
The foreigner drove in Tai to rear-end and escape, causing 4 consecutive crashes! 5 injured and 4 car damaged!

The foreigner drove in Tai to rear-end and escape, causing 4 consecutive crashes! 5 injured and 4 car damaged!

According to Thai media news, on September 8, the police station of Chonburi Province in Thailand received a report that a serial car accident occurred on Phaya Satcha Road, Ban Suan Town, Ban Suan Town, local Fuzhi County, resulting in 5 injuries and 5 vehicle damage. Subsequently, the police and rescuers immediately rushed to the scene to investigate.

The foreigner drove in Tai to rear-end and escape, causing 4 consecutive crashes! 5 injured and 4 car damaged!

Upon arriving at the scene, the police found a car overturned to the ground, and a foreign man of about 40 years old was found in the car, seriously injured and completely unconscious, and no relevant documents were found on his body. At the same time, another 3 damaged cars and 1 motorcycle were found nearby, and a total of 5 people were injured in the accident, all of whom were taken to local hospitals for treatment.

The foreigner drove in Tai to rear-end and escape, causing 4 consecutive crashes! 5 injured and 4 car damaged!

The owner of the motorcycle, Nadaya, a 67-year-old Thai woman, revealed that she was riding to the scene of the incident when she encountered a vehicle collision, and then another car hit her motorcycle, causing her injuries.

The other injured man, 60-year-old Thai policeman Byatsa, revealed that when he parked his car on the side of the road, he saw the foreigner rear-end a pickup truck and fled, and the owner of the pickup truck chased after him to ask for explanations.

At present, the police will investigate the relevant evidence at the place of the accident, and at the same time call for nearby monitoring, and will be dealt with in accordance with relevant laws in the future.