
Investing hundreds of millions of yuan to develop graphene home textiles, Douyin e-commerce live broadcast selling a "small goal" a year

author:Henan Business Daily

Top news reporter Liu Yuanhuai

After nearly 30 years of immersion in the home textile industry, Yu Shilin finally made her ideal product: a home textile product with graphene as the main component, which not only has both practical and aesthetic value, but is more beneficial to the user's body.

High-quality products took the "express train" of Douyin e-commerce, and Yu Shilin's "Youjia" brand sold more than 100 million yuan in one year. "The live broadcast room allows many consumers to go from understanding the product to trusting the product, and finally completing the order, which was completely unimaginable before."

Good home textiles can bring people a feeling of beauty

"I like beautiful things and I prefer things that give people a sense of beauty." Talking about her thoughts when she first entered the home textile industry at the end of the last century, Yu Shilin said that she wanted to work in this industry that can bring people a feeling of beauty.

At that time, as a professional manager of Guangdong Foshan home textile manufacturer, she was mainly responsible for the sales and management of the factory. In 2006, in order to seek greater development, she came to Nantong, which occupies half of China's textile industry, and ran her own home textile industry factory, mainly engaged in international trade.

After the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in 2020, the impact on foreign trade business in the short term was greater. "It just so happened that a company invited me to do live streaming e-commerce with them, and I started to enter this field." Yu Shilin said.

Investing hundreds of millions of yuan to develop graphene home textiles, Douyin e-commerce live broadcast selling a "small goal" a year

Yu Shilin founded the "Youjia" home textile brand less than a year

At that time, Yu Shilin had founded the "Youjia" home textile brand for less than a year. "The You family has the meaning of blessing the family, and I have always wanted to make products that are beneficial to human health." Yu Shilin said that he has taken many detours when he first entered the field of live broadcast e-commerce.

"It's something new to me, there are a lot of rules to understand." Speaking of which, Yu Shilin Yong "ups and downs" to describe the development at that time. Through continuous research and learning from peers, "I also paid a lot of 'tuition', slowly learned a lot of things, and learned more about this field." ”

With the continuous understanding of live streaming e-commerce, the sales of Yu Shilin brand are also rising. "From September 28, 2022 to now, nearly a year ago, sales have reached 100 million." Yu Shilin said that although the profit margin is not very high, the increase in sales is also beneficial to the brand.

Invested hundreds of millions of yuan to develop graphene home textiles

In addition to studying on sales channels, Yu Shilin also has his own insistence on home textile products. "I founded the Youjia brand to pass on my health concept to consumers through the brand, and I have always wanted to make a product that is really helpful to the human body."

The graphene research team of Professor Gao Chao of Zhejiang University gave Yu Shilin inspiration. In order to develop graphene home textiles, Yu Shilin has invested hundreds of millions of yuan to support scientific research teams to apply graphene to home textiles.

Investing hundreds of millions of yuan to develop graphene home textiles, Douyin e-commerce live broadcast selling a "small goal" a year

"Yujia" is a hot selling product

"New products need to have a complete test report, and millions of yuan have been invested in order to test these graphene home textile products." Yu Shilin said that as a new thing, she and her mother are both beneficiaries of the product, and the price of the product is only one-tenth of the price of a duvet.

Yu Shilin told reporters that graphene can effectively reduce mites and release negative oxygen ions. More importantly, the composition of graphene is carbon, and its infrared band is consistent with the human body's band, which can not only promote blood circulation, but also improve sleep quality.

Investing hundreds of millions of yuan to develop graphene home textiles, Douyin e-commerce live broadcast selling a "small goal" a year

"Yujia" is a hot selling product

"Most of a person's time is spent in sleep, and the home textile products used during sleep must have value for the body in addition to fabric value and aesthetic value." Yu Shilin explained her new concept of home textile products, but how to let more consumers understand the value of products faster, traditional sales methods and channels have their natural limitations, and there is no better way, until she began to try to do live broadcasts on Douyin e-commerce.

Douyin Live breaks through space limitations and brings a new sales model

Yu Shilin, who has been in the home textile industry for nearly 30 years, said frankly that since he came into contact with live streaming e-commerce, he has opened the door to a new world. "What can't be achieved through traditional channels can be achieved through the platform of live broadcasting."

For example, Yu Shilin said that in the past, a shopping mall with 10,000 people was already very full, but the live broadcast room can break through the space limitation and let the flow of people no longer be limited. "In the past, it was difficult to gather so many people and introduce your own products, but now the live broadcast room can easily do it."

At the same time, in the live broadcast room, consumers can also realize the transformation from understanding the product, to trusting the product, and then to placing an order for the product. "This is a big change, and the traditional channels in the past are not so intuitive and impactful."

What impressed Yu Shilin the most was the interaction between the anchor and the consumer in the live broadcast room. "Streamers can capture consumers' interest, interact with consumers, and let consumers follow the pace of the anchor to understand the product."

After the space limitation is broken, it brings a new sales model, and direct interaction with consumers can bring new design concepts and sales concepts. "A truly excellent brand not only needs excellent product power, but also needs to constantly build excellent brand power according to the needs of consumers." Yu Shilin said that on the new track of Douyin live e-commerce, she is confident to achieve more "small goals" and bring more high-quality and good goods to consumers.