science and technology and economy in recent years. China has made tremendous strides in artificial intelligence, 5G technology, e-commerce, etc., which have become competitors of the United States on a global scale. Because of the importance of these technologies, the Big Three decided to take a tougher stance and impose restrictions and crackdowns on China.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately aroused heated discussions and concerns from all walks of life at home and abroad. There is a view that the joint action of the Big Three companies in the United States may have a significant impact on China's scientific and technological development and economic growth. Especially in the field of artificial intelligence and 5G technology, sanctions and restrictions from these companies may hit the Chinese industry hard. In this regard, People's Daily pointed out in an opinion piece that China must abandon all illusions and be prepared to respond and adapt.

US-China showdown? The Big Three in the United States collectively announced, People's Daily: abandon illusions

Although the current Sino-US relationship is facing great uncertainties and challenges, we cannot ignore the great potential of mutually beneficial cooperation between the two sides. As the world's two largest economies, China and the United States have extensive cooperation and common interests in many fields such as economy and trade, science and technology, and environmental protection. Only through dialogue and cooperation can solutions be found and common development achieved.

In short, the collective announcement of a tougher stance against China by the Big Three has further plunged Sino-US relations into uncertainty and tension. In an opinion piece, People's Daily urged Chinese people to abandon all illusions and strengthen their own development and innovation capabilities. No matter what difficulties and challenges it faces, China must remain vigilant and solve problems through cooperation and dialogue to achieve the goal of common development. Only in this way can China-US relations move towards more stable and sustainable development.

US-China showdown? The Big Three in the United States collectively announced, People's Daily: abandon illusions

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