
The cliff held a special meeting on grassroots party building, job review, rectification and reform, and grassroots party building "six ones" work

author:Qinghai today

On September 8, Moya City held a special meeting on the implementation of the "six ones" work requirements of grassroots party building at the grassroots level of the provincial, prefecture and municipal party committees. Convey and study the spirit of important instructions on party building and organizational work, the spirit of relevant meetings of provincial and prefectural party committees, and report on the implementation of special work. Liu Xuelian, secretary of the municipal party committee and head of the leading group for party building work of the municipal party committee, attended and spoke at the meeting, and Yang Haode, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and deputy head of the leading group for party building work of the municipal party committee, presided over the meeting.

The cliff held a special meeting on grassroots party building, job review, rectification and reform, and grassroots party building "six ones" work

The meeting pointed out that since the beginning of this year, the secretaries of all party committees (leading party groups) in the city have always regarded the study and implementation of the thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as a major political task, taken the in-depth implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party as the main theme, conscientiously implemented the "six ones" work requirements of Chen Gang, secretary of the provincial party committee, on grasping the "six ones" work of grassroots party building, and incorporated the rectification and reform of the issue of grassroots party building review and comment of the provincial and municipal party committees into the key tasks of grassroots party building work. Phased results have been achieved in promoting grassroots party building.

The cliff held a special meeting on grassroots party building, job review, rectification and reform, and grassroots party building "six ones" work

The meeting demanded that implementation be done with a strong sense of mission and responsibility. Party organizations at all levels in the municipality must regard the rectification and reform of problems and the comprehensive implementation of the "six ones" work requirements as a serious political task and political responsibility, seriously treat the problems pointed out by comments, resolutely grasp the implementation of rectification and reform of problems, consciously implement the "six ones" work requirements, focus on solving their own outstanding problems, truly achieve "making up for shortcomings, strong and weak points, and consolidating advantages", and promote the comprehensive development and all-round progress of party building in the city with substantive changes. It is necessary to promote rectification and reform of problems with pragmatic work measures. Find out the "list" of symptoms, sort out the "three lists" of problems, responsibilities and rectification, and vigorously implement the problem rectification pin number system and the problem rectification report feedback mechanism to ensure that the problem is clear and rectified. Solve problems and promote "clearance", refine task books, road maps, and timetables, and form a closed-loop model of "discovering problems - committing to rectification - supervising scheduling - inspection and acceptance" to ensure the implementation of problem rectification. Follow-up and effectiveness are "cleared to zero", regularly "review" rectification and reform issues, and integrate and promote major events such as grassroots party building debriefing and commenting on the rectification and reform of the problems of job evaluation, the implementation of the "six ones" of grassroots party building, and the upcoming study and implementation of the theme education of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, special rectification of prominent problems in work style construction, investigation and study of leading cadres, and other major events and important events to ensure that the rectification and reform of problems are implemented in daily life. It is necessary to promote the "six ones" requirements with a strict work style and achieve results. In accordance with the spirit of the provincial organizational work conference, with carrying out a special study, convening a work meeting, organizing an in-depth investigation, solving a number of key problems, establishing a number of work models, and writing a good job report for the next year, we will solidly promote the implementation of various key tasks in organizational work and strengthen the city's grassroots party building work. It is necessary to promote the implementation of the work with effective organizational guarantees. The leading group for party building work of the municipal party committee should strengthen guidance for the city's grassroots party building work, regularly listen to reports, and regularly study and solve problems, especially focusing on the construction of party organizations in organs, "two new" party organizations and functional joint party organizations, and improve the ability of the "two committees" teams in villages and communities. The secretaries of party committees (leading party groups) at all levels should carry out in-depth investigation and investigation work centering on key tasks and difficult problems, grasp well the rectification and reform of problems, hold the "bull's nose" firmly, and plant "responsibility fields" well. Members of the leading body should properly perform "one post and two responsibilities," personally grasp and concretely grasp the rectification and reform tasks and measures in the fields and departments under their responsibility, and ensure that all tasks of grassroots party building are fully fulfilled. The Organization Department of the municipal party committee should include the implementation of the work report review and rectification and the "six ones" work requirements into the annual assessment content of grassroots party organizations, improve the normal long-term mechanism, take the assessment situation as an important basis for cadre appointment, training, education and reward and punishment, and give "early warning" reminders for the slow rectification and reform work and the lack of obvious results, so as to promote the grassroots party building work tasks to become "hard levers" and the job review and assessment to become "hard rules".

The cliff held a special meeting on grassroots party building, job review, rectification and reform, and grassroots party building "six ones" work

During the period, the main responsible comrades of the party committee of Lenghu Town, the party committee of Huatugou Town, the party committee of Mogya Town, the "two new" work committee of the municipal party committee, the party group of the municipal human resources and social security bureau, and the party group of the municipal culture, sports, tourism, radio, film and television bureau made work reports

Source: Vast Cliff City Rong Media Center


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