
Japan put China in the dock, and China preemptively cut Japan's "artery!" ”

author:Wang Yu sees the world

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On the international stage recently, a controversy concerning the global environment and international morality has quietly unfolded. Japan's nuclear effluent discharge has sparked anger and concern around the world. At first, the Kishida government turned a deaf ear to this and even tried to bite back at China, but a sentence from the mouth of Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying left him speechless and became a mute. At the same time, Russia also put forward two far-reaching proposals that further exacerbated Kishida's dilemma. This article will delve into the development of this international controversy and analyze the complexities involved.

Japan put China in the dock, and China preemptively cut Japan's "artery!" ”

Text|Interpretation of modern history

Editor|Interpretation of Modern History

Japan's nuclear effluent discharge has attracted global attention

With the Japanese government's announcement that it would discharge nuclear sewage into the sea, international public opinion heated up rapidly. The Japanese government initially paid no attention to this, even insisting that the nuclear effluent met discharge standards, and tried to shift the blame to China, filing a lawsuit in the name of the WTO. However, the situation soon changed, and Hua Chunying's words embarrassed the Kishida Fumio government.

In the face of growing international condemnation, the Japanese government has come to realize that the situation cannot be concealed. However, they are so thick-skinned that they insist on discharging nuclear sewage even in the face of strong opposition in Japan. However, it was not just Hua Chunying's words that left the Japanese government speechless, Russia also offered two high-profile proposals.

Japan put China in the dock, and China preemptively cut Japan's "artery!" ”

Hua Chunying's words shocked the international stage

A remark by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying caused an uproar. She asked the blunt question: "Will Japan stop discharging nuclear water in the future?" This issue silenced the Kishida government and forced it to reconsider its position. After all, no matter how diluted, the radioactive substances of Japan's nuclear sewage cannot be completely eliminated.

The Japanese government knows this, but they have been trying to whitewash their actions. However, the international community will not easily believe such rhetoric. The discharge of nuclear sewage will not only pose a huge threat to the marine ecosystem, but may also trigger a global environmental crisis. The initial arrogance of the Kishida administration was widely criticized on the international stage, and a single Chinese remark was like a thunderbolt that put them in an awkward position.

Japan put China in the dock, and China preemptively cut Japan's "artery!" ”

The economic downturn has panicked the Japanese government

Despite Kishida's government persistence on the issue of discharging nuclear wastewater, China's blanket ban has hit Japan's aquaculture industry hard. Countless Japanese people took to the streets to protest the government's decision, believing that it was the right step to protect the health of their citizens. The complaints of Japan's fishery industry have been rising one after another, and Kishida's government is finally feeling the pressure.

The Japanese government had planned to invest tens of billions of yen in a public opinion war in an attempt to wash nuclear sewage discharges. They have also tried to export their own aquatic products to other countries, but have faced restrictions from countries such as the United States. While Kishida's government was busy dealing with pressures at home and abroad, striking changes were taking place in the country.

Japan put China in the dock, and China preemptively cut Japan's "artery!" ”

Japan's coastline is covered in black pollution, and dead sea turtles wash ashore. Carcasses of eels pile up on beaches, moths rage on subways and streets. These phenomena cast doubt on the Japanese government's claim that the discharge of nuclear sewage meets standards. People began to abandon local seafood and Fukushima-grown produce and fruit, afraid to eat them again. A thought-provoking video of a Chinese blogger who showed a Japanese guy the truth about Fukushima seafood through an experiment with shocking results. These events have made the face of the Kishida Fumio government even more embarrassing, and the efforts to whitewash have been crushed by reality.

Japan put China in the dock, and China preemptively cut Japan's "artery!" ”

Russia's two proposals have sparked speculation

While attracting attention on the international stage, Russia has also put forward two high-profile proposals that have further exacerbated the plight of Kishida's government.

The first concern the Russian Far East. The region has long had development challenges due to demographic issues. However, in the nuclear

After the sewage crisis, residents and experts in the Russian Far East made an unusual proposal: to bring people who could not make ends meet in Japan to the Russian Far East. Although this proposal is full of humanitarian care, it also makes people wonder whether these Japanese will become "coolies" in the new era, helping Russia solve its population problems.

Japan put China in the dock, and China preemptively cut Japan's "artery!" ”

The second proposal, which is more striking, was made by Russian experts. They believe that the use of hydrogen bombs could be considered to solve the problem of nuclear contamination at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Although this sounds extremely radical, experts explain that the nuclear radiation produced after the hydrogen bomb explosion is relatively short-lived, and the environment can be repaired after the radiation has dissipated. In contrast, the threat of nuclear water will last for years and may even affect the entire world. This proposal, although controversial, enjoys broad support.

Japan put China in the dock, and China preemptively cut Japan's "artery!" ”

The Japanese government is helpless

Under all the pressure, the position of Kishida's government became shaky. Despite the government's efforts to whitewash its actions, the international community will not easily believe their claims. The Kishida government tried to lead by example, tasting the so-called Fukushima seafood for himself and even praising its deliciousness. However, the performance did not achieve the desired effect, only arousing more suspicion.

During a visit to a fish market, the words of a merchant embarrassed the Kishida government. The merchant said that since the discharge of nuclear sewage, the export of aquatic products centered on China has decreased by more than 90%. The news frustrated the government because the economy has already taken a huge hit.

Japan put China in the dock, and China preemptively cut Japan's "artery!" ”

The strong repercussions of public opinion at home and abroad put the Kishida Fumio government in a difficult situation, but they still tried to defend their interests. However, there are growing signs that the Japanese government is no longer in control of the situation. Despite Russia's advice, it remains unknown whether Japan will adopt it.

Hope clash with reality

This international controversy has not only revealed the international community's concern for environmental issues, but also highlighted the conflict between national interests and international morality among governments. Although the Japanese government continues to insist on the stance of nuclear sewage discharge, the gradual trend of global public opinion and domestic and foreign pressure have put them in a difficult position.

Japan put China in the dock, and China preemptively cut Japan's "artery!" ”

Above all, however, this controversy reminds us that the planet's environmental problems are global and that the actions of any one country can have profound consequences for the entire world. The oceans do not belong to any one country, but to the globe. We must work together to protect the planet's environment to ensure a sustainable future.


Japan put China in the dock, and China preemptively cut Japan's "artery!" ”

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