
At that time, the battalion commander took a prisoner, but he did not expect that 28 years later the prisoner became a marshal, and the battalion commander became a major general

author:Rongmei history
At that time, the battalion commander took a prisoner, but he did not expect that 28 years later the prisoner became a marshal, and the battalion commander became a major general


Marshal Zhu De was arrested by his own people during the Nanchang Uprising, and was finally released smoothly, and this person later became a founding major general.

At that time, the battalion commander took a prisoner, but he did not expect that 28 years later the prisoner became a marshal, and the battalion commander became a major general

This person is Yuan Yelie, who used to be a battalion commander of a troop and brought out many founding generals under his command.

So why did Yuan Yelie become a major general?

Yuan Yelie

Yelie is a native of Dongkou, Hunan Province, born in 1899. He studied with his father from an early age, and through diligent efforts to make himself rich in knowledge.

At that time, the battalion commander took a prisoner, but he did not expect that 28 years later the prisoner became a marshal, and the battalion commander became a major general

Despite the difficult living conditions, Yuan Yelie always insisted on learning and demonstrated excellent learning ability under the inspiration of his family.

In 1921, Yuan Yelie was admitted to Hunan First Normal University, a major turning point that laid the foundation for his future revolutionary career.

During his time in college, he had the privilege of listening to the speeches of great men and was deeply moved by them. This experience made Yuan Yelie take a strong interest in the revolutionary movement and actively participate in it.

At that time, the battalion commander took a prisoner, but he did not expect that 28 years later the prisoner became a marshal, and the battalion commander became a major general

In 1925, Yuan Yelie was admitted to the Whampoa Military Academy and joined the Communist Party of China. He was assigned to the 6th Company of Ye Ting's Independent Regiment and began his military career.

In the Northern Expedition, Yuan Yelie showed outstanding fighting courage and wisdom, and constantly proved his worth. After capturing Wuchang, he quickly rose to the rank of deputy battalion commander and became a highly respected and trusted leader in the army.

At that time, the battalion commander took a prisoner, but he did not expect that 28 years later the prisoner became a marshal, and the battalion commander became a major general

On the eve of the Nanchang Uprising, Yuan Yelie attended the Fifth Party Congress, which made historically important decisions for the Chinese Communist Party.

Yuan Yelie was then sent to investigate the situation of a regiment of the Dian Army in the Dongmen Barracks, and succeeded in obtaining information on the strength and deployment of the opponent under the pretext of looking for friends.

At that time, the battalion commander took a prisoner, but he did not expect that 28 years later the prisoner became a marshal, and the battalion commander became a major general

The Wuchang Uprising wrongly tied Zhu De

Yuan Yelie was not only a brave and fearless leader, but also showed his excellent tactical and organizational skills.

In the quiet middle of the night, he began his silent action, fully prepared for the upcoming battle. He was well aware that victory could only be achieved through meticulous planning and preparation.

The soldiers obeyed Yuan Yelie's command and began to prepare for the battle. They carefully fasten the leggings to ensure stability of the action, while tightening the belt so as not to lose equipment in battle.

At that time, the battalion commander took a prisoner, but he did not expect that 28 years later the prisoner became a marshal, and the battalion commander became a major general

To identify friendly troops, they also wrapped a white towel around their left arm as a symbol to ensure that they could distinguish friend from foe in the heat of battle.

When the first rays of the morning sun came down, three gunshots were heard in the early morning breeze, which was a signal from Yuan Yelie announcing the beginning of the battle.

He shouted, "Rush! "As if stirred up by the stormy waves, the soldiers bravely broke through the enemy's defenses and inflicted unexpected blows on the enemy.

At that time, the battalion commander took a prisoner, but he did not expect that 28 years later the prisoner became a marshal, and the battalion commander became a major general

In just two hours, the smell of gunpowder and gunsmoke filled the battlefield. Yuan Yelie's small battalion showed amazing courage and strength, completely annihilating an enemy legion in this battle.

With their firm and decisive actions, they caught the enemy by surprise and completely crushed their resistance.

However, Yuan Yelie was not satisfied with this. Even if the smoke in Nanchang has not yet cleared, he has already begun to deploy his next move.

At that time, the battalion commander took a prisoner, but he did not expect that 28 years later the prisoner became a marshal, and the battalion commander became a major general

He understood that to ensure complete victory, measures must be taken to prevent the escape of enemy forces. Therefore, he quickly arranged for his soldiers to set up bunkers and erected barricades to block possible escape routes for enemy troops.

Suddenly, Yuan Yelie heard the sound of horses' hooves, and he immediately looked up alertly. In the distance, he saw a middle-aged officer riding a black horse speeding towards this side.

Yuan Yelie immediately ordered him to stop and led his own soldiers to welcome the officer's arrival.

At that time, the battalion commander took a prisoner, but he did not expect that 28 years later the prisoner became a marshal, and the battalion commander became a major general

As the officer approached, Yuan Yelie recognized from his uniform as a high-ranking Kuomintang official. This officer looks experienced and has a steady temperament.

Yuan Yelie couldn't help but secretly become vigilant, but he remained calm and prepared for any eventuality.

Eventually, the middle-aged officer stopped his horse, and Yuan Yelie immediately ordered the soldiers to disarm him.

The adjutant hurriedly ran back to report to Yuan Yelie, and to his great shock, the officer who was captured turned out to be Zhu De! Yuan Yelie blinked his eyes in disbelief, he didn't expect that he would actually meet such an important person.

At that time, the battalion commander took a prisoner, but he did not expect that 28 years later the prisoner became a marshal, and the battalion commander became a major general

Yuan Yelie's heart beat faster, as if time had stopped for a moment. He quickly regained his composure and walked straight to Zhu De, apologizing for his arrival.

However, when he opened the barracks door, he saw Zhu De with a friendly smile on his face, which surprised Yuan Yelie a little.

Zhu De's voice sounded deep and kindly: "Comrade Yuan, you are really an elite force that can detect me so keenly. Your alertness on the battlefield is admirable. ”

At that time, the battalion commander took a prisoner, but he did not expect that 28 years later the prisoner became a marshal, and the battalion commander became a major general

Yuan Yelie felt extremely honored, and he was encouraged to hear Zhu De's praise for him and his soldiers.

He realized that in this hard battle, they were not only fighting the enemy, but also fighting for the interests of the country and the people. Yuan Yelie strengthened his determination to uphold his faith and responsibility.

Later, Yuan Yelie also participated in the Longzhou Uprising, serving as the commander of the first column of the Red Eighth Army and the commander of the 59th Regiment of the Red Seventh Army.

This was in 1931, the regiment commander was no longer low, and if it could be smoothly developed, he would certainly not be just a major general. But he had an accident.

At that time, the battalion commander took a prisoner, but he did not expect that 28 years later the prisoner became a marshal, and the battalion commander became a major general

Yuan Yelie was arrested

Yuan Yelie was unfortunately seriously wounded on the way to join the Central Red Army, so he could only change his name to Yuan Yingwu and go to Shanghai for treatment.

Despite his treatment, he kept in mind his membership in the Party and was passionate about the Party's cause.

At that time, the battalion commander took a prisoner, but he did not expect that 28 years later the prisoner became a marshal, and the battalion commander became a major general

While he was reading documents about the CCP in his room, he was suddenly arrested by patrols. Yuan Yelie was imprisoned, and in the face of interrogation and torture, he always firmly denied that he was a member of the Communist Party, claiming that he was just an ordinary businessman, saying that he accidentally picked up the documents while walking.

In the absence of conclusive evidence, the Kuomintang eventually sentenced Yuan Yelie to five years in prison for "endangering the Republic of China."

At that time, the battalion commander took a prisoner, but he did not expect that 28 years later the prisoner became a marshal, and the battalion commander became a major general

It should have been released in 1936, but who knew that the Kuomintang actually asked him to write a letter of repentance from the Communist Party before he was released from prison, and Yuan Yelie also knew that this was a set given to him by the Kuomintang, as long as he wrote it, he would not be able to go out today.

So Yuan Yelie shouted that he was not a communist, that he was not guilty, and that he had no guilt to regret. He knew that the Kuomintang could not sentence him to death without evidence, and he would go out sooner or later.

At that time, the battalion commander took a prisoner, but he did not expect that 28 years later the prisoner became a marshal, and the battalion commander became a major general

Sure enough, the Kuomintang sent him to the Reflection Institute to continue his detention on the grounds that he did not have "insincere repentance", and when he heard this, Yuan Yelie breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he is alive, he can still go out to serve the motherland.

Yuan Yelie was released in late 1937, because the Japanese had already invaded, so the Kuomintang had no time to care about them. It didn't take long for Yuan Yelie to find the organization, but his situation was embarrassing.

At that time, the battalion commander took a prisoner, but he did not expect that 28 years later the prisoner became a marshal, and the battalion commander became a major general

Because Yuan Yelie showed no signs of defection during his imprisonment, the organization has not been able to figure out his position. So during that time, he mainly did work such as the united front and the military movement.

It was not until after 1942 that he was transferred to the Qinghe Military Region, and later became the commander of the Bohai Naval Region, commanding troops to win several battles.

At that time, the battalion commander took a prisoner, but he did not expect that 28 years later the prisoner became a marshal, and the battalion commander became a major general

When he was the commander of the Bohai Naval Region, he had two deputies: founding vice admiral Liao Rongbiao and founding general Song Shilun.

In 1955, Yuan Yelie was deputy commander and chief of staff of the East China Military Region, a rank that was appropriately awarded to rear admiral.

Some people thought that his seniority was too low as a major general, but Yuan Yelie did not care about this, and said directly: "Since I joined the revolution, I have always had only one idea, that is, to save the country and the people, and I am ready to sacrifice myself at any time." I never intended to pursue any official position. The party gives me honor and treatment, not too low, but too high. ”

At that time, the battalion commander took a prisoner, but he did not expect that 28 years later the prisoner became a marshal, and the battalion commander became a major general


In the history of the Chinese revolution, many brave people have thrown themselves into this revolutionary struggle without fear. They laid down their personal ranks and wealth and put the interests of the country and the people first.

These revolutionaries devoted themselves undistracted to the cause of overthrowing the old system and establishing a new China.

At that time, the battalion commander took a prisoner, but he did not expect that 28 years later the prisoner became a marshal, and the battalion commander became a major general

With loyalty, perseverance and firm conviction, they forged ahead courageously and willingly risked their lives for the good of their country. Their lives are extremely difficult and they often face unprecedented hardships and challenges.

They did not shrink from personal gains and losses, on the contrary, they kept their original intentions in mind and fought for the happiness of the country and the people.

At that time, the battalion commander took a prisoner, but he did not expect that 28 years later the prisoner became a marshal, and the battalion commander became a major general

Their struggles and sacrifices were not in vain, and in the course of the Chinese revolution, they made great contributions to the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people.

With their actions, they inspired those who came after them and became models of revolutionary spirit. They taught us to remember our original intention, pursue truth and justice, and strive for the interests of the country and the people.