
Eating more mushrooms in autumn not only detoxifies and moisturizes the intestines, but also improves human immunity

author:Nutritionist Wang Xiaobing

As the saying goes, "eat fungi in autumn, race over ginseng", after entering the autumn, you should make up for more supplements to the body to make up for the energy and nutrients lost in summer, rich in nutrients and easily digestible fungi are very suitable for eating more.

Eating more mushrooms in autumn not only detoxifies and moisturizes the intestines, but also improves human immunity

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Among them, the mouth mushroom is a good product for autumn nourishment, and there is a saying of "one fungus supplements three autumns". Mouth mushroom, also known as white mill, cloud plate mushroom, contains selenium, magnesium, zinc, calcium and other more than a dozen trace elements, but also contains a variety of amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamin B2, dietary fiber, protein, vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin B1, fat and other nutrients.

The selenium element rich in mouth mushroom is second only to Ganoderma lucidum, which is a good treatment effect for diseases caused by lack of selenium, and can also help lower blood pressure and reduce blood viscosity, thereby regulating thyroid function and improving immunity.

Eating more mushrooms in autumn not only detoxifies and moisturizes the intestines, but also improves human immunity

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Mouth mushrooms are rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, absorb excess sugar and cholesterol in the intestine and promote their excretion, promote human digestion, moisturize the intestines and laxative, and also play a good protective role on the liver.

Mouth mushrooms also contain a lot of vitamin D, which can promote calcium absorption and prevent osteoporosis.

Studies have found that mouth mushrooms are the only vegetables that provide vitamin D, and when white mushrooms are exposed to ultraviolet light, they produce large amounts of vitamin D.

Eating more mushrooms in autumn not only detoxifies and moisturizes the intestines, but also improves human immunity

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In addition, the whitemouth mushroom also contains a rare natural amino acid antioxidant - metioine. Researchers have found that glithione levels in white-mouthed mushrooms are more than 12 times higher than malt and more than 4 times that of chicken liver.

Although the nutritional value of mouth mushrooms is very high, patients with serious gastrointestinal diseases and kidney diseases should not eat, mouth mushrooms contain a substance called chitin, which hinders gastrointestinal digestion and absorption.

At the same time, mouth mushrooms may also become allergens, and people who are allergic to mouth mushrooms should not eat them.

Eating more mushrooms in autumn not only detoxifies and moisturizes the intestines, but also improves human immunity

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Mouth mushrooms should be selected with rounded lids, smooth surfaces, thick edges, and relatively complete shapes; To choose a small shape, light weight, thick meat, the diameter of the umbrella is within an inch, the cover surface is convex, the edge is complete and tightly rolled, the stem is short for the top grade, and it should be white and smooth, no traces of sediment sticking, the fungus is tight and uniform, the color is light yellow, dry, the aroma should be rich, no mold, insects and roots sticking with sediment.