
Russia and Ukraine fierce street fighting, the two sides fought hand-to-hand at close range, the counteroffensive did not follow, but Kiev first appeared vision

author:Long Hua Tianyi

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Ukraine and Ukraine are increasingly dangerous, the two armies are fighting fiercely on the front line, and the tense situation is about to erupt. At the same time, the leaders of the two countries also appeared on the front line, conveying tension to the outside world. However, a series of unusual events occurred in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, at this time.

Putin and Zelensky appeared on the front line

Not long ago, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky suddenly went to Avdeyevka, located near Donetsk, and the Ukrainian media announced that the president went to the front. Avdeyevka is now surrounded by Russian troops, so Zelensky's trip carries a certain adventure.

Russia and Ukraine fierce street fighting, the two sides fought hand-to-hand at close range, the counteroffensive did not follow, but Kiev first appeared vision

There are different speculations about the purpose of Zelensky's trip. One view is that due to the fierce street fighting between Russia and Ukraine in Bakhmut, the two sides even had close hand-to-hand combat, coupled with the Russian army fighting on multiple fronts at the same time, the Ukrainian army is facing great pressure, Zelensky went to the front line to boost morale, boost morale, boost morale.

Another view is that not long ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Kherson on the front line, where he received the latest briefing from the senior military commander. This action greatly boosted the morale of the Russian army, so Zelensky, probably for the purpose of response, went to the front line to deliver a message to the Russian side.

Russia and Ukraine fierce street fighting, the two sides fought hand-to-hand at close range, the counteroffensive did not follow, but Kiev first appeared vision

The situation is tense on the front lines

Putin's main purpose in going to the front is to check the situation on the defensive line and develop a strategic plan for the next step. It is clear that both sides must remain vigilant and determined to remain vigilant and tenacious in the face of the coming vicious battle. There is no doubt that neither Russia nor Ukraine can afford to lose this battle. The trip of Putin and Zelensky to the front also shows that the conflict has entered a critical moment, and a large-scale conflict is about to break out.

Rumors of a planned "spring offensive" by the Ukrainian army have been widely circulated, sparking speculation from all walks of life. There are different opinions on the scale, timing and main location of the Ukrainian counterattack. However, almost everyone agrees that this offensive will not be easily stopped and may turn into a full-scale counteroffensive, and may even evolve into a large-scale "Russian-Ukrainian war". According to the "leakgate" incident in the United States, Ukraine plans to put in 12 combat brigades for a counteroffensive.

Russia and Ukraine fierce street fighting, the two sides fought hand-to-hand at close range, the counteroffensive did not follow, but Kiev first appeared vision

However, only nine brigades are currently ready or in the process of being prepared, and three brigades need to complete personnel training and replenishment. In addition, even if these 9 brigades are ready, they face the problem of insufficient technical heavy equipment for landing battles. At present, the counteroffensive seems to be stagnant, but some analysts believe that this is also one of the strategies of the Ukrainian military, that is, not to over-publicize the progress, try to surprise it, and create the illusion of changes in Ukraine for the Russian army.

Russia and Ukraine fierce street fighting, the two sides fought hand-to-hand at close range, the counteroffensive did not follow, but Kiev first appeared vision

An unusual phenomenon in Kyiv

However, while the counterattack of the Ukrainian army has not yet made significant progress, a series of unusual events occurred in the Ukrainian capital Kiev. Not long ago, a bright flash suddenly appeared in the night sky of Kiev, and the flash fell with traces of suspected burning debris. Local authorities quickly activated the air raid siren, and the air defense forces were put on high alert.

According to preliminary information, the air defense siren lasted for a full hour. The Ukrainian military said preliminary information indicated that it was caused by the fall of a NASA space satellite. The Ukrainian Air Force attributed this bright light to falling satellites or meteors, stressing that there are currently no signs of enemy air strikes. However, NASA responded to the incident as soon as possible.

Earlier, NASA announced that a retired satellite weighing 300 kilograms, called RHESSI, would re-enter the atmosphere sometime on the 19th. The satellite was launched into low Earth orbit in 2002 to observe solar flares and coronal mass eruptions. However, at the time of the anomaly in Kiev, the satellite was still in its established orbit, therefore, it was not the American satellite that fell


So far, the Ukrainian side is actively investigating the causes of this anomaly. But strangely, some senior Ukrainian military officials posted alien-related emojis on social media, which sparked more speculation. Probably, Ukraine has come to the conclusion that this anomaly was not caused by human factors.

The emergence of this incident has made the situation in Ukraine even more confusing, and the mysterious light in the night sky and the unusual response of the Ukrainian army have increased the tension. Despite official claims that this is just a falling space satellite or meteor, one can't help but wonder if something deeper is going on.

At the same time, the international community is closely following the development of the situation in Ukraine. Countries around the world want to see tensions in the region eased and larger conflicts averted. However, with the mysterious phenomenon unfolding in Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, this goal seems to have become more complex and uncertain.

Overall, the situation in Ukraine remains volatile, with surprise visits to the front lines by the leaders of the two countries and mysterious events in Kiev adding to the uncertainty. The international community expects both sides to resolve their disputes through dialogue and diplomacy and to avoid further escalation of the conflict. However, how to resolve current tensions remains challenging, and future developments are worrying.

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