
How to make a Mini Program Mall for online product sales?

author:Ningxia Yuke Network

As long as you need to sell products/services, operate membership, marketing, etc. online, you can use the mall to achieve it. With the rapid development of e-commerce, many traditional offline merchants, whether single-store/multi-store merchants or manufacturers, hope to solve customer acquisition, sales operations, increase the conversion rate of repeat purchases, membership operations and empower offline store operations through online development.

Many merchants generally choose to settle in third-party e-commerce platforms, of course, the advantages are naturally not small, but they also face some problems: entry fees/commissions/advertising fees/traffic fees, etc., there are a large number of merchants gathered in the platform, the competition is not small compared to offline, and the customers do not belong to themselves, it is difficult to share externally, and the internal self-owned operation degree is low.

Therefore, many merchants choose to build their own shopping platform to build their own brand and customer operation, which requires merchants to choose a reliable and functional and systematic platform to build their own sales mall.

The mall system is generally divided into computer terminal, mobile phone terminal and mini program end, at present, there are more customers who make mini program mall, but the other two ends also have the need to do, through the establishment of multi-terminal mall can play a role in traffic mutual introduction, to meet the effect of customer consumption at any time.

So how should merchants make a marketplace?

Yuke Online Mall ( is an online mall construction platform, a large number of mall templates covering 100+ industries, replacing and modifying content, design and construction, setting functions can be put into use, effectively helping enterprises reduce the source and quickly go online.

How to make a Mini Program Mall for online product sales?

A variety of ready-made functions of the mobile micro-mall (follow-up continuous update and iteration), including membership system, commodity system, order function, data function, distribution function, marketing function, interactive function, etc., support multi-merchant entry mode and merchant direct operation mode, background refined management, mall drag-and-drop adjustment and modification design, even one person can operate freely.

How to make a Mini Program Mall for online product sales?

The industry operates a variety of delivery methods and payment methods on the selling platform, and at the same time is equipped with gift cards, invoice assistants, delivery billing, docking ERP and other functions to improve the operation of the entire mall.

How to make a Mini Program Mall for online product sales?

The online sales mall has a three-end multi-traffic entrance, continuously improving customer experience and online multi-platform operation, exquisite content setting and post-maintenance, based on online operation, and continuously improving the revenue of enterprises in all aspects.

How to make a Mini Program Mall for online product sales?

Now build a business platform for various industry malls through the Yuke online mall platform.

How to make a Mini Program Mall for online product sales?