
Why are some shows that bring people joy and others forced to stop broadcasting?

author:Lao Luo commented on the world

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The content of this article comes from the Internet, if it is inconsistent with the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete.

Not long ago, the suspension of "The Voice of China" attracted widespread attention, however, the shady scenes and problems behind it gradually surfaced. This is not just a problem of one show, but reflects the chaos of the entire variety show circle.

First, let's review The Voice of China. The show used to be in the spotlight, but over time, the content of the show gradually changed its taste. Li Min, as a mentor, revealed unfair treatment in a competition, but the program team did not respond positively. Even more shocking, she fell on the show, exposing hygiene and safety issues. This eventually led to the suspension of the show, but it also made viewers begin to doubt the inside story of other variety shows.

Why are some shows that bring people joy and others forced to stop broadcasting?

Happy Camp used to be a representative of success, but the show's host, Ho Jiong, admitted to accepting gifts from fans and selling them, sparking public outrage. This behavior not only reveals improper behavior but also disappoints fans.

The Metamorphosis has also changed in the content of the program, casting doubt on its authenticity. Viewers began to wonder if the show was just about creating influencers instead of really caring about the child's development.

Finally, the extreme sports show Chase Me was discontinued due to safety concerns, which showed irresponsibility towards the participants. This series of events reflects the problems of top variety shows and has caused dissatisfaction among the audience.

In general, these suspension events are not only a problem of individual programs, but also a chaos in the entire variety show circle. It is hoped that in the future there will be reforms to provide higher quality programming to rebuild the trust of viewers. What do you think about this in front of the screen?

Why are some shows that bring people joy and others forced to stop broadcasting?

Secondly, the safety of entertainment programs cannot be ignored. The lives and health of audiences and participants should be paramount, and producers need to strengthen safety management to ensure that all links comply with relevant regulations and standards.

In addition, entertainment programs should adhere to the values of authenticity and ethics. You shouldn't abandon your principles for short-term traffic and popularity. Audiences expect real, in-depth content, not fake influencers.

Finally, the core of a variety show should be entertainment and education. They should provide audiences with interesting and rewarding content, inspire thinking, and spread positive energy. Only in this way can we build a more healthy, transparent and trustworthy variety show circle.

Why are some shows that bring people joy and others forced to stop broadcasting?

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