
The school forced the milk to be 330 in three cartons, why can't students buy it themselves?

author:Mingquan gossip


Introduction: Recently, a news about the school's forced milk has attracted widespread attention and controversy. For parents and students, this may seem like an additional expense, making people wonder why schools force milk and why students can't buy it themselves. This article explores why.

The school forced the milk to be 330 in three cartons, why can't students buy it themselves?


In recent years, with people's emphasis on health and nutrition, milk has become a common drink on the table of many families and is considered to be one of the important sources of rich nutrition. As the main activity place for students during school, the school has also begun to pay attention to the healthy diet of students. As a result, some schools have introduced a policy of enforcing milk to ensure that students receive adequate nutrition.

First of all, the school strongly formulates milk to ensure that students consume enough nutrients. Milk is rich in protein, calcium, vitamins and other nutrients, which is of great significance for the growth and development of students. Schools provide a uniform milk supply, which ensures that every student has access to these important nutrients.

However, for some families, this policy of imposing milk may bring a certain financial burden. The quantity and price of milk ordered by schools are considered high, which may lead to increased financial pressure on some families. Some parents worry that bringing their own milk from home will save money and give families more flexibility in choosing other drinks that are suitable for their children.

The school forced the milk to be 330 in three cartons, why can't students buy it themselves?

Why not let parents buy it and let students bring it from home?

This point is also something I particularly can't understand, discerning people can see that the milk price set by the school has far exceeded the market price, and it is not difficult to suspect that the school has a certain agreement with the milk manufacturer.

To sum up, there is a certain rationality in the school's policy of strong milk formulation. It helps to safeguard students' nutritional intake and cultivate healthy eating habits and self-discipline. However, when formulating such policies, schools should also take into account the financial situation of different families and provide corresponding help and choice for those families who cannot afford the additional burden.

Finally, we should also encourage students and parents to actively participate in the discussion and put forward their own opinions and suggestions. Through proper communication and negotiation, better solutions can be found that meet the needs of the school while taking care of the family's financial affordability.

The school forced the milk to be 330 in three cartons, why can't students buy it themselves?


The school's strong milk policy is to ensure that students receive adequate nutrition, develop a healthy diet and a sense of self-discipline. However, for students with more difficult family financial situations, this can come with a certain financial burden.

Therefore, schools should take into account the needs of students and family financial circumstances when formulating policies, and provide corresponding help and choice. At the same time, we should also encourage active discussion and reasonable solutions to achieve better balance and win-win.

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