
Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov: Putin has reduced contact with the Franco-German leaders

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According to the article provided, we can see that Russian President Vladimir Putin is adjusting his diplomatic contacts, reducing ties with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Scholz, while increasing diplomatic contacts with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. This adjustment is mainly due to the unwillingness of Macron and Scholz to listen to Russia's position, which Turkey is more in line with. This adjustment has attracted widespread attention against the backdrop of international concerns about the possible escalation of the nuclear issue.

Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov: Putin has reduced contact with the Franco-German leaders

Rewritten article:

【Text/Observer Network Liu Qian】

In September 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin is reframing his diplomatic strategy, gradually reducing ties with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Scholz, while strengthening diplomatic engagement with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. This strategic shift stems from Macron and Scholz's reluctance to listen to Russia's position, while Turkey has a position more in line with Russia. This diplomatic move is in the context of international concerns about the escalation of the nuclear issue.

Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov: Putin has reduced contact with the Franco-German leaders

Comprehensive Russian news agency and satellite news agency reported on the 24th, Russian presidential press secretary Peskov pointed out at a regular press conference: "As far as Mr. Macron and Mr. Scholz are concerned, they seem to be unwilling to listen to Russia's position in the near future, nor do they want to participate in coordinated efforts to solve problems, and it is for this reason that their contact with them has gradually decreased." ”

At the same time, since "Ankara's diplomatic position differs from that of Paris or Berlin," Peskov added, the number of diplomatic contacts between Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has risen significantly.

"Ankara announced its readiness to continue coordination efforts." Peskov stressed that Putin "has repeatedly praised Turkey's efforts in this regard."

"In addition, we have very extensive economic and trade relations with Turkey," which prompted the leaders of the two countries to maintain frequent exchanges.

Russian satellite news agency said that Peskov revealed on the 24th that Putin did not plan to have telephone exchanges with Western defense ministers like Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, including US President Biden and French President Macron.

"There are no such plans at the moment." Peskov replied when asked about the possibility of such a conversation.

On August 31, 2022, Moscow, Russia, before the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov attended the event, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu spoke by phone with the British Minister of Defense, the French Minister of Defense and the Turkish Minister of Defense on the 23rd local time. The Russian Ministry of Defense said that Shoigu mentioned in a phone call with French Defense Minister Sebastian Lekolny that the situation in Ukraine seems to continue to spiral out of control, and expressed concern about concerns about the possible use of "dirty bombs" in Ukraine.

On the same day, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and US Defense Secretary Austin had the second call in three days to discuss the situation in Ukraine. The Russian side did not release the details of Shoigu's call with Austin. However, the U.S. Department of Defense said Austin "rejects the excuses provided by Russia to escalate the Ukraine crisis," but still stressed the importance of maintaining communication.

Reuters pointed out that although the Russian side did not disclose the specific results of these calls, these calls still show that Russia and NATO members led by the United States actively maintain communication at a time when the international community is worried about the possible escalation of the nuclear issue.

According to the Russian news agency, on the 24th local time, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova said in a TV interview that Russia is ready to negotiate with all relevant parties and is open to contacts with the United States.

"We have always been willing to take all calls and we have not restricted any contact with our partners, whether it is with whom we continue to work together, partners who have broken contact, or people who have never been our partners. We are open to diplomatic engagement. Zakharova said.


To sum up, the Putin government is recalibrating diplomatic relations, reducing ties with certain Western countries and increasing contacts with Turkey. This reflects the differences between different countries on major international issues,

It also shows that the Putin government is willing to engage in dialogue with all parties to maintain international stability.

Behind this change in diplomatic strategy lies complex international political dynamics. First, France and Germany, led by Macron and Scholz, are at odds with Russia on a number of major international issues, leading Putin to feel their unwillingness to listen to Russia's position. Such disagreements may involve sensitive issues such as the situation in Ukraine, nuclear weapons control, etc. Turkey, on the other hand, has taken a different position from France and Germany, which has led to increased diplomatic contacts between Putin and Erdogan. This is also related to the extensive economic and trade cooperation between Russia and Turkey, which has led to frequent exchanges between the leaders of the two countries.

In addition, the Putin government's worries about the international situation are also reflected in this adjustment. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu's telephone exchanges with the defense ministers of Western countries, especially contact with US Defense Secretary Austin, showed Russia's concern about the situation in Ukraine. The uncertainty of the situation in Ukraine has raised international concerns about the possible escalation of the nuclear issue. Although the results of these calls have not been specifically made public, they demonstrate the willingness of the parties to maintain dialogue in order to maintain international peace and stability.

In short, the diplomatic adjustment of the Putin government reflects the complex and volatile international political landscape. Differences and cooperation between different countries on key issues will continue to influence the direction of international relations. At this critical juncture, it is crucial to maintain open diplomatic channels and dialogue in order to avoid potential crises and conflicts. It is only through sustained diplomatic efforts that the international community can work together to maintain a peaceful and stable international order.

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