
460,000 people scored 8.6 points, reluctant to delete the hard disk treasure, I recommend late!

author:Remembering Hexi
460,000 people scored 8.6 points, reluctant to delete the hard disk treasure, I recommend late!

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First, the development and climax of the plot of the movie

The plot development of the movie "100 Days of Dreamers" is a story of exploration and discovery, an in-depth exploration of the meaning of life, the protagonist Walter is a busy financial worker who spends his daily life in endless documents and meetings, such a life makes him tired and begins to dream of pursuing the dream he has had since childhood - photography.

460,000 people scored 8.6 points, reluctant to delete the hard disk treasure, I recommend late!

At the first climax of the film, Walter decides to quit his job to start his photography journey, he buys a camera, and decides to shoot all kinds of strange scenery around the world in 100 days, a decision that leads him to meet Lily, a freelancer who takes him through a free, unfettered life.

During his travels, Walter's relationship with Lily warms up and his photography skills improve, however, his adventurous spirit and unconventional behavior get him into trouble, and he loses his camera to save a fawn during an expedition in Iceland.

Losing his camera, Walt finds Lily in loss and despair, but learns that she is dying of cancer, in order to fulfill her wish, they rush to the volcano in her hometown together, hoping to see the volcano erupt before she dies, despite the dangerous journey, they still succeed in reaching their destination, but Walt is buried by the eruption to save Lily.

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On the brink of life and death, Walt recalls his experiences with Lily, his understanding of life has changed, he struggles to crawl out of the volcanic ash, and uses his mobile phone to take a photo of the volcanic eruption, which won the photography award and allowed him to rediscover the meaning of life.

The second climax of the film is that after Walt was buried by a volcanic eruption, his humanity and desire for life were vividly displayed, and he still insisted on surviving and finding a way out in an extremely dangerous environment, and this indomitable spirit deeply moved the audience.

Second, the dreams and pursuits conveyed in the movie

460,000 people scored 8.6 points, reluctant to delete the hard disk treasure, I recommend late!

The movie "Hundred Days of Dreamers" conveys a deep understanding of dreams and pursuits, the protagonist Walter is an ordinary financial worker, he lives a monotonous and boring life every day, until he begins to awaken to his dreams, he begins to want to pursue his photography dreams since childhood, so he decided to quit his job and use 100 days to realize his dreams.

In this process, Walt encountered many challenges and difficulties, he lost his camera, but he never gave up on the road to pursue his dreams, and his encounter with Lily allowed him to experience a free and unrestrained life, and their adventure made Walt understand that life should not only be lived for work and life, but should have its own pursuit and dream.

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The movie emphasizes the importance of pursuing dreams, while revealing the cruelty of reality, Walt suffered many setbacks and blows in the process of pursuing his dreams, but he did not give up, he faced the reality of Lily's imminent death, but also used his strength to fulfill her wishes, this cherishing of life and the pursuit of dreams made Walt a more profound and meaningful character.

The film also emphasizes the importance of courage and determination, in the face of difficulties and challenges, only with courage and determination can you stick to your dreams and finally achieve them, Walt proved this with his actions, he not only bravely faced danger, but also took a stunning photo with his mobile phone after losing his camera.

Third, the value of self-discovery and growth in movies

460,000 people scored 8.6 points, reluctant to delete the hard disk treasure, I recommend late!

The movie "100 Days of Dreamers" conveys the value and meaning of life to the audience through the self-discovery and growth of the protagonist Walter, a timid and cowardly person who lacks self-confidence, his life has always been bound by work and the expectations of those around him, until he began to pursue his photography dreams, he began the journey of self-discovery and growth.

In this journey, Walter encountered many challenges and difficulties, but he always stuck to his dreams, constantly learning and growing, he learned a free and unrestrained lifestyle from Lily, began to realize his inner needs and values, and in the adventure with Lily, he gradually became more brave and confident, and began to learn to cherish every moment of life.

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The self-discovery and growth in the movie is not only Walter's personal growth, including his knowledge and understanding of the people around him, he began to pay attention to the needs and feelings of others, learn how to build deep relationships with others, in the interaction with Lili, he not only understands Lily's life experience and inner world, but also learns how to love and care for others.

The self-discovery and growth in the movie is also manifested in Walter's attitude and values to life, he began to realize the shortness and preciousness of life, learn how to pursue the life he really wants, he faces the reality of Lily's imminent death, he deeply experiences the impermanence and preciousness of life, in this experience, he begins to cherish every moment of life more, learn how to pursue his dreams and beliefs.

Fourth, the photography and picture composition of the movie "100 Days of Dreamers"

460,000 people scored 8.6 points, reluctant to delete the hard disk treasure, I recommend late!

The rule of thirds composition divides the picture into three equal parts, placing the subject on the third line or intersection, which can create a balanced, harmonious and visually striking picture, and the third composition is used many times in the film, especially in the presentation of large background landscapes, such as the Himalayas and Iceland.

The central composition places the subject in the center of the picture, emphasizing the large subject, making people notice at a glance, and the use of the center composition in the film when shooting the characters, placing the characters in the center of the picture, creating a serious, formal atmosphere.

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The symmetrical composition is centered on a point or a line, and the shape and size of the two sides are consistent and symmetrical, creating a sense of balance and harmony, and symmetrical compositions are used in the film when shooting water landscapes, such as lakes, waterfalls, etc., making people feel peaceful and peaceful.

The film uses a lot of wide-angle lenses to incorporate more scenery into the frame, creating a wide, spectacular effect, such as when shooting the Himalayas, using a wide-angle lens to include mountains, sky and clouds in the frame, making people feel immersed.

In the movie, dynamic composition, such as car driving, character movement, etc., is used when shooting dynamic scenes, and dynamic scenes are shot more vividly and naturally by adjusting parameters such as exposure time and shutter speed.

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The use of color in the film is excellent, creating different atmospheres and emotions through different color combinations, such as when shooting Iceland, using cool colors to create a calm, lonely atmosphere.

Fifth, the color and visual effects of the film

The color in the film is not only to beautify the picture, but also to express emotions and symbolism, for example, blue symbolizes calmness, thinking and melancholy in the film, often appears in the life of the male protagonist Walter, reflecting his dullness and depression, while red symbolizes passion and adventure, in the climax of the film, when Walt jumps into the volcano, red plays a role in symbolizing his brave pursuit of his dreams.

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For example, in the real scene, the main color is cold, showing a dull and depressing atmosphere, while in Water's fantasy world, the main color is warm, showing a romantic and beautiful atmosphere, this contrast of cold and warm tones enhances the visual effects and emotional expression of the picture.

The color conversion in the film is very wonderful, through different color combinations and changes to show the emotional and psychological changes of the characters, for example, when the heroine Kristen Weig appears, her clothing color gradually changes from cold gray to warm red, showing her enthusiasm and vitality for life.

460,000 people scored 8.6 points, reluctant to delete the hard disk treasure, I recommend late!

The colors in the film also have a decorative role, decorating the picture through the matching and changing of colors, creating different atmospheres and styles, for example, when shooting the Himalayas, a large number of blues and whites are used to create a magnificent, mysterious atmosphere.

6. Character shaping and performance of films

Ben Stiller plays a daydreaming magazine negative asset management director Walter in the film, he often enters a certain "trance" state, and then fantasizes about doing something incredible, but back to reality, in fact, he is not as legendary as he imagined, Stiller shows Walter's complex emotions vividly through wonderful performances, from hope to disappointment, and finally finds self-worth in the adventure journey.

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Kristen Weiger plays a beautiful, independent and brave female character Kristen Weig, she is the heroine of Walter's daydreams, and she has a wonderful romantic relationship with Walter, and Weger's excellent performance makes this role more vivid and three-dimensional, leaving a deep impression on the audience.

Sean Penn plays adventure photographer Jean Enconor in the film, he is an important role in Water's daydreams, Jean's adventurous spirit and unconventional behavior have an important impact on Walter's life, Pan's performance is full of passion and charm, adding more dramatic tension to the film.

The relationship between the characters in the film is very complicated, the emotional line between Walt and Christine is an important clue in the film, the appearance of Shang makes the relationship between the two people more delicate, and in the adventure journey, the relationship between Walt and Shang is also a mentor and friend, which plays a key role in the characterization of Walter.

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The highlight of the character development and performance in the film is to show the emotional changes and growth process of the characters in a real and delicate manner, especially the performance of Ben Stiller, which shows Walter's inner world very thoroughly, allowing the audience to deeply understand his confusion, struggle and growth.

7. The importance of film and goal pursuit

Walt is a depressed magazine film asset management director, he often daydreams in ordinary life, longing to be free to travel and pursue his dreams, however, the constraints of real life make him unable to realize his dreams, until he meets photographer Shang, the appearance of the other party inspires his inner goal pursuit.

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The film through Walter's experience, to the audience to convey the importance of goal pursuit, everyone has their own dreams and pursuits, only the courage to pursue, can achieve their dreams, in the film, Walt through a hundred days of fantasy journey, experience the true meaning of Shang said "life is only once", he understands to cherish the present, bravely pursue their dreams, this firm belief in the pursuit of goals, so that Walt in the face of difficulties and challenges never give up, and finally realize his dreams.

The movie "100 Days of Dreamers" allows the audience to enjoy the wonderful story at the same time, get inspiration, the audience can see the setbacks, confusion and growth experienced by Walt in the process of pursuing his dreams, this kind of storyline inspires the audience's deep resonance, the film encourages the audience to bravely pursue their dreams, not to be limited by the constraints of reality, to seize the opportunity, and strive to achieve their goals.

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8. The film presents the difficulties in real life

The protagonist Walt works in the negative asset department of the magazine, and his work must face a large number of negatives every day, but these negatives are not paid enough attention, and the company does not even have enough funds to build a complete database, which makes Walt feel very confused and helpless, Walt has a crush on his colleague Christine, but he has never had the courage to confess, and this emotional distress is a difficulty he faces in real life.

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Due to the problem of company funds, the salary of Walt and other employees was cut, the pressure of life increased, in addition, Walt also needed to bear the living expenses of himself and his family, which made him feel very financially stressed, Walter's father was not in good health and needed regular treatment and care, which not only increased Walt's financial pressure, but also caused him contradictions and troubles between taking care of his family and pursuing his dreams.