
The old leader, who has been retired for 2 years, hinted at me to give a gift, I didn't give it, and the next day I was stunned

author:Ma Xiao Xiao Qi
The old leader, who has been retired for 2 years, hinted at me to give a gift, I didn't give it, and the next day I was stunned

The old leader, who has been retired for 2 years, hinted at me to give a gift, I didn't give it, and the next day I was stunned

Retirement is an important stage in a life and a turning point in your career. In my career, there was a leader who gave me an unforgettable experience after retirement. This story happened two years ago, but I still remember it vividly, because at that moment, I felt very confused and even a little stunned.

The old leader was Mr. Yang, who had worked for the company for more than thirty years and was a very influential senior executive. His retirement was a big event for the whole company, so the company organized a grand retirement celebration to which all employees and former colleagues were invited. As one of his departmental members, I was also invited to this celebration.

On the day of the celebration, the company prepared a beautiful retirement gift for Mr. Yang, and many employees also sent gifts and bouquets of flowers. Mr. Yang accepted all the gifts and showed great satisfaction and gratitude. I also prepared a card and a bouquet of flowers for him, thinking that this should be enough.

However, things are not as simple as I thought. After the celebration, I and other colleagues from the department were invited to a small dinner event. At the event, Mr. Yang started talking to us about his career and retirement plans, he looked very happy, but revealed some strange information during the conversation.

He said suddenly: "As I was about to leave this workplace, I began to look back on my career and remember many moments that I experienced with you. These memories made me feel very warm and emotional. Some of my colleagues gave me special gifts that made me feel very touched. ”

Hearing this, I was a little puzzled because I had already sent cards and flowers, and I felt that it was enough. However, Mr. Yang's expression seemed to be waiting for more response, and he paused before continuing: "Some colleagues have given me some very memorable gifts, which makes me feel very special. However, I understand that everyone has different ways of expressing affection, so I won't force anyone. ”

The old leader, who has been retired for 2 years, hinted at me to give a gift, I didn't give it, and the next day I was stunned

Hearing this, I began to understand what he meant. It seemed that he wanted me to give him a more memorable gift, and my cards and flowers were clearly not special enough. However, I also felt very embarrassed and confused because I did not prepare other gifts and never expected that he would have such expectations for gifts.

That night, I came home and thought for a long time. I don't know what to do to make up for this oversight. I looked up some suggestions for retirement gifts, but it was too late to act on them in time. The next day, I came to the company with a heavy heart, not knowing how to face Mr. Yang.

However, unexpectedly, Mr. Yang was very kind to me and did not mention the conversation the day before. He even reached out to chat with me and share some ideas about his retirement plans. I felt a sigh of relief, but still felt uneasy inside.

As time went on, I gradually forgot about it, thinking that maybe I was too sensitive and misunderstood what he meant. However, when I spoke with Mr. Yang again a few months later, he mentioned the celebration again.

"You know what, I did have some expectations at the time, but I understand that everyone has their own way of expressing feelings, and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." Mr. Yang said.

Hearing this, I felt even more stunned. Mr. Yang still seemed to mind that I didn't give him a special gift, even though he had previously said he wouldn't force anyone. This made me feel very embarrassed and guilty, and I began to regret that I had not prepared the gift more thoughtfully.

After his retirement, Mr. Yang is still a very influential person with extensive contacts and resources in the industry. I couldn't help but worry about whether this oversight of mine would have a negative impact on my career. I felt like I was stuck in a tricky situation and didn't know how to fix it.

Over time, I decided to reach out to Mr. Yang to express my apologies and gratitude. I sent a beautiful gift with a sincere apology explaining the misunderstanding and inner unease. Mr. Yang accepted my gift and wrote back

Show understanding and forgiveness.

Since then, my relationship with Mr. Yang has become more harmonious and even closer. He shared a lot of valuable professional experience and life wisdom, from which I also benefited a lot. This experience has taught me an important lesson that it is very important to be attentive and caring in the workplace, especially for those who are influential.

The old leader, who has been retired for 2 years, hinted at me to give a gift, I didn't give it, and the next day I was stunned. This experience became a lesson in my career and taught me the importance of relationships and details. Whether in the workplace or in life, you should learn to treat others with heart, because a small negligence can bring unintended consequences. This story also made me cherish my interactions with others more, learn to draw wisdom from them, and keep growing.

The old leader, who has been retired for 2 years, hinted at me to give a gift, I didn't give it, and the next day I was stunned