
A young man in his 20s, took out a pile of inspection reports, dozens of them, it was sad to read!

author:Respiratory specialist Du Baorong

This young man I am very impressed, from abroad, only 20 years old, emphysema, bullae, since 14 years began to have panic, but there is no heart problem, the last three or four years began to have chest tightness problems, and has been aggravated, full of weakness, always want to sleep, work has no endurance. In the past few years of working outside the home, I ran everywhere to see a doctor, but in the end, the disease was not good, and the money was spent.

A young man in his 20s, took out a pile of inspection reports, dozens of them, it was sad to read!

Today's young people are too difficult, whether it is work or life, are under great pressure, over time, the body will have a variety of problems, and many people will not take the initiative to seek a doctor after having problems, always want to carry it over, so that it is easier to drag small problems into big problems, or advise everyone: once the body is unwell, it must be paid attention to, prevent problems before they happen!

A young man in his 20s, took out a pile of inspection reports, dozens of them, it was sad to read!

Are you reading this article, do you also have respiratory problems such as pulmonary nodules, asthma, COPD, branch expansion, and pulmonary interstitial fibrosis?

A young man in his 20s, took out a pile of inspection reports, dozens of them, it was sad to read!