
Reporter: China's 190,000 deaths in resisting US aggression and aiding Korea are five times that of the United States. General Kim replied

author:Sleep again in the autumn rain

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Reporter: China's 190,000 deaths in resisting US aggression and aiding Korea are five times that of the United States. General Kim replied

On October 19, 1950, the Chinese volunteers crossed the Yalu River and went to the Korean battlefield to assist North Korea in resisting the American attack.

Reporter: China's 190,000 deaths in resisting US aggression and aiding Korea are five times that of the United States. General Kim replied

It was not until the United States signed an armistice on July 27, 1953, and the dust had lasted for three years, that we finally ushered in the cannon of victory.

The victory of the Chinese volunteers in resisting US aggression and aiding Korea is undoubted history. Among the many expeditions of the United States in modern times, the Korean War was the only war in which the United States lost its overwhelming advantage and reached a stalemate.

Even to say that the United States has tied with China is a sympathetic statement for the United States.

Reporter: China's 190,000 deaths in resisting US aggression and aiding Korea are five times that of the United States. General Kim replied

The tragic losses in the Changjin Lake War, the army's retreat from the Yalu River Company to the 38th parallel, and finally forced the United States to sign an armistice agreement, is already a shame in US military history.

At that time, the United States, which could be said to have the largest military strength in the world, was unable to win the Chinese volunteers, whose armament force was crushed, which was really a shame for the United States.

They really underestimated the strategy and determination of the volunteers. So much so that after returning to the United States, many generals kept silent about this defeat.

Reporter: China's 190,000 deaths in resisting US aggression and aiding Korea are five times that of the United States. General Kim replied

China's victory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was obvious to all to the world, and this victory greatly enhanced China's international status at that time. China's later establishment of diplomatic relations with Western countries and the restoration of all international rights of the United Nations were inseparable from the victory of this aid war.

However, a British journalist sharply questioned the victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea at a press conference.

This reporter pointed out that in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the death toll of Chinese soldiers was five times that of the United States, and can China call such a huge sacrifice a victory?

Reporter: China's 190,000 deaths in resisting US aggression and aiding Korea are five times that of the United States. General Kim replied

General Kim Yinan, who was present, did not panic at all under such a provocation, but responded to the foreign reporter very calmly and without leakage.

How did General Kim Il-nam answer? Let's first analyze the truth of the proposition that "China's death toll is five times that of the United States" before revealing it.

As mentioned earlier, during the period of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, the United States, which was far ahead in the world in terms of military status, was defeated miserably by China, which had just been founded and was very backward in weapons and armaments, and the United States must have lost face.

Reporter: China's 190,000 deaths in resisting US aggression and aiding Korea are five times that of the United States. General Kim replied

This also makes the United States have to confuse the public on China's victory in order to stabilize the image of the world hegemon. The fivefold death toll is just a horrific illusion created by playing with words.

First, not all American soldiers in the U.S. military during the Korean War. As the world leader at that time, the United States had absolute say in the United Nations, including the power to mobilize the military of other countries.

The United States sent troops to North Korea in the name of the United Nations, and in addition to its own soldiers, there were many soldiers from other Western countries.

Reporter: China's 190,000 deaths in resisting US aggression and aiding Korea are five times that of the United States. General Kim replied

Of the more than 900,000 troops of the US army, in addition to the US and South Korean troops, there are more than 5,000 Turkish soldiers, more than 6,000 Canadian soldiers, and even more than 14,000 British soldiers.

Therefore, the US army going to Korea is not a pure army, but an army that gathers the forces of Western countries. From this point of view, China's resistance to US aggression and aid Korea is not only to resist the United States, but also to oppose the entire West.

However, in addition to the number of dead soldiers of its own nationality, the number of soldiers participating in the United States is excluded, which shows the water content in this data. In addition, in addition to the composition of personnel, the United States is also confused about the concept of the term "casualties".

Reporter: China's 190,000 deaths in resisting US aggression and aiding Korea are five times that of the United States. General Kim replied

The United States limits the scope of "casualties" to "casualties" on the battlefield, that is, it does not include the number of soldiers who die in logistics or medical treatment into the total number of deaths.

Even if the soldier who died on the battlefield cannot be identified, the soldier will not be part of the death, but will only be recorded as missing.

This is not in line with the international practice of counting the death toll in war, so that the statistics deleted from the east and the west will naturally be far from the real situation.

Reporter: China's 190,000 deaths in resisting US aggression and aiding Korea are five times that of the United States. General Kim replied

The death toll of mainland soldiers to resist US aggression and aid Korea was strictly calculated by the Dandong Memorial Hall of Resistance Against US Aggression and Aid Korea located on the Yalu River.

The memorial has been collating and calculating a series of war data since 1953, and it is the closest investigative agency to the battlefield, which shows its authority and truthfulness.

Under his survey, the total number of martyrs to resist US aggression and aid Korea was 183108, and this number was still being updated in the survey, which shows the rigor and meticulousness of the investigation.

Reporter: China's 190,000 deaths in resisting US aggression and aiding Korea are five times that of the United States. General Kim replied

The United States is trying to create five times China's death toll in order to make China's victory seem untenable, and thus its defeat look less humiliating.

China's resistance to US aggression and aid Korea is not only to maintain international peace, but also to consolidate the domestic situation of the newly established country and avoid being invaded by foreign enemies.

The victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was forged by the blood and sweat of the volunteers, and it cannot be questioned by any force, nor can it be rewritten by the data of the United States.

Reporter: China's 190,000 deaths in resisting US aggression and aiding Korea are five times that of the United States. General Kim replied

Therefore, General Kim Yi-nam replied to foreign reporters questioningly, the numbers are not the whole of the war, and it is extremely one-sided to use numbers alone to evaluate the victory or defeat of the war.

The insistence on freedom and justice in war transcends the confrontation between life and death, and the victory and significance of war far outweigh these cold numbers. General Kim's response left foreign journalists speechless to retort.

Even if foreign distortions of China's sacrifice multiples are real, this cannot erase China's victory, but only prove that China has made great contributions to defending the country and to justice and peace.

It can only prove that the Chinese volunteers have a warmer patriotism and Chinese people have a firmer will. It is precisely because of their sacrifice that China has ushered in the blossoming of spring. The sacrifice and victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea should be remembered forever.

Reporter: China's 190,000 deaths in resisting US aggression and aiding Korea are five times that of the United States. General Kim replied

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