
In the future, buying a car will become a foregone conclusion, should we start immediately, or continue to wait and see?

author:Resourceful Sunshine 6yx

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2023 has just passed more than one month, but the competition in the domestic car market has already been fierce. Among them, the most "gunpowder smell" and the most uncontrollable, is the "price war" of the domestic car market, especially the new energy vehicle market.

Perhaps you remember that at the end of December 2022, the new energy national supplement announced its official withdrawal, which was like a depth charge that exploded the entire new energy vehicle market. At the same time, raw material costs remain high, and automakers had to respond quickly in January 2023, with most new energy vehicle companies, including BYD, announcing price increases. But just when the market was suffering, Tesla unexpectedly fired the first shot of price cuts by car companies this year, making the new energy vehicle market in January more chaotic. AITO and Xpeng Motors also followed suit and cut prices one after another, bringing considerable volatility to the market.

In the future, buying a car will become a foregone conclusion, should we start immediately, or continue to wait and see?

However, the twist of the story occurred in February. In order to clear inventory and reduce inventory pressure, some of NIO's direct stores suddenly announced price reductions, which was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, attracting widespread attention. There are rumors that the highest drop in some of NIO's directly operated stores has even exceeded 100,000 yuan. Although NIO co-founder Qin Lihong responded that the price reduction was not as large as the rumors, the fact is that the price reduction of this new car company is considerable.

In the future, buying a car will become a foregone conclusion, should we start immediately, or continue to wait and see?

This series of price reduction actions makes people wonder whether the domestic new energy vehicle market is about to usher in a new price trend. Although the price system of the domestic car market is still relatively chaotic, the high price of the new energy vehicle market seems to be gradually being challenged. In the future, buying a car may become more affordable, and there are many reasons behind this trend.

First of all, the price of most new energy vehicles is currently concentrated at more than 200,000 yuan. Although in recent years, the trend of consumption upgrading and the demand for additional purchases have promoted the development of the new energy vehicle market above the 200,000 level, especially the price range of 200,000-400,000 yuan, the potential customer scale of the 150,000 yuan market is still larger. The withdrawal of new energy national subsidies has made the cost of car purchase even higher.

In the future, buying a car will become a foregone conclusion, should we start immediately, or continue to wait and see?

In this case, not only car companies have suffered a decline in sales, but some cities have also introduced car subsidy policies to ease the pressure of buying cars. Subsidies in Shenzhen, Shanghai and other places can reach up to 10,000 yuan, and although the subsidy policies in these places can stimulate sales in the short term, they are only "temporary" solutions.

In order to increase sales and ensure the long-term sustainable development of the brand, many high-end new energy vehicle manufacturers are adjusting their strategies, launching more people-friendly "sinking" models, or reducing prices to improve cost performance. Tesla is a clear example, their price reduction measures brought good sales results in January 2023, while other independent new energy vehicle companies faced the dilemma of declining sales.

In the future, buying a car will become a foregone conclusion, should we start immediately, or continue to wait and see?

Part of the reason why Tesla was able to maintain high sales levels under the dual impact of the withdrawal of national subsidies and the Spring Festival holiday was due to their advantages in brand recognition and factory costs. In addition, Tesla also plans to launch a Model 2 priced at less than 200,000 yuan in 2025, which will further challenge mainstream car companies and trigger price competition.

The future automobile market will be affected by scale and industrial support, and price trends will continue to be affected by market demand and supply. Since 2022, many car brands have increased prices, which is related to rising raw material costs and chip shortages. However, as the economy gradually recovers, raw material costs and chip supply conditions are expected to gradually normalize.

In the future, buying a car will become a foregone conclusion, should we start immediately, or continue to wait and see?

Therefore, in order to maintain sales in the fierce competition, many new energy vehicle manufacturers may continue to adjust prices and reduce costs. This applies not only to new energy vehicles, but also to fuel vehicles. In January this year, there were calls to continue to extend the halving of the purchase tax, although it has not yet been adopted, if car consumption remains sluggish, the government may intervene again to support the development of the domestic car market.

In general, the domestic auto market is undergoing turbulent changes, and price wars may become the norm. Buying a car has become more affordable, which is undoubtedly good news for consumers. For automakers, however, this also means

A challenge is presented. They need to find ways to reduce costs without compromising product quality in order to remain competitive.

In this competitive market, brand recognition will continue to play a key role. Tesla's success is partly due to its leading position in electric vehicles and its excellent brand image. Other automakers may learn from this experience and focus on brand building to attract more consumers.

In addition, technological innovation will also be a key factor in maintaining competitiveness. The new energy automobile industry is constantly evolving, involving many fields such as battery technology, intelligent driving and energy-saving technology. Companies that can consistently introduce innovative products and solutions will be more likely to stand out.

In addition, government policies will also have a significant impact on the automotive market. Although it is not yet certain whether the purchase tax halving policy will be extended, the government's policy in supporting the development of new energy vehicles is still crucial. The government can contribute to the growth of the market by providing incentives to encourage consumers to purchase new energy vehicles.

In summary, although the price war in the domestic car market has brought consumers more choices and benefits, it has also brought great challenges to automakers. In this highly competitive market, brand recognition, technological innovation and government policies will be key factors that determine victory or defeat. In the future, we can expect more price changes and market innovations, and consumers will benefit from more car purchase discounts and innovative products. In this ever-evolving automotive market, only by constantly adapting and innovating can we stand out from the competition.

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