
4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

author:Rain falls on the riverside

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4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

Text/Riverside rainfall

Edit/Riverside Rain Falls

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

At the recent ASEAN summit, one of the most important issues discussed by leaders was the South China Sea, when ASEAN countries called for tighter control and caution in all actions.

Although they were not directly pointed out, everyone knew it, but just one day after the ASEAN summit, the Philippines began to create trouble in the South China Sea again.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

Ships sent by the Philippine government have once again trespassed into Ren'ai Jiao, this time under China's control, and even senior U.S. officials have said that the Philippines has plunged headlong into China's encirclement.

What's going on here? Why is it said that the Philippines trespassed into the encirclement set up by China this time by trespassing on Ren'ai Jiao?

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

The Philippines has again entered the Ren'ai Reef

According to reports from the global network, on September 8, that is, yesterday, the Philippine government once again sent supply ships to Ren'ai Jiao without the consent of the Chinese government.

In just five weeks, this is the third time the Philippines has delivered supplies to the USS Sierra Madre running aground at Second Thomas Reef.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

Among the four ships this time, two are the same repair ships as before, while the other two are Philippine Coast Guard ships specially escorting repair ships.

Obviously, the Philippines knew that its delivery of supplies to Second Thomas Jiao without the permission of the Chinese government would be stopped, so it sent a coast guard ship to escort the replenishment ship.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

The third time the Philippines trespassed on Ren'ai Jiao, just one day after the conclusion of the ASEAN summit on September 7, and in the process of the meeting, ASEAN countries also "knocked" the Philippines on the South China Sea issue.

In addition to promoting economic exchanges among Southeast Asian countries, ASEAN also has a very important point, that is, to maintain peace and stability and development in East Asia and with the Asia-Pacific region.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

However, as one of the ASEAN countries, the Philippines not only did not actively promote relations between ASEAN countries, but chose to work for the United States and constantly stirred up incidents in the South China Sea.

Especially in recent months, the Philippines has been constantly acting on the South China Sea issue, either conducting joint military exercises with the United States or sending supply ships to trespass on Ren'ai Jiao.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

Seeing the intensifying contradictions between the Philippines and China, a very important topic at this ASEAN summit is to dissuade the Philippines on the South China Sea issue.

First of all, the Indonesian President who spoke at the opening meeting, the current rotating chair of ASEAN is Indonesia, and this ASEAN summit is also held in Jakarta, so Indonesian President Widodo's speech is very important.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

Widodo began his speech by stressing that ASEAN is a group that does not represent the interests of certain major powers, and that ASEAN member states must maintain unity among themselves.

This sentence also implies that ASEAN has never been a reserve resource for some major countries, and Western powers such as the United States should not try to use ASEAN as the EU.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

Widodo said that the biggest problem facing ASEAN at present is not development, let alone economic trade, but that there are individual countries in the team that are undermining the unity of ASEAN as a whole.

When some countries encounter problems, they not only do not seek help from groups at the first time, but turn their attention to foreign forces, and the final result is that the problem is not solved, and the unity of ASEAN countries is undermined.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

Widodo's speech did not blame a country by name, but everyone knew who it was, and did not poke it, just wanted to protect the other party's remaining bit of national face.

Widodo's speech was not unique, and in addition to him, Malaysia's Prime Minister Ibrahim also expressed his views.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

Ibrahim affirmed Widodo's speech and once again stressed the importance of solidarity and cooperation among ASEAN countries.

In addition, Ibrahim also said that ASEAN countries must be vigilant about the impact of competition between major powers on ASEAN countries at this stage.

ASEAN countries must avoid separatist behavior by major powers, who face the threat of separatism and the threat of undoing some of the cooperation that has already been reached.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

Because Widodo represents the rotating presidency, many words can only be said to the end, but Ibrahim has fewer concerns in this regard, and his words are more direct than Widodo's.

Everyone present knows that Widodo and Ibrahim are talking about the Philippines, and among the ASEAN countries, that is, the Marcos government is the closest to the United States, and the threat to ASEAN is also the greatest.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

The United States supports the Philippines

For the accusations, Marcos in the audience did not fluctuate in mood, and when it was his turn to speak, he did not directly respond to these dark warnings.

Marcos said the Philippines would work hard to make ASEAN "competitive and integrated" and that ASEAN's macroeconomy still had a lot of room for improvement.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

As for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, although Marcos affirmed global values, he did not have any substantive remarks.

In other words, Marcos's words about "confidence in RCEP", "promoting the multilateral trading system" or the so-called "strengthening connectivity" are basically all scenes, without a solid view and commitment.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

Marcos's entire speech revolved around the economy, with no concrete, constructive expression of geopolitical and other ASEAN concerns.

Marcos said a lot of high-sounding words before finally saying that the Philippines opposed the South China Sea issue as a product of Sino-US competition because it ignored the Philippines' rights and interests in the South China Sea.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

Marcos also fell on the deaf ears of Widodo and Ibrahim, and his ambiguity at such an international conference may be largely due to the fact that he had just found some self-confidence in the United States.

As soon as Marcos announced his so-called "rights" at the ASEAN summit, the Philippine Coast Guard was eager to confirm Marcos's claims.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

The ASEAN summit opened on September 5, just a day after the Philippines announced a joint military exercise with the United States.

The location chosen for this joint U.S.-Philippines military exercise is still in the South China Sea, and it also crosses the waters west of Palawan.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

During this period, the Philippines' actions in the South China Sea became more and more rampant, and in the final analysis, it was because the United States supported the Philippines behind its back.

The exercise is proof that the United States sent guided-missile destroyers to conduct joint exercises with Philippine frigates, and one of the most important exercises was "maneuvering near other ships."

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

The last time the Philippines delivered supplies to Second Thomas Jiao without passing through the Chinese government, the Chinese coast guard used water cannons to expel them after warning to no avail.

The Philippines felt "attacked", and the United States immediately came to teach what to do near the other side's ships, quite like "the subordinates were beaten, and the boss came to support them".

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

Even if the Philippines really learned the means of the United States, as long as it dared to trespass on Ren'ai Jiao, China still served as a coast guard ship, and this time the Philippines sent two replenishment ships and two coast guard ships, which were directly intercepted by China coast guard ships 5305, 21551, 21616 and so on.

And after interception, the first notice was issued, in the past it was the Philippines to add oil and vinegar to spread rumors and smear, this time we occupy the initiative of information, the notice said:

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

On September 8, two Philippine replenishment vessels and two coast guard vessels entered the waters adjacent to Ren'ai Jiao in China's Nansha Qundao without permission from the Chinese government.

The China Coast Guard shall give a stern warning to Philippine vessels in accordance with the law, monitor them throughout the process, and effectively regulate them.

China has indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Qundao, including Ren'ai Jiao, and its surrounding waters, and firmly opposes the Philippines' illegal "beach" warships transporting illegal construction materials.

The China Coast Guard will continue to carry out rights protection and law enforcement activities in waters under China's jurisdiction in accordance with the law.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

Powell's words

As for why the Philippine supply ship got into the full trap of the China Coast Guard ship by itself, or because former US Defense Attache Powell took the notice of the China Coast Guard one step ahead of the Chinese coast guard, and posted an article on social platforms describing the Philippine supply ship trespassing on Ren'ai Jiao.

Powell said four Philippine boats were stopped by two Chinese coast guard boats as they approached Second Thomas Reef, and even 10 "militia boats," or Chinese fishing boats.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

Powell said that although he did not know whether the Chinese coast guard ships encountered the Philippine ships during their patrols or had been waiting for them near Mahkota Reef, such a situation is very rare anyway.

Therefore, according to his analysis, this time China is likely to speculate that the Philippines will supply the Sierra Madre in the near future based on the past actions of Philippine supply ships, so it deliberately waited for the Philippines to pass through.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

To put it bluntly, it is to lay up the net and wait for the Philippines to enter the trap, but this is only Powell's personal guess.

Many people feel that China's provocative means on the South China Sea issue are too benevolent, and if they catch a bird, they will see who will dare to be presumptuous in the South China Sea in the future.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

Objectively speaking, China's approach to handling the actions of the Philippines and Vietnam in the South China Sea is more humanitarian than resolute and inadequate.

But if you think about it, is the dispute in the South China Sea between China and Vietnam or between China and the Philippines? Obviously not, behind this is actually a game between China and the United States, even if Marcos does not want to admit it, this is an indisputable fact.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

The United States is desperate for China to fight with Vietnam, the Philippines and other countries on the South China Sea issue, and all the actions of the United States now have the intention of provoking China.

If the South China Sea issue really breaks out, it will be in the arms of the United States, which can pull China into the water with a little provocation, and then use the excuse of China to launch a war to unite most countries in the world to launch the largest sanctions against China in history.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!


The South China Sea issue absolutely cannot be resolved simply and rudely, but we will not tolerate any violation of China's sovereignty.

The Philippines' supply of the stranded Sierra Madre has always been under Chinese control, and China knows everything that happens at Ren'ai Reef.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

If the Philippines wants to make any new moves at Ren'ai Jiao, China's coast guard ships and warships can deal with it as soon as possible.

The Philippines' goal at this stage is to deliver building materials to the Sierra Madre, but if they want to forcibly break through China's blockade, they can only get a change in China's response style, and I am afraid that even living materials will not be able to be delivered by then.

4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!
4 ships from the Philippines broke into Ren'ai Reef again, 12 Chinese ships are waiting in strict formation, and the coast guard is "teaching to be a man"!

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