
The old scavenger died in a car accident, and the villagers found three skinny children in his bedroom

author:Kindness 96

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The old man died in a car accident. Villagers found three thin children in his bedroom. Hujia Village is a relatively remote village with a small population, but everyone here lives like a family. Most of them are elderly, and young people decide to go out to work. Perhaps their only way out is work.

There is no easy access and no bright lights. There is only a simple group of people here, working with their hands. Zhiming is an old head of household in Hujia Village. Grandparents have lived here for generations and will never leave. I don't know why. Sixty-year-old Zhiming has been living alone to this day. According to him, he had no children and married his wife when he was young, but she became very ill and left him.

The old scavenger died in a car accident, and the villagers found three skinny children in his bedroom

Villagers say that Zhiming is a strange old man because his main source of income comes from an acre of land, and he rides a tricycle into the city to store things. It's usually garbage, so his house is littered with copper chips. Tie never let people in, so his neighbor Aunt Liu joked with him: "The pile of broken copper and iron at home is still a treasure, even if you look at it, no one will look at it." Hearing this, Old Man Zhiming just smiled. , Maybe Mr. Zhiming is afraid of getting dirty others...

Old man Zhiming has a bad habit. They always like to borrow food from their neighbors and eat quickly. No one knew what he was thinking. But recently, Old Man Zhiming has been a little strange. He was holding a medicine bag in his hand, and he had already smelled the medicine in his house from far away. It is said that the old man Zhiming was most likely ill and was usually considered very thin. No one dies.

One summer, Old Man Zhiming went out to pick up garbage as usual. He stayed there for a day or two and never saw him again. Just as the villagers were talking, the news came that the old man Zhiming of Hujia Village had died. I'm confused, why were these two days okay and then disappeared?

Later I heard that he was hit by a car while picking up trash on the street and was taken to the hospital without CPR.

After the old man Zhiming died, Aunt Liu and the villagers burned his body and brought it back to Hujia Village. They built a cemetery on the hill behind his house. Aunt Liu was curious about what treasures were hidden in his house. What burns is burned. Aunt Liu and several villagers went to the door of the old man's house in Zhiming to see if it was still locked. Several people rushed in and saw that the house outside was full of garbage collected by Old Man Zhiming. Paper bottles and cups also have an unpleasant smell. After cleaning for a while, he moved all these things outside, but at this time, Aunt Liu vaguely heard movement in the inner room. Aunt Liu was so frightened that she quickly ran out and muttered, "This old man, I still don't want to help you pack your luggage." But things got worse, Aunt Liu: "Why did the child cry, maybe it was a 'ghost'." ”

The old scavenger died in a car accident, and the villagers found three skinny children in his bedroom

Then several people came in and opened the door of the back room. Everyone was amazed. In the back room sat three thin children, snuggling up to each other. The oldest is about seven or eight years old, and the youngest is only two or three years old. One year old, one of the children looks weak and mentally weak, what's going on?

Aunt Liu rushed out with the child. At that time, Aunt Liu thought: "This old man has no children, where do the children come from?" They couldn't have kidnapped him. "It's not that he's sick, it's that the kid is sick.

At this time, a child of seven or eight years old shouted loudly: "What about my grandfather? Where did he go? ”

Aunt Liu felt very strange, so she asked Mr. Kid about the situation of the old man Zhiming and how they came here. Hearing this question, Aunt Liu and several villagers were stunned...

The old scavenger died in a car accident, and the villagers found three skinny children in his bedroom

The child's son told Aunt Liu: "My grandfather told me that when I was about two years old, someone picked me up on the side of the road, so I lived here. My grandfather wouldn't let us out. My grandfather picked him up. "Two younger brothers, they're back. My grandfather went out yesterday. My brother cried with hunger until I came back. ”

Hearing Mr. Child's words, everyone fell silent. It turned out that Old Man Zhiming borrowed food from the villagers for these poor children. He didn't let everyone into the house. He didn't want others to know that there were three children hidden in the house. Aunt Liu swept away. With tears in her eyes, she picked up her youngest child and said, "Let's go home with grandma." "Grandma will cook for you. ”

And so the case ended. The three children were raised by all the villagers of Hujia Village, and they were all taken care of in turn.

The old scavenger died in a car accident, and the villagers found three skinny children in his bedroom

The story is over!

Summary: 60-year-old Zhiming lost his life for these three unrelated children's sons, but this spirit is worth learning. Aunt Liu and the villagers of Hujia Village also took the initiative to care for them. Everyone has something to say about it. What do you think, put forward your opinion, and we will discuss together.