
Solidity advanced concept

Solidity advanced concept

Solidity is a high-level programming language for writing smart contracts for Ethereum and other blockchain platforms. While Solidity is designed to be simple and easy to learn, there are some syntax elements that can be considered complex or advanced. Here are some examples:

Function Modifiers

A function modifier is a way to apply a piece of code to multiple functions in a contract without repeating that code. Modifiers can be used to restrict access to functions, inspect inputs, or modify outputs. For example, the following modifier restricts access to functions to contract owners:

modifier onlyOwner {
    require(msg.sender == owner);

The modifier can then be applied to any function that can only be called by the contract owner, as follows:

function changeOwner(address newOwner) public onlyOwner {
    owner = newOwner;


A struct is a way to define a custom data type that can have multiple fields. Structs can be used to group related data together, similar to structs in C or C++. For example, the following struct defines a type of person with a name and age:

struct Person {
    string name;
    uint age;

You can then use this struct to define variables and function parameters of type Person, as follows:

Person alice = Person("Alice", 30);

function setPerson(Person _person) public {
    // Do something with and _person.age


Events are a way for smart contracts to send notifications to the outside world. Events are typically used to notify other contracts or applications about important state changes within a contract. For example, when a new user is registered in a contract, the following events can be emitted:

event NewUser(address indexed user, uint userId);

function registerUser(uint userId) public {
    // Do some registration logic...
    emit NewUser(msg.sender, userId);

The application or other contract can then listen for NewUser events and take appropriate action.


Inheritance is a feature that allows one contract to inherit from another and reuse its functionality. In Solidity, inheritance can be implemented using the keyword is. For example, the following contract defines a basic Animal contract, as well as a Dog contract inherited from Animal:

contract Animal {
    function speak() public pure returns (string memory) {
        return "I am an animal";

contract Dog is Animal {
    function speak() public pure returns (string memory) {
        return "Woof!";

The Dog contract inherits Animal's speak() function, but can override it to provide its own implementation.

Enumeration (Enums)

An enumeration is a way to define a set of named constants. Enumerations can be used to define state variables with a limited set of possible values. For example, the following enumeration defines a set of possible values for the possible states of a game:

enum GameState {

contract Game {
    GameState state;

    function start() public {
        state = GameState.InProgress;

Enumerating GameState defines three possible states of the game, and the Game contract uses this type of state variable to track the current state of the game.

Inline Assembly

Solidity also supports inline assembly, allowing developers to write low-level assembly code directly in their Solidity contracts. Inline assembly can be used to optimize performance or access features that are not available in Solidity. However, inline assembly can be difficult to write and debug and is generally not recommended for most use cases. The following is an example of an inline assembly to compute the SHA3 hash of a string:

function hash(string memory s) public pure returns (bytes32) {
    bytes memory b = bytes(s);
    bytes32 result;
    assembly {
        result := sha3(add(b, 32), mload(b))
    return result;

This function calls the SHA3 opcode directly using inline assembly, passing the memory location and length of the string. This is more efficient than using the built-in keccak256() function in Solidity, but also more complex and difficult to read.


Libraries are a way to encapsulate reusable code into a single contract that other contracts can import and use. Libraries can be used to improve code reuse and reduce code duplication. For example, the following library defines a simple math library that includes a function for squaring:

library Math {
    function square(uint x) internal pure returns (uint) {
        return x * x;

This library can be imported and used by other contracts, like this:

import "Math.sol";

contract MyContract {
    function calculateSquare(uint x) public pure returns (uint) {
        return Math.square(x);

The calculateSquare function in MyContract uses the square function defined in the Math library.

Storage Pointers

Solidity uses a complex storage model, which can make it difficult to handle complex data types such as arrays and maps. To make it easier to handle storage, Solidity supports storage pointers, allowing developers to use references to storage instead of copying data in memory. Storage pointers can be used to improve performance and reduce gas costs. For example, the following function uses a storage pointer to modify an element of an array:

function updateArray(uint[] storage arr, uint index, uint newValue) internal {
    arr[index] = newValue;

The arr parameter is a storage pointer to the array, allowing the function to modify the array directly in storage. Without storing pointers, the function needs to copy the entire array into memory, modify it, and then copy it back to storage, which is more expensive.

These are just some examples of the more complex syntax elements in Solidity. As with any programming language, there are many other features and subtleties to explore, and mastering Solidity requires practice and experience.