
The strongest mistress officially announced her pregnancy! Destroy the three views

author:Green hats are dark and light

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Recently, Internet celebrity Zhang Dayi officially announced her pregnancy, only 20 days after announcing her marriage last month.

She revealed that she was more than four months pregnant and posted a scene of receiving fetal protection injections.

In addition, Zhang Dayi also specifically said that "this is indeed the first pregnancy in my life", thus refuting the previous pregnancy rumors.

The so-called pregnancy rumors refer to the rumors that she became pregnant during an affair with Jiang Fan.

Yes, everyone should know that Zhang Dayi interfered with the marriage of Alibaba CEO Jiang Fan, which made her the most powerful mistress in people's mouths.

But now it seems that Zhang Dayi and Jiang Fan's extramarital affair has finally collapsed under the criticism of public opinion.

They all made the decision that was best in their interests.

The strongest mistress officially announced her pregnancy! Destroy the three views

This once-hot topic of extramarital affairs has finally come to an end.

Jiang Fan, who had an affair during his marriage, divorced his first wife Dong Huahua and did not marry his mistress Zhang Dayi.

When the cheating scandal first came to light, Ali was under pressure to demote Jiang Fan. However, after a period of silence, Jiang Fan recently returned to his position as a partner in Ali and resumed his position in the workplace.

In October last year, it was reported on the Internet that Zhang Dayi was proposed by the rich second generation, and then she herself discovered that someone had proposed to the civil official.

After the news that Jiang Fan would return to Alibaba's top management, Zhang Dayi officially announced this year with a smile on her face that she had obtained her license and was pregnant within a month.

This humiliating experience seems to have changed a chapter in Zhang Dayi's life. Although her career is no longer as prosperous as before, she still knows the rules of being human.

After breaking with Jiang Fan, Zhang Dayi did not hide, did not quietly marry and have children, but made a high-profile official announcement, and his timing and speech were also intriguing.

Although interrogation and invective trump blessings, as a person who makes a living from the Internet, Zhang knows all too well how to use his private life to drive traffic and profit.

Jiang Fan and Zhang Dayi, who once deceived each other, have recovered and returned to their lives and careers.

This is a good ending for them, but it seems that only netizens are at a loss.

The strongest mistress officially announced her pregnancy! Destroy the three views

Of course, what is the ending of the original partner Dong Huahua?

Three years ago, Dong Hua publicly accused Zhang Dayi of interfering in her marriage on Weibo and warned her not to provoke her husband again, otherwise it would be disrespectful.

Kuotai rich was aggressively attacked by the mistress, and could only go on Weibo to fight back and suppress the other party through public opinion.

For a time, the love and hate between the Internet celebrity Taobao, the president and the full-time daughter was put on the table, and a long battle began.

In this regard, Dong Huahua must also be helpless. After all, she made Jiang Fan's extramarital affair public, which made her marriage with Jiang Fan directly to the point of no return.

Later, the development of things should exceed Dong Huahua's expectations, and the extramarital affair between President Ali and the super Internet celebrity will soon ferment on the Internet.

Dong Hua Hua defended her dignity, but at the same time her marriage to Jiang Fan ended.

After the divorce, Dong Hua had two children. Although she lost Jiang Fan, she did not feel sorry for herself. On the contrary, Dong Hua started a new business, fell in love, created her own design brand, left the small world of housewives, and opened the business field of the hero of the big scarf.

To be fair, Jiang Fan and Zhang Dayi continued to expand their careers unscathed, making those who were scolded very uncomfortable.

And Dong Huahua's counterattack and progress also made netizens feel like fighting.

The case was closed today, and it was finally discovered that whether it was Jiang Fan, Zhang Dayi or Dong Huahua, their careers had become their self-confidence and courage to stand up.

Emotionally, no one in this entanglement is a winner.

After experiencing the turmoil, they all chose their careers without exception.

The strongest mistress officially announced her pregnancy! Destroy the three views

And Xiao Zhang Dayi, who ruined other people's families, is now turning people into marriages and children, and is cleaning up and creating word of mouth.

Many people are curious about why Zhang Dayi can rank third, and he is chased and scolded by the whole network. She is not an ordinary mistress, but a mistress who has made a sensation on the Internet. At the age of 35, there is a rich second generation willing to marry her.

Is it because of love? I think love can only be a small part of it.

When we gritted our teeth and scolded the mistress, Zhang Dayi was already notorious, and at the age of 35, she was no longer a young and beautiful girl.

Many people think that the rich second generation can find a younger and more innocent girl, and there is no need to find a shameful mistress.

But Zhang Dayi has a capital that young girls do not have. Despite her bad reputation and bad style, her career is good.

In addition to emotional needs, she can provide money and resources to her partner.

If marriage is also an investment, why not Zhang Dayi?

This may sound realistic, but most options for adults are realistic.

At that time, Zhang Dayi was the first seller on the whole network to bring goods, and at the age of 30, he went to Nasdaq to ring the bell. Her Ruhan Holdings is the only MCN owned by Alibaba.

When Zhang Dayi is mentioned again, people only remember her as a mistress who destroys other people's families.

Although Zhang Dayi still controls the capital, she must pay for her actions. Everything you do has a price tag.

It can only be said that the career took care of her in the end.

The same is true for Dong Huahua. After the divorce, she lost Jiang Fan's financial support, and only her career could help her get back on her feet.

If she becomes a useless, abandoned woman, people's sympathy for her will eventually turn into ridicule.

The strongest mistress officially announced her pregnancy! Destroy the three views

In fact, when people face the chaos after the storm, they will understand that no one can be someone's eternal dependency, and no one can give someone the life they want.

All I can do is pack up and start over, especially for a full-time woman like Dong Huahua, who lives off her husband.

Attachment to others may seem easy, but it is actually the most dangerous path.

Once this kind of emotional dispute appears on the Internet, we all know that the mistress should scold, the cheating husband should be scolded, and the original partner should be in agreement.

Few people will eat melon while thinking, what if I am the original match? Am I confident to be independent and leave? It's easy to laugh at other people's jokes, and it's easy to blame others. If you are the party, can you retreat from the whole body?

When I was thirty, I told myself to keep a pure heart, to be sincere, to be kind.

But at the same time, I also understand that strength and value are king.

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