
When the Japanese army invaded China, the girl said: "I don't want to go on the road naked, so I can get me a pair of pants to wear." ”

author:Xiao Jiu loves history


During the War of Resistance Against Japan, the atrocities of the Japanese army made us never forget that today's peaceful era was bought by our ancestors with their lives, and everything is now enjoyed by our ancestors.

When the Japanese army invaded China, the girl said: "I don't want to go on the road naked, so I can get me a pair of pants to wear." ”

During the Anti-Japanese War, in an iron mining area in the Zhangjiakou area, a woman said: I am still innocent, even if I want to die, you have to give me a pair of pants to wear.

What's going on here?


Longyan Iron Mine Company is one of the most historical modern steel enterprises in North China, and its development has laid a solid foundation for today's Shougang and Xuangang Iron and Steel Corporation. The company is appreciated by foreigners for its high-quality iron ore resources, who have rated Longyan Iron Ore's iron ore as the best in terms of seam thickness and quality.

When the Japanese army invaded China, the girl said: "I don't want to go on the road naked, so I can get me a pair of pants to wear." ”

The history of this iron ore mining company dates back to March 19, 1919, when it was established by the Beiyang government with the approval of the State Council. However, in August 1928, the Nanjing government of the Republic of China took over the Longyan Iron Mining Company and renamed it the "Longyan Mining Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture and Mining". "Longyan iron ore" refers to the general name of more than a dozen iron mines located in the area from Longguan to Xuanhua Yantuo Mountain in Chicheng County, the largest of which is the Fanjiabao iron mine, so it is also known as "Fanjiabao iron mine".

When the Japanese army invaded China, the girl said: "I don't want to go on the road naked, so I can get me a pair of pants to wear." ”

The establishment of this iron ore mining company dates back to March 19, 1919, when it was established with the approval of the Beiyang government, the State Council. However, in August 1928, the Nanjing government of the Republic of China took over the Longyan Iron Mining Company and renamed it the "Longyan Mining Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture and Mining". Longyan iron ore refers to the general name of more than a dozen iron mines in the area from Longguan to Xuanhua Yantuoshan in Chicheng County, the largest of which is the Fanjiabao iron mine, so it is also known as "Fanjiabao iron mine".

When the Japanese army invaded China, the girl said: "I don't want to go on the road naked, so I can get me a pair of pants to wear." ”

During the Anti-Japanese War, the Longyan iron mine became a target of Japanese attacks and was occupied by the Japanese army in 1937. The Longyan iron mine then turned into a brutal battlefield, where countless Chinese miners experienced terrible suffering and death. In order to control steel resources, Japan invested 20 million yen and established the Longyan Iron Mine Company. This history is full of blood and tears, but it also bears witness to the tenacity and resistance spirit of the Chinese people.

When the Japanese army invaded China, the girl said: "I don't want to go on the road naked, so I can get me a pair of pants to wear." ”

Longyan iron ore under Japanese rule

After the Japanese army occupied the Longyan iron mine, they used national resources and provided higher wages to attract Chinese to work. This lure of high wages has made many Chinese eager to find work opportunities and desperate to escape a life of poverty. However, they are unaware of the harsh reality behind this.

When the Japanese army invaded China, the girl said: "I don't want to go on the road naked, so I can get me a pair of pants to wear." ”

After our compatriots came to the Longyan iron mine, they soon found themselves in the trap of the Japanese. Where there are high salaries, the Japanese force our compatriots into extremely hard physical labor. They are forced to perform heavy manual labor such as ore mining, transportation and iron smelting, without any protection measures and no safety facilities. At the same time, they were also subjected to abuse and brutality by the Japanese army.

When the Japanese army invaded China, the girl said: "I don't want to go on the road naked, so I can get me a pair of pants to wear." ”

Chinese experienced unimaginable suffering and death in this iron mine lured by high wages. Due to long hours of exhaustion, starvation and abuse, many people died from overwhelm. They faced extremely poor working conditions and were often beaten, flogged and abused by the Japanese army. Such acts exacerbate the suffering of Chinese and greatly violate their human rights and dignity.

When the Japanese army invaded China, the girl said: "I don't want to go on the road naked, so I can get me a pair of pants to wear." ”

This lure of high wages was just a deceptive means for the Japanese invaders to deceive the Chinese in order to control and exploit the resources of the Longyan iron ore.

When the Japanese army invaded China, the girl said: "I don't want to go on the road naked, so I can get me a pair of pants to wear." ”

In the iron mines, Chinese are subjected to cruel treatment. Not only are they forced to perform high-intensity physical labor, but they are also subjected to abuse and torture. The Japanese army subjected Chinese to brutal corporal punishment, including parading, flogging, and corporal punishment. At the same time, Chinese face poor living conditions, such as poor food, poor accommodation and lack of basic sanitation.

When the Japanese army invaded China, the girl said: "I don't want to go on the road naked, so I can get me a pair of pants to wear." ”

Hu Eryan

The Longyan Iron Mine is like a bottomless abyss, endlessly recruiting laborers. Beginning in 1943, the Japanese began to target rural girls who had no education. Hu Eryan is from Shandong and is the older child in her family. When she heard that she could make a fortune in Zhangjiakou, she left her hometown and went to this place where she was pinned on the hope of making a fortune. She hoped to reduce the burden on her family by earning money, but she did not expect that it was this path of finding wealth that put her in a predicament that she would never look back.

When the Japanese army invaded China, the girl said: "I don't want to go on the road naked, so I can get me a pair of pants to wear." ”

Shortly after getting off the bus, Japanese soldiers came to the girls and confiscated all their clothes. A few days later, some old workers told the girls that hundreds of miners died every day at the mine. In order to maintain the dignity of these dead miners, they will try their best to find them a dress, and the easiest way is to buy it from those in charge of management.

When the Japanese army invaded China, the girl said: "I don't want to go on the road naked, so I can get me a pair of pants to wear." ”

The newly arrived workers were forced to give their clothes to managers, who then sold them at high prices to dying workers. Of course, there is also a way to go to mass graves to loot the clothes of the dead, but doing so requires not only courage, but also inner condemnation and moral torture.

When the Japanese army invaded China, the girl said: "I don't want to go on the road naked, so I can get me a pair of pants to wear." ”

Under the brutal rule of the Japanese, the Dragon Smoke Iron Mine became a hellish place, where countless Chinese suffered inhuman treatment and eventually died.

It is estimated that at least 2,700 workers died in the mine over an eight-year period, more than 1,000 of whom were brutally killed directly by the Japanese. Some have tried to blame the massive deaths of workers on harsh weather conditions, as many died of cold, freezing to death. However, even in the summer, the situation is even worse. Workers were locked up in airtight tankers, and the heat caused many to suffer from heat stroke, faint and even die.

When the Japanese army invaded China, the girl said: "I don't want to go on the road naked, so I can get me a pair of pants to wear." ”

Soon an unknown infectious disease developed in the mines of Longyan Iron Mine, and a large number of laborers were infected with hemoptysis, had difficulty breathing and died. The Japanese army did not care about throwing the dead into the "mass grave", and strangely disgusted these people who died because of the oppression of the Japanese army.

When the Japanese army invaded China, the girl said: "I don't want to go on the road naked, so I can get me a pair of pants to wear." ”

However, during that time, Hu Eryan suddenly began to cough. She feared that the Japanese would think she was infected with an infectious disease and feared abandonment, so she had to endure the pain and go to work. However, this condition did not last long, and Hu Eryan's body had reached its limit. She knew she couldn't hold on any longer, but at this point, she was only wearing a dirty sack, and she didn't want to leave that way.

So he begged his sisters and said, "Sisters, can you help you find a pair of pants to wear?" I don't want to go naked. ”

When the Japanese army invaded China, the girl said: "I don't want to go on the road naked, so I can get me a pair of pants to wear." ”


Therefore, let us work together, not forgetting the atrocities of the Japanese army, and let this history become our driving force. Let us, with courage and determination, ensure that the tragedies of history are not repeated and that we work for a more just and peaceful world. Only then can we truly move forward and let the lessons of history guide us forward.